Net Services
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- Deutsche Bahn - Fahrplan
- FOCUS Online - Reise-Center
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- Deutsche Apotheker- und Aerztebank
- Wetter Online weltweit
Portals n' Crawlers
- NetCenter from Netscape
- MSN Portal
- - German portal
- Focus NetQuide
- WOW Lycos Deutschland
- Mega-Index Deutschland
- T-online - German portal
- - information services in germany
- City.Net
- FTP Search -Norway
- Ask SINA -Karlsruhe
- File Server Paderborn: Welcome directory
- Oldenburg Archie Gateway
- Yahoo! people finder (former four11)
- MetaSearch
- ICQ homepage
- GWDG Suchdienste und Informationen zum WWW
- My very personal Search-Page
The Goettinger Sites
- GWDG Home Page
- University of Goettingen
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- IMAGO Internet-Mag Goettingen
- Fachschaftsrat WiWi der Uni Göttingen
- User's Own Pages at GWDG
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City of Iserlohn
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City of Goettingen
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City of Wiesbaden
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City of Veroia
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City of Samos
Personal Favorites
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- HNF - Heinz Nixdorf Museums Forum
- Deutsche Telekom Internet Surfbrett
- Internet Guidebook Studium und Wissenschaft
- NATO Scientific-Environmental Affairs
- NASA-ADC for Students and Educators
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