University of Ottawa Hong Kong Students Association

This page contains the list of emails sent to the members.

register your email address to receive automated email notices of events updates [ken_ra_uo@hotmail.com].

New Year Dinner - Additional Information
[28/01/02] Here is additional info that was requested by the members about the New Year Dinner...

Chinese New Year Dinner & International Week
[28/01/02] On behalf of the executive staff and myself we would like to officially welcome all our members...

Asian Dance 2002
[23/01/02] On behalf of the executive staff and myself we would like to officially welcome all our members...

Upcoming events
[21/12/01] On behalf of the executive staff and myself we would like to officially welcome all our members...

Welcome Members!!!

[28/09/01] On behalf of the executive staff and myself we would like to officially welcome all our members...

/ english / french / chinese