In addition to our Fri./Sat. Night events (see below), we have begun something...Church @ The R.O.C.K....Church for a new generation!
This is a Church service designed just for youth, with upbeat worship, dynamic youth speakers, games, drama, prizes and FOOD!  It will run on the first Sunday evening of each month, at 7:00pm, at Mindemoya Missionary Church.

Oct. 14    Nov. 4    Dec. 2    Jan. 6

Fri., Sept. 7 - Pizza, Pop, & Planning Night
Sat. Sept., 15 - Spirit of Song Christian Music Festival
at Canada's Wonderland
Wed., Sept. 19 - See-You-At-The-Pole

Sat., Oct. 13 - Baseball vs. The Boulders
Sat., Oct. 27 - Murder Mystery In Mindemoya

Fri., Nov. 2 - Swimming & Bowling in Espanola
Fri., Nov. 16 - Praise & Worship Night with
Guest Seaker, Marshall Lawrence

Sat., Dec. 1 - Shopping Spree In Sudbury
Fri., Dec. 7 -  Movie/Overnight @ MMC
Fri., Dec. 14 - Christmas Formal

Fri., Jan. 11 - Tobaggan Party