side 6 of your box... news and web updates...this is where you can find updates and changes to humanboxes.com. be sure to check here for showings, and and festival updates...
september 5 - added the boxes promo trailer... you can view it here september 3 - updated the coyote arm logo, and added links to the feedback page... be sure to tell us about your box... august 28 - today marked the day where the ifc ventured west to hollywood to interview james and rene. the filming went well, and we are all psyched to see the making of interviews, along with the finished film on october 18. be sure to support the independent film channel, and its promotion of indie films everywhere. august 25 - humanboxes.com is close to up and running. be sure to check all sides for new features as we well as boxes info.
Send mail to thedecade@yahoo.com with
questions or comments about this web site.