Curriculum Vitae
Name |
Fouarge, Didier J. A. G. |
Date of birth |
August 14, 1970 |
Palce of birth |
Namur, Belgium |
Nationality |
Belgian |
Marital status |
Married |
Sex |
Male |
Home address |
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Private phone |
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Office address |
Organisatie voor Strategisch Arbeidsmarktonderzoek (OSA; Institute for Labour Studies) and Tilburg Institute for Social and Socio-Economic Research (TISSER), Tilburg University P.O. Box 90153 5000 LE Tilburg The Netherlands |
Office phone |
++31 (0)13 4663095 / ++31 (0)13 4663676 |
1982 - 1988 |
Secondary Education, Namur, Belgium |
1988 - 1989 |
English at the South Devon College of Arts & Technology, Torquay, England Certificates: - First Certificate in English; University of Cambridge - Certificate of Proficiency; University of Cambridge - 'Co co' Certificate; University of Cambridge |
1989 - 1994 |
Economics at the Université Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium Completed in June 1994 with a dissertation on poverty: "Poverty Among Belgian and Dutch Elderly Populations" |
1991 - 1992 |
Economics at Maastricht University, the Netherlands (Eramus program) Preparation of dissertation on poverty at Tilburg University, the Netherlands |
09.1994 - 12.1994 |
Panel data en Latente Variabels, Tilburg University, the Netherlands |
07.1995 |
PSID Summer Workshop, Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA |
09.1995 - 12.1995 |
Lineair Structurele Analyse (LISREL), Utrecht University, the Netherlands |
01.1996 - 04.1996 |
Didactical skills, Tilburg University, the Netherlands |
09.1994 - 09.1998 |
PhD at the Tilburg University (Faculty of Social Science), the Netherlands Thesis defended on 25 June 2002: Minimum Protection and Poverty in Europe. An Economic Analysis of the Subsidiarity Principle within EU Social Policy" |
09.1998 - 03.1999 |
Lecturer at the Tilburg University (Faculty of Social Science), the Netherlands Course: Effects of social security. Income distribution and labour market |
03.1999 - … |
Researcher at OSA (Insitute for Labour Studies) |
03.1999 - … |
Post-doc at the Tilburg Institute for Social and Socio-Economic Research (TISSER), Tilburg University |
French |
High proficiency |
English |
High proficiency |
Dutch |
High proficiency |
Knowledge of various speadsheets programs, text editors and statistical software (STATA, SAS, SPSS, LISREL, MINITAB, SORITEC) Driving licence, B Hobbies: fencing, cycling, photography |
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