Monday May 6, 2002
10:50 a.m.
We are waiting for Kjetil’s mom to come home so we can
take their car and visit downtown
It is my 2nd day here. We landed here at
10:15 a.m.
a half an hour earlier than our scheduled arrival time. There was nobody to
check anything at customs. We collected our stuff and headed out. We saw first
Kjetil’s brother Georg and his children Ole and Amalia. Amalia has grown
taller since the last time I saw her and she has a new haicut and has two front
teeth missing. Ole still has a cast from when he broke his arm few weeks back.
Kjetil’s friends came to pick us up also….Arne, Trond and Kenneth. Then
Kjetil’s mom and dad came. Anette, Kjetil’s sister and my dear friend was
late. I was looking for her. It was so overwhelming meeting everybody. So many
new people. Then she arrived with her family. It was so wonderful to see them
again. Rune her husband was there too and they whisked me away in their car. I
sat there talking to them when I realized that I had forgotten to look outside.
It was warm and sunny. The roads are curvy and reminded me a little of
Lake Tahoe
. The road signs are in blue. Surprisingly, I could understand them. It is very
pretty. Still much undeveloped. Not a lot of concrete.
We came to his parents place and soon they were all there.
We walked up to their apartment which is at the 4th floor.
We all sat and talked for a long long time. Kjetil’s
parents served paprika chips, fruit and milkekjokalade
(chocolate). We opened the presents we had brought for them. Soon, Kjetil
and I took a shower and it was very refreshing. The water was warm and the
pressure was wonderful. Where we live, water pressure is a constant problem.
I kept falling asleep. I was so jetlagged. Kjetil was fine.
We all then went for a little walk. The children picked
flowers. Then we came home and went to pick up Anne, Kjetil’s brother
Georg’s wife who was at work. Anne Marit had made special Norwegian dinner. It
was pork and boiled potatoes with gravy and boiled vegetables.
We came home and soon Rune and
Joakim came. He was visiting in
Sutra . We all sat outside on the patio and I took a nap for a half an hour. I
was worse when I got up. I was so jetlagged.day1.htm
Then everybody left and I wanted to go see downtown
. I was so curious. Kjetil’s Brother Georg gave us
a ride and drove us through town. We dropped off Anne and the children
and I got to see the house where Kjetil grew up. Georg and Anne bought the house
from their parents. It is a nice house. The furniture was great and the lawn was
really nice. Then to the neighborhood where we might live when we move here. We
didn’t go inside the house and I was disappointed because I wanted to see the
inside. On our way back, I could barely keep my eyes open and fell asleep. We
got home around
10:30 p.m.
and went to bed.

Anne Marit and Jaspreet at the ariport; Arne in the background

Georg, (Amalie), Jaspreet and Ole Alexander

Jaspreet and Anette

Anette, Jaspreet and Ole at Kjetil's parents house

Georg, Morten, Amalie tickling Kjetil

First visit to downtown Bergen