The Purpose Of Sigma Sigma Sigma

The purpose of any social organization is, at the surface, to 
provide a comfortable environment for 'socializing.'  Sigma 
Sigma Sigma sisterhood does this, and so much more.

The sorority is commited to enhancing the lives of women and 
promotes academic excellence - after all, we're in college to
get an education, not just to have fun.  TriSigma also prides
itself on its sisters, who exhibit high moral character and
social conscientiousness.

In a time when extracurricular activities provide the edge for 
employment seekers, Sigma has it all!  Our ladies have many 
wonderful additions to their resumès from TriSigma service.  
With over 80,000 women in its membership, TriSigma has
had 100 years of community service, a vast array of scholarship
awards, and of course friendships and fun.

Locally, Zeta Omicron begins its activities as soon as the dorms
open.  'Bonding sessions,' for lack of a better term,  and
group socials with other organizations are commonplace. The
sisters are an active part of the Seton Hall campus, and proudly
participate in Panhellenic, Student Government Association, and
Student Activities Board functions.   

Greek Week, during the Spring semester, provides our ladies with
a chance to show their stuff in a talent show, pool night 
events, game room challenges, land olympics, crest drawing, and
the like.
| Local History || National History || Philanthropy |