welcome to blueprint--helping to plan your wellness for life thank you for stopping by! if you've made it this far, you've already taken the first steps to living life totally free of all health and financial obstacles. you know that it's not the yearly trip to the doctor that makes you healthy, it's the way you spend your time throughout the year. you know that it's not the receipts and numbers you take to your accountant once a year that make you rich, it's the way you create those receipts and numbers throughout the year. it's the decisions that you make for yourself that really count, and i created blueprint to help you make the right ones. in the information age, it's very important that we take advantage of all of the information available. we are no longer living in a world of assembly lines. we are more free than ever, to make our own choices and benefit from our own judgement. follow the links to the right to continue the construction of your "blueprint" for wellness. If you know your username and password, log into the Un-Restricted blueprint by clicking on the key in the upper-right corner. Attention: Due to the graphical nature of this site, and for your viewing enjoyment, it is recommended that you use a screen resolution of 800 x 600 and MSIE 4.0 or higher. Please allow sufficient time for the backgrounds to load. Click here if you have to scroll "side-to-side" on this page. |