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The Organization

Amigos de los Niņos, Friends of the Children, is a non profit corporation founded to bring together like minded professionals who believe in the value of giving back to others out of their own success. We believe that by working together, we can help others in need and provide needed assistance to disadvantaged children.

Amigos de los Niņos is supported by the volunteer efforts of these business people. We are eager for new members to join us in our efforts. Amigos de los Niņos asks for only a little work each year, the rewards to the organization and to each of us is great.

The Individuals

We are a group of business people, mostly located in the Orange County area of Southern California, who are dedicated to improving the lives of challenged children and their families. Each of us believes that by giving back to our community, to those with genuine and the greatest needs, we are all enriched. We volunteer our time and resources to hold two events each year that typically raise $100,000. This money is given, in the form of grants, to local service organizations that provide direct and needed help to those members of our community less fortunate than ourselves. We believe that the more we give, the more we receive.

Our History

Amigos was founded in 1981, when a small group of business people in the Orange County area of Southern California, came together to raise money, as part of a volunteer organization, to support local organizations which provide services to disadvantaged families and children. Amigos has remained true over the years, to its founding principle of being a volunteer organization, composed of local business people, raising money through a few, fun events, to help families and children in need.