
Sometimes we stand outside life 
Waiting for a door to open to us
Hoping the person behind that door
Will let us in and be our friend
I was once on the outside
Until a door opened to me and
Behind it I found not only a
Friend, but a new world -
sail with sigma
our flower, the purple violet
a Sisterhood - TriSigma.
Now I stand behind that door 
- on the inside -
Helping to open it for someone else
Who stands where I once stood.
-Linda L. Parks, Beta Phi

Zeta Omicron 1998-99

Sigma Sigma Sigma
The Zeta Omicron chapter of Seton Hall 
University, South Orange New Jersey,
was founded December 5,1993 by 56 strong
and diverse women.  As a new chapter, these
sisters began to make a positive image for 
TriSigma by joining the Panhellenic Council
at SHU and by participating in Greek Week, 
an annual friendly competition where 
sororities and fraternities show off their 
Today, our chapter is an integral part of 
Seton Hall's campus life.  Our sisters are
part of many leadership programs and hold 
numerous positions in the SHU community.
We also take pride in our community service 
activities, for example finger painting 
with young children.  But perhaps most 
important to our sisters is the sisterhood
they share with each other.
For more information, contact us at
or click below
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