Greetings!! This page is chock full with pictures of me. As U can obviously see, I love taken pictures. This page has pictures of my as a little girl, a teenager, and the woman I am becoming 2day. Hope you enjoy the show!


Cap and gown graphic Accepting degree

My family graphic LSU c/o Summer '98 LSU c/o Summer '98 Graduation Party

Alpha Phi Omega 3D crest.

The following pictures are from my coed service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, functions.

This is from the Fall '98 banquet and afterparty.

Fall '98 APO banquet

Karen and I @        Fall '98 banquet.
Cheez!! Fall '98        afterparty

This is from the Spring 1999 Banquet, when I was award the Distinguished Service Key (DSK).

My sis and I after       she crossed over.

Holding &        wearing my DSK

Receiving the chapter's       highest award Spring '99

These are pictures of "stepping", done by Traditional African American frats and sororities. (ALThough we are multi-cultural.)

Females Stepping @ afterparty,        Spr'99

The men stepping

At APO afterparty        F'99

This is while on a church TRip to Hicksville, eerr, I mean Greenville TX (Never seen so many of dem dere crickets in ma life!!!)

In GreenvilLe, Hickville, TX Leaving Hicks, er..        Greenville


This is me at my 25th brithday party-an "Exhale" party. (Like the birthday scene in Waiting To Exhale)


25th b-day party

It's my Birthday, It's my        birthday!!

Christmas 1999

Small, but better        Charlie Brown's!! Christmas 1999

This is from the Mardi Gras Orpheus parade. The evening gown pic is from the 1999 Zulu Ball.

Orpheus parade. Mardi        Gras 2000 A bounty of beads Zulu Ball, 1999 Who's this dude?

That's all folks!!!
