Christ Catholic College
Christ Catholic College College Crest College Uniform 2000 Calender
Loyola Campus Clare Campus St Agnes Campus
Patron Saints Photos & Activities
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Agnes was 13 years old when she refused to marry, declaring that she was dedicated to Christ and preferred death to losing her virginity. She offered herself as a martyr and was executed. Agnes died for her faith. Her youthfulness and steadfast courage have made her one of the most celebrated of early Roman martyrs. Because of her chastity, she is the patron of young girls. Her emblem is the lamb.
The Patron Saints of Christ Catholic College
- SAINT AGNES (c. 305ad died)
- Feast Day 21 January
St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Catholic Online Saints
The Catholic Encyclopedia
Eternal Word Television Network
James Kiefer's Christian Biographies
St. Agnes Parish, Dalton, Massachusetts
SAINT CLARE (1194-1253)- Feast Day 11 August
Clare was born into a noble family in Italy. She refused to marry and joined St Francis of Assisi to serve God through poverty, peace and prayer Clare with the help of St Francis of Assisi was the Founder of the Order of St Clare which is also known as the Poor Clares in 1215. She was a person of great courage and strength of character She served her community with loving care and humility Clare's wisdom, prayer and advice was sought by rich and poor Her emblem is commemorating her prayers for her city Assisi.
Monastery of Saint Clare
The Franciscans
Upper Church, San Francesco, Assisi
St Clare Community Parish
Catholic Online Saints
St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
- SAINT IGNATIUS (1491-1556)
- Feast Day 31 July
Ignatius Loyola was born into a noble family He spent his early life as a soldier until he was seriously wounded. During convalescence he embraced the teachings of Christ He became a pilgrim and on completion began academic studies. During and after his conversion Ignatius was convinced that human beings were called to direct encounter with God. After reflecting on his own experience he developed the Spiritual Exercises as an aid for others to encounter God directly and discern God's will in their flues Ignatius and his companions founded the Society of Jesus with the consent of the Pope. Ignatius intended to follow in Jesus' footsteps, serving without power; on the fringes of society and the church.
The College Principal
Mr Geoff Hicks
Christ Catholic College
PO Box 24
Rooty Hill 2766
Phone: 9835 2466
FAX: 9835 2539Loyola Campus
Years 11 and 12
91 North Parade
Mt Druitt 2770
Phone: 9832 4455
FAX: 9832 1839
Campus Principal
Fr Brendan Kelly SJClare Campus
Years 7 - 10
175 Buckwell Drive
Hassall Grove 2761
Phone: 9835 2466
FAX: 9835 2539
Campus Principal
Mr Kevin HolohanSt Agnes Campus
Years 7 - 10
Evans Road
Rooty Hill 2766
Phone: 9675 2422
FAX: 9832 1927
Campus Principal
Mrs Marie Therese Hirschhorn