Inu's Playground

Well - here are few links to places I like to play at. Some are fun, some are silly, and some are just plain stupid. Anyways, you can start at my silly Award's Page or with these a daily cartoons ...
Daily cartoons
     from Gibbleguts

     Gibbleguts Comic Zine Visit the official Snapshots site for more.


face The OuterNet - a bunch of links to all that is weird.

face SchwaSpace - BEWARE!

face Centre for the Easily Amused - that's me. :)

face Awaken your Creativity at Camp SARK!

face Gummipalooza - a tribute to SUGAR

face still more SUGAR at M&Ms Studios

Big List of Movie Mistakes - some are actually quite funny

If you were an Intergalactic Explorer who would you be?

Andy's Circus Links - because everyone loves the circus :)

face sometimes my head has a bit of Space in it - hehee!

face Fan Fic on the Net - it's storytime!

face last, not least, my net family: AGM :)

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Take a trip to my Zoo Explore my Junkyard Stare at my Bookshelf Back to Inu's Space

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