Fancy a brew?

Well what's there to tell, I'm pretty open so if you've spoken to me you probably know all you want to, still here's a rough guide to the life of Lovis:

I'm from the lovely town of Torquay which is on the south-west coast of England. However I now live in Wimbledon, South London

I hate Argyle and City scummers!

I love fags(cigarettes), football, wodka, beer, cider and very loud music!

(preferably all at the same time if possible!)

My fave bands are: Pavement, Nirvana, the Beatles, Blur, PJ Harvey, The White Stripes and, at the mo', Franz Ferdinand

I'm an Electronics graduate from the University of Glamorgan. I finished my MEng this year (2004.) I did City and Guilds 224 electronics then Btec Microelectronics, Telecommunications and Radar at South Devon College before joining Glamorgan in September 1999.

This is a brilliant picture of the view from our lab at college in Torquay - It was taken by Luke 'HANDS' Herridge

Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain!!!

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