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Suzi Q's Old Guest Book

Thank You for your comments. They are greatly appreciated.

Your sis - 08/17/00 05:56:14
My Email:blah@blah.com
Favourite food: blah
Best ever movie: blah blah
Favourite book: the blah of blahs

your page sux suzi

Ed Barlow - 08/11/00 04:38:36
My Email:e_barlow@hotmail.com
Favourite food: pizza
Best ever movie: THe Matrix
Favourite book: Lord of the Rings

Have a nice day

Raheel Jamal - 02/25/00 13:51:37
My Email:raheel777@yahoo.com
Favourite food: all
Best ever movie: titanic,prety woman
Favourite book: lot of

You made very lovely page and u r cute too :)

^RuFFLeS^ - 09/10/99 10:24:15
My Email:rfelushko@ozemail.com.au
Favourite food: Ruffles chips
Best ever movie: Bambi
Favourite book: 101 things to do with a dead cat

Grab a bottle of Bundy: drink it; and then see how Bundaberg is spelled. :-

Kaushal Gunaratne - 07/11/99 14:24:08
My URL:http://www.copyline.com/grafx
My Email:grafx58@hotmail.com
Favourite food: 99cents Pasta
Best ever movie: Armageddon
Favourite book: Playboy

Hi Suzanne... I like the photos in your page. I think you look grate in those.

Ali Barber - 05/03/99 12:02:15

This bites

10/14/98 03:13:59
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Dickachenzie - 09/15/98 01:55:36
Favourite food: Beer
Best ever movie: Travis does Dallas
Favourite book: Travis does Rossie

Rossie 4 Travis Travis 4 Rossie Rossie 4 Travis Travis 4 Rossie Rossie 4 Travis Travis 4 Rossie Rossie 4 Travis Travis 4 Rossie Rossie 4 Travis Travis 4 Rossie

currie muncher - 08/17/98 08:13:56
My Email:hash_6@hotmail.com
Favourite food: beer
Best ever movie: mary poppins
Favourite book: anything with nudity

Well well I am disappointed that the stallion is not on here yet. And Adam is the man. Crocket loves Googles.. And Dan sucks cock!!!! Did i say Adam is the man!!!!!

Travis - 08/03/98 05:46:42
My Email:travis_taylor@mailcity.com
Favourite food: any
Best ever movie: debbie does dishes
Favourite book: penthouse

well well it seems i have finally viewed it and still no pictures of me on here! I am so upset now!!!!!

Richard - 08/03/98 01:20:07
My URL:http://www.tripod.com/members/~MattSims/
My Email:rgogolin@hotmail.com
Favourite food: The Edible Type
Best ever movie: Ben Hur - It was big !
Favourite book: Mary Poppins

Ahhh....A a delightful consiach of lifes images. Ummm...Did you say there were dinasours at this site dinasours ?

Thanuja - 07/11/98 06:05:01
Favourite food: chocolate
Best ever movie: TiTanic
Favourite book: Tv Guide


rashu - 07/07/98 02:47:43
My Email:amcneilly@hotmail.com
Favourite food: pasta
Best ever movie: a clock work orange
Favourite book: hitler

very sufisticated great attention to detail bye.......

Samantha - 06/25/98 02:14:51
My Email:usherno1fan@hotmail.com
Favourite food: Pizza
Best ever movie: Speed

I am your sister and the frist person to sign your guestbook

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