PUBLICATIONS by Didier Fouarge


Fouarge, D. & P. Ester (2007, forthcoming). Determinants of international and regional migration intentions in Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

Kerkhofs, M., D. Fouarge and P. Ester (2007, forthcoming). Financiële prikkels en voorkeuren bij uittreding: resultaten uit een experimenteel onderzoek. Tilburg : OSA publlicatie.

Pavlopoulos, D., D Fouarge, R. Muffels & J. K. Vermunt (2007, forthcoming). 'Who benefits from a job change: The dwarfs or the giants?' Schmollers Jahrbuch. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies.


Baaijens, C. & D. Fouarge (2006). Arbeidsduur: wensen en realisaties. In: Baaijens, C., P. Ester & J. Schippers (eds.). De toekomst van de arbeidstijden. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press. (ISBN 90 361 00 399, pp. 53–78)

van Damme, M., D. Fouarge & R. Luijkx (2006). ‘Dynamiek in deprivatie. Een vergelijking van elf Europese welvaartsstaten’. Mens en Maatschappij, 81 (2): 142–165.

Fouarge, D. (2006). ‘Helpt kinderopvang de herintreding van moeders stimuleren?’. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 22 (3): 268-279.

Fouarge, D. & C. Baaijens (2006). 'Labour supply preferences and job mobility of Dutch employees'. In: Messenger, J., J-Y. Boulin, M. Lallement, and F. Michon (eds.). Decent working time: new trends new issues. Geneva: ILO (ISBN 978-92-2-117950-4, pp. 155-179).

Fouarge, D. & P. Ester (2006). ‘Long distance mobility and migration intentions in Europe’. Over.Werk, 3/2006: 9-14.

Fouarge, D. & P. Ester (2006). 'Determinants of migration intentions in Europe. Exodus or bounded mobility?'. Paper for the Innovating Labour Market Policies, Tansitional Labour Markets and Flexicurity, Amsterdam (NL), 30.11/1.12.2006.

Fouarge, D., A. Gielen, R. Grim, M. Kerkhofs, A. Román, J. Schippers & T. Wilthagen (2006). Trendrapport aanbod van arbeid 2005. Tilburg: OSA publlicatie A220. (ISBN 906566 0836, 155 pp.)

Fouarge, D., B. Huynen & T. Schils (2006). 'Patronen van uittreding en hun inkomensgevolgen'. In: Ester, P., R. Muffels and J. Schippers. Dynamiek en levensloop: de arbeidsmarkt in transitie. Amsterdam : Dutch University Press.pp. (ISBN 90-232-4257-2, pp. 159-180)

Pavlopoulos, D. & D. Fouarge (2006). ‘Escaping the low pay trap: do labour market entrants stand a chance?’. OSA Working Paper 2006-25.

Schils, T., D. Fouarge & M. Kerkhofs (2006). Loon en werk na werkloosheid. Tilburg: OSA publlicatie A221. (ISBN 906566 0933, 68 pp.)

Vandenbrande, T., L. Coppin, P. van der Hallen, P. Ester, D. Fouarge, A. Fasang, S. Geerdes and K. Schömann (2006). Mobility in Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (ISBN 92-897-0955-3, 82 pp.)


Fouarge, D. & C. Baaijens (2005). ‘Changes in working hours and job mobility. The effect of Dutch legislation’. TLM.NET Working Paper No. 2005-24. Amsterdam: SISWO/Social Policy Research. (ISSN Nr. 15.72.3380-24)

Fouarge, D., B. Huynen & W. Uunk, W. (2005). Herintreding van vrouwen; regionale effecten van kinderopvang en economie. Tilburg: OSA publicatie A214 (ISBN 906566 0232).

Fouarge, D., B. Huynen & W. Uunk (forthcoming 2005). ‘Kinderopvang niet doorslaggevend voor herintreding vrouwen in Nederland’. Over.Werk 4/2005: 181-186 (ISSN 1379-7034).

Fouarge, D. & R. Layte (2005). ‘Welfare regimes and poverty dynamics: the duration and recurrence of poverty spells in Europe’. Journal of Social Policy 34 (3): 407-426.

Fouarge, D. & R. Muffels (ongoing). ‘Effects of social capital on income and income mobility. A cross-country comparison’. EPUNet 2005 conference, June 30 2005 – July 2 2005, Colchester, UK. (+ECINEQ, 20-22 July 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain)

Huynen, B. & D. Fouarge (2005). ‘Inkomenseffecten van uittreding’. Sociaal-Economische Trends, 1ste kwartaal 2005: 49—56.

Pavlopoulos, D. & D. Fouarge (ongoing). Escaping the low pay trap : do labour market entrants stand a chance. LoWER Annual Conference 2005, Mannheim, Germany, 15-16 April 2005. (+ BHPS 2005 conference, June 30 2005 – July 2 2005, Colchester, UK)


Arts, W., H. Entzinger, R. Muffels (with K. Boos & D. Fouarge) (2004). Verzorgingsstaat vaar wel. Assen : Koninklijke Van Gorcum. (ISBN 90 232 3866 4 ; 246 pp.)

Fouarge, D. (2004). Poverty and subsidiarity in Europe. Minimum protection from an economic perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Fouarge, D. & C. Baaijens (2004). ‘Changes of working hours and job mobility: the effect of Dutch legislation’. OSA Working Paper 2004-23, mei 2004.

Fouarge, D. & C. Baaijens (2004). Labour supply preference and job mobility of Dutch employees. In: Degenne, A., J-F. Giret, C. Guégnard, J-J. Paul & P. Werquin (eds.), Genre et données longitudinales. XIes journées d’analyse longitudinale du marché du travail. Marseille: Centre d’étude et de recherche sur les qualifications. (pp. 21–32) (ISBN 2 11 094747 0)

Fouarge, D., R. Grim, M. Kerkhofs, A. Román & T. Wilthagen (2004). Trendrapport aanbod van arbeid 2003. Tilburg: OSA-publicatie A205 (ISBN 906566 2022; 137 pp.)

Fouarge, D., B. Huynen & T. Schils (2004). To retire or continue working? An analysis of the early retirement behaviour of Dutch workers. Tilburg: OSA publicatie A207 (ISBN 906566 2723; 77pp.)

Fouarge, D., W. Uunk & R. Muffels (2004). Unemployment transitions among older and younger persons in Europe: is there a unique State–Socialist pattern?. Paper for the Second International Conference of ECHP Users (EPUNET), Berlin, June 24-26, 2004.

Huynen, B. & Fouarge, D. (2004). Hoogopgeleiden kort werkloos maar lang arbeidsongeschikt, Sociaal-Economische Trends, 3de kwartaal 2004: 41–49.

Layte, R. & D. Fouarge (2004). ‘The dynamics of income poverty’. In: Berthoud, R. & M. Iacovou (eds.). Social Europe. Living Standards and Welfare States. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (pp. 202–224)(ISBN: 1 84376 676 0)

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge (2004). ‘The role of European welfare states in explaining resources deprivation’. Social Indicators Research 68 (3): 299-330.

Román, A., D. Fouarge & R. Luijkx (2004). Career consequences of part-time work : results from Dutch panel data 1990-2001. Tilburg: OSA-publicatie A206. (ISBN 9065662324 ; 75 pp.)

Smulders, P., L. De Lathouwer & D. Fouarge (2004). Arbeid en sociale zekerheid: start van een serie. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 20 (2): 121–123.


Baaijens, C. & D. Fouarge. Verandering van arbeidsduur en baan. ESB, 88e jrg, nr. 4416 (17 oktober 2003): 496-498.

Baaijens, C. & D. Fouarge. Arbeidstijdwens en aanpassing van de arbeidsduur in Nederland. Over.Werk 13 (4): 160-164.

Bekker, S., D. Fouarge, M. Kerkhofs, A. Román, M. de Voogd-Hamelink, T. Wilhagen, C. de Wolff. Trendrapport vraag naar arbeid 2002. Tilburg: OSA-publicatie A200 (ISBN 906566 0623; 147 pp).

De Lathouwer, L. & D. Fouarge. De drie W’s en de werkgelegenheidsconferentie in België. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 19 (4): 269–271.

Ester, P. D. Fouarge, M. Kerkhofs & A. Román. ICT, arbeid en organisatie. Den Haag: Reed Business Information (ISBN 90 5901 231 3; 321 pp).

Ester, P. D. Fouarge, M. Kerkhofs & A. Román. ‘ICT, arbeid en organisatie: macro-, meso- en microfacetten’. In: Ester, P. D. Fouarge, M. Kerkhofs & A. Román. ICT, arbeid en organisatie. Den Haag: Reed Business Information. (pp. 9-15).

Ester, P. D. Fouarge, M. Kerkhofs & A. Román. ‘ICT, arbeid en de nieuwe kennissamenleving: terugblik en vooruitblik’. In: Ester, P. D. Fouarge, M. Kerkhofs & A. Román. ICT, arbeid en organisatie. Den Haag: Reed Business Information. (pp. 261-270).

Fouarge, D. Costs of non-social policy: towards an economic framework of quality social policies – and the costs of not having them. Report for the Employment and Social Affairs DG. (63 pp.) pdf-version of the report

Fouarge, D. & C. Baaijens. Veranderende arbeidstijden. Slagen werknemers er in hun voorkeuren te realiseren? Tilburg: OSA-publicatie A199 (ISBN 9065660526; 113 pp).

Fouarge D. & R. Layte. Duration of poverty spells in Europe. EPAG Working paper 2003-47. (37 pp.)

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. ‘The role of European welfare states in explaining resources deprivation’. EPAG Working Paper 2003-41, Essex (also as OSA Working Paper 2003-22, Tilburg). (43 pp.)


Fouarge, D. Minimum Protection and Poverty in Europe. An Economic Analysis of the Subsidiarity Principle within EU Social Policy. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis (ISBN 90 5170 624 3). pdf-version

Fouarge, D., R. Grim, M. Kerkhofs, J. P. Vosse & C. de Wolff. Trendrapport aanbod van arbeid 2001. Tilburg: OSA-publicatie A190.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. ‘Social exclusion in European welfare states’. In: Berghman J., A. Nagelkerke, K. Boos, R. Doeschot & G. Vonk (eds.). Social Security in Transition. Studies in Employment and Social Policy. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. ISBN 90 411 1969 8. (pp. 47-62).

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. ‘Working profiles and employment regimes in Europe’. Schmollers Jahrbuch. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies 122 (1): 85-110.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. ‘Employment Regimes and Labour Market Attachment: Evidence from the ECHP’. In: Muffels, R., P. Tsakloglou & D. Mayes (eds.). Social Exclusion in European Welfare States. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (pp. 51-77).

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. ‘Do European Welfare Regimes Matter in Explaining Social Exclusion?’. In: Muffels, R., P. Tsakloglou & D. Mayes (eds.). Social Exclusion in European Welfare States. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (pp. 202-232).

Muffels, R.J.A. & Fouarge, D.J.A.G. (2002). Cyclical Poverty in Matured Welfare States. In -- (Ed.), Knowledge for Sustainable Development. An Insight into the Encyclopedia of Life Support. (pp. 30). Oxford: Eolss Publishers.


Fouarge, D. 'Versnelde loongroei en arbeidsmobiliteit in Nederland'. Over.Werk / Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WAV No. 4/2001: 150-153.

Fouarge, D. 'Subsidiarity and Poverty in the European Union: Fiscal Competition or Co-ordination?'. Paper for the XXIèmes Journées de l'Association d'Economie Sociale 'Intégration européenne et économie sociale', 13-14 september 2001, Lille, France. (39 p.) [Published as EXSPRO Working Paper No. 3]

Fouarge, D., M. Kerkhofs, A. de Voogd-Hamelink, J.P. Vosse & C. de Wolff. Trendrapport vraag naar arbeid 2000. OSA-publicatie A177.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. 'Woking profiles and employment regimes in European perspective'. OSA Working Paper 2001-12.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. Explaining income poverty and resources deprivation in European welfare states. Work and Organization Research Centre (WORC), Work Report 01.06.08.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. 'Do European Welfare Regimes Matter in Explaining Social Exclusion? Dynamic analyses of the relationship between income poverty and deprivation: a comparative perspective'. Paper for the 15th ESPE Conference to be held at Athens University, June 14-16, 2001.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. The Dynamics of Income and Consumption Deprivation in European Welfare States. EXSPRO meeting, 15/17 March 2001, Athens.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. 'Social Exclusion and Poverty: Definition, Public Debate and Empirical Evidence in the Netherlands'. In: Mayes, D., J. Berghman & R. Salais (eds.). Social exclusion and European Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. 'Social exclusion and the 'enabling society': A European perspective'. Paper for the "Symposium 2001. A second century of social security: social integration in the 21st century", Thursday 14 June and Friday 15 June, The Hague, the Netherlands Symposium 2001.


Fisher, K., D. Fouarge, R. Muffels & V. Verma. 'Examining Flexible Labour in Europe - The First Three Waves of the ECHP'. ISER Working Paper 2000-29. Paper for the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology (RC33), Cologne, October 3 - 6, 2000.

Fouarge, D. & M. Kerkhofs. ‘Krappe markt remt flexibilisering’. ESB 4240: 80-82.

Fouarge, D., M. Kerkhofs & J.P. Vosse. 'Wenstijdwet en krappe arbeidsmarkt'. ESB 4273: 768-770.

Fouarge, D. & R. Muffels. 'Persistent poverty in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK: a model-based approach using panel data for the 1990s'. OSA-Working paper WP2000-4 (also available as EPAG Working paper 2000-15).

Fouarge, D. & R. Muffels. ‘Model-based estimates of longitudinal poverty for the Netherlands, Germany and the UK’. Paper for the 14th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, Bonn 15-17 june 2000.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. 'Insecurity, Labour Market Exclusion and Income Poverty Evidence from Wave 1 and Wave 2 of the ECHP'. EPAG Working Paper 2000-13.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. ‘Social exclusion and poverty: conceptualisation, public debate and empirical evidence in the Netherlands’. Paper for the project on Exclusion and Social Protection (Exspro), Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. ‘Labour market attachment, income poverty and consumption deprivation. How successful are employment regimes to cope with exclusion? A comparative study based on the 1994 to 1996 waves of the ECHP’. Paper for the 3rd meeting of the Exclusion and Social Protection Group (Exspro), May 27-28 2000, Copenhagen.

Muffels, R., D. Fouarge & R. Dekker. 'Longitudinal poverty and income inequality. A comparative panel study for the Netherlands, Germany and the UK'. OSA-Working paper WP2000-6 (Revised version of EPAG Working Paper 1).


Berghman, J. & D. Fouarge. ‘Socijalna zaštika kao produktivan Cimbenik’. Revija za Socijalnu Politiku 6 (1): 65-82.

Fouarge, D., M. Kerkhofs, M. de Voogd, J. P. Vosse & C. de Wolff. Trendrapport aanbod van arbeid 1999. OSA publicatie A169.

Fouarge, D., R. Dekker & R. Muffels. A model-based approach to persistent poverty. Paper for the TSER project European Panel Analysis, 18-19 june, Berlin.

Muffels, R., D. Fouarge & R. Dekker. Longitudinal poverty and income inequality. A comparative panel study for the Netherlands, Germany and the UK. European Panel Analysis Group (EPAG) Working Paper 1. (Paper also presented at the 13th Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, Turin, Italy, 24/26 June 1999.) [paper downloadable from the EPAG homepage]

Muffels, R., D. Fouarge & E. Snel. ‘Langdurige, hardnekkige armoede’. ESB 4199: 296-298.

Verma, V., H. Russel, B. Nolan, R. Muffels, D. Fouarge, K. Fisher & J. Gershuny. ECHP - Flexible labour and its impact on earnings and poverty. Report for Eurostat (Call for tender 96/S 99-57617/EN Lot25).


Berghman, J, D. Fouarge & K. Govaerts. Social protection as a productive factor. Collecting evidence of trends and cases in the EU. Report at the demand of the Commission of the EU - DG V. Leuven: European Institute of Social Security.

Dirven, H.-J. & D. Fouarge. ‘Impoverishment and social exclusion: a dynamic perspective on income and relative deprivation in Belgium and the Netherlands’. In: H.-J. Andress (ed.). Empirical Poverty Research in a Comparative Perspective. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Dirven, H.-J., D. Fouarge & R. Muffels. ‘Poverty in the Netherlands’. In: J. Dixon & D. Macarov (eds.). Poverty: a persistent global reality. London: Routledge.

Muffels, R. & D. Fouarge. Welfare dynamics in three typical welfare states. Panel data for West-Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, 1991-1995. Paper voor de TSER European Panel Analysis group, 3-4 juni, Dublin.

Muffels, R., E. Snel, D. Fouarge & S. Karyotis. ‘Armoedecarrières. Dynamiek en determinanten van armoede’. In: G. Engbersen, J. Vrooman & E. Snel (eds.). Effecten van armoede. Derde jaarrapport armoede en sociale uitsluiting. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


Fouarge, D. Minimum protection and subsidiarity in Europe: preliminary results. Paper for the European Institute of Social Security Workshop/Seminar, 31 maart - 6 april 1997, Portaria, Griekenland.

Fouarge, D. & H.-J. Dirven. Effecten van sociale zekerheid: theorie, empirie en beleid van inkomensverdeling en arbeidsmarkt. KUB, Vakgroep Sociale Zekerheids-wetenschap, Dictaat 451.97.002.

Heady, B., R. Muffels, H-J. Dirven, D. Fouarge & B. Goodin. Income inequality and log-term poverty in three typical welfare states: Short, medium and long-term panel results for U.S.A., Germany, and the Netherlands in the period 1985-94. Paper for the NSV Marktdagen Sociologie, 29 mei 1997, Utrecht.

Muffels R. & D. Fouarge. 'Duurzaamheid van armoede in Nederland 1985-1995. Blijfkansen in armoede en determinanten van instroom en uitstroom'. In: G. Engbersen, J. Vrooman & E. Snel (eds.). Jaarrapport armoede en sociale uitsluiting 1997. Den-Haag: VUGA.


Fouarge, D. Le principe de subsidiarité en Europe et son application en termes de minimum vital. Paper for the XVIèmes Journées de l'Association d'Economie Sociale, 12-13 september 1996, Rennes, Frankrijk.

Fouarge, D. & H.-J. Dirven. Issues in the analysis of deprivation dynamics. Paper for the Fourth International Social Science Methodology Conference, 1-5 juli 1996, Colchester, Engeland.

Dirven, H.-J. & D. Fouarge. Income mobility and deprivation dynamics among the elderly in Belgium and the Netherlands. Tilburg: WORC Paper 96.05.005/2. [downloadable here]

Dirven, H.-J., D. Fouarge & R. Muffels. Poverty in the Netherlands. Tilburg: WORC Paper 96.12.024/2.


Fouarge, D. 'Instruments pour une analyse de la pauvreté'. Présages, 1, pp. 6-16. Namur: Facultés des Sciences Economiques et Sociales.

Fouarge, D. & H.-J. Dirven. 'Income dynamics among the elderly: Results of an international comparative study'. In: Actes des XVèmes Journées de l'Association d'Economie Sociale, Volume 1, pp. 409-429. Nancy: Berger-Levrault GTI.

Dirven, H.-J. & D. Fouarge. Impoverishment and social exclusion: A dynamic perspective on income poverty and relative deprivation in Belgium and the Netherlands. Paper for the International Conference on Empirical Poverty Research, 17-18 november 1995, Bielefeld, Duitsland.

Muffels, R., H.-J. Dirven & D. Fouarge. The dynamics of income and deprivation of three generations of the elderly. Tilburg: WORC-paper 95.08.020/2.

Muffels R., H.-J. Dirven & D. Fouarge. Armoede, bestaansonzekerheid en relatieve deprivatie: rapport 1995. De ontwikkeling van armoede in Nederland met bijzondere aandacht voor de situatie van ouderen en werkenden. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.