I hate Argyle and City scummers!
I love fags(cigarettes), football, wodka, beer, cider and very loud music!
(preferably all at the same time if possible!)
My fave bands are: Pavement, Nirvana, the Beatles, Blur, PJ Harvey, The White Stripes and, at the mo', Franz Ferdinand
I'm an Electronics graduate from the University of Glamorgan. I finished my MEng this year (2004.) I did City and Guilds 224 electronics then Btec Microelectronics, Telecommunications and Radar at South Devon College before joining Glamorgan in September 1999.
This is a brilliant picture of the view from our lab at college in Torquay - It was taken by Luke 'HANDS' Herridge
Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain!!!
Well what's there to tell, I'm pretty open so if you've spoken to me you probably know all you want to, still here's a rough guide to the life of Lovis:
I'm from the lovely town of Torquay which is on the south-west coast of England. However I now live in Wimbledon, South London