Welcome to my Guestbook!

Markus - 07/10/00 00:31:44
My URL:/lovique1
My Email:Give_us_a_T@plainmoor.freeserve.co.uk
Football Team: TUFC
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Lager!!!!!!!!!
Well, hope U're all having a wonderful time! Give us a 'T'!

Bungle the bear - 05/30/00 16:44:22
My URL:http://don'thaveawebpagesowon'tfillthisin.com
My Email:mcbody@glam.ac.uk
Football Team: Ipswitch (who are now in the premiership!!)
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Too many to name!!
Hey ya Mark, Here again are the silly comments of Bungle the Bear. He is bored and decided to visit you stunning webpage and leave you a message, not sure when you will actually see this but there again it is all the same in love and war.... I know that now you have finished all of your exams and so will be enjoying life to the full and spending too much time drinking, smoking and PARTYINGGGGG!! Not surewhat else to say really because that is about it for the moment and so I will leave it at that and let you carry on with whatever it is you are doing!! Hello also to Luke, yes its me the bear from Glamorgan, hope all is going well and that you are having a great time!! Maybe I will get to see you over the summer, when Portsmouth play Torquay in the pre-season friendly!! Big shout to all at Glamorgan Uni and to the main man Luke!! Bungle

Luke - 03/19/00 19:31:31
Favourite drink(alcoholic): yes please
Hey listen up people, if you want to come! and get wet and foamy! Then the foam party's are back on this thursday, so hope to see you all there :o)

Nikki - 03/02/00 17:19:45
My Email:nikable@hotmail.com
Football Team: Aldershot Town F.C.
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Reef
Hey Babe Ti moyn rhyw. Rwy'n dy garu di. Love Nik

Luke - 03/01/00 22:05:53
My URL:http://www.herridge.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:Luke@herridge.freeserve.co.uk
Football Team: PLYMOUTH :o)
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Alcohol has been getting ugly people laid since 1905
Hey mark, and everyone else in wales. Sounds like you have done well on those exam thingys, well done mate.

Nikki - 02/22/00 17:48:30
My Email:Nikable@hotmail.com
Football Team: ATFC (doh!)
Hey Markus Its been so long since I wrote, I just felt it was time to send you a message. Don't worry it is going to be kept completely unshockable for your sister's sake (I'd hate to offend any member of your family). Since I last wrote many changes have taken pl ce in my life, thank you for your small but significant contribution. I have nothing to say to you, except congratulations on your exam results they prove that you truly do have an IQ of 147, congrats on TUFC's storming result over the scum and I am offi ially visitor 400 to your site. I am so proud. See you around, Love Nik.

Sis - 02/10/00 17:36:47
Was going to leave message of congratulations re: exams. Have just read your guestbook. Too shocked to speak. Have to go and book an appointment with my therapist. You had better come out to Canada as soon as you can to get away from this den of sin you c ll University.

Anon - 02/01/00 17:53:31
Hey Lovis, remaining anonymous but hopefully you know who this is. Just wanted to say I'm sorry and that things will work out 'cos I'll make sure that they do.

Bungle Body - 01/28/00 12:45:55
My Email:mcbody@glam.ac.uk
Football Team: Ipswitch Town
Favourite drink(alcoholic): All of them....at once....right now....please....please....please
Hey ya Lovis, Bet you wern't expecting an e-mail form me were you, huh?! Well I just thought that I should e-mail you to say high and ask how pinky and perky are....if I were you I think that you should read the e-mail below this one though as its far more interestin !!!! Right well I just though that everyone who visits this site (thats right all 7 of you) should know a few facts about our Lovis(!): 1. He is a very nice chap. 2. He is the very first person to start the trend of 'super quiff-i-ness' (which we all loved until he got it cut) 3. He supports a good football team who I am sure won't get relegated and are sure to go up this season (rather like Ipswitch really) 4. He has a great sense of humour. 5. He can drink like a fish and then dance like one after drinking that much. 6. He is a great dancer, especially in evolution (thanks for dancing with me Mark, although I am sure that people think we are now a gay couple!!) 7. He loves MANY things in life....(!) 8. He has great frinds, like Davis, Eurfyl and Bungle as well as Dave, Jamie, Lee and....hmmmmm there is someone else but the name evades me....help me out here Mark.... 9. He is a really nice bloke and has a BLOODY GREAT MONKEY!!!! Hope you all enjoyed that, by the way I prefer Brookside!! Speak to you soon Bungle

Nikki - 01/28/00 12:24:27
My Email:Nikable@hotmail.com
Football Team: A.T.F.C.
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Passoa
Hiya Mark, sorry I haven't written for such a long time but I've been a little bit busy (as you well know). Okay the date is the 28th, you've finished your exams and you've run out of excuses however being the kind, sweet person that I am - you have an e tension. Oh yes I am giving you a new deadline which reads Sunday 6th February. Now we have spoken about this you know my reasons but this is the final extension and the last chance. Please prove me wrong. P.S. Glad to entertain you Luke, does this really rate as high as Eastenders?

Luke - 01/24/00 13:46:45
My URL:http://www.herridge.freeserve.co.uk
Well lovis, i must say that your guestbook is better than any episiode of Eastenders!, it all going on in here! Steve Cain says hi, and he's run out of anything else to say!!!...lol

Guess? - 01/17/00 18:06:14
Football Team: A.T.F.C.
Today is January 17th, which officially gives you 14 days. Now personally I don't think you've got the balls but if you're still planning to prove me wrong then please bear in mind that just as the time is dwindling so is my patience. All My Love.

Luke - 01/14/00 12:30:48
My URL:http://www.herridge.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:Luke@herridge.freeserve.co.uk
Favourite drink(alcoholic): I don't drink anymore!
I'm back again, just to say i like the link to my website....cheers Guv :o) ...and yeah i do love all kinds of fluids!

Luke - 01/13/00 22:33:58
My URL:http://www.herridge.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:L.herridge@plymouth.ac.uk
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Anything wet and wild!
Well it looks like i should visit here more often, arranging a sauna yeah baby yeah! Cya sometime Lucas Ps. Thanks for bringing my shoes back after our wild night! :o) haha

Nik (again!) - 01/12/00 18:25:33
My Email:See previous message
Football Team: Aldershot Town
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Castaway
Hello Mark, only me. Just writing to remind you that the days are creeping past and you now have just 19 days, hope you find your balls soon. Byeee!

Nikki - 01/11/00 18:16:18
My Email:Nikable@hotmail.com
Football Team: The "mighty" Aldershot Town FC
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Aftershock
Hiya Mark. Its good to be back. Did you know that there are only 20 days left 'til the end of January. Hope you get things sorted. Bye!

Wemaster Of Numpty Central - 12/10/99 23:49:12
My URL:http://www.home6938.freeserve.co.uk
Football Team: Loppergarth United
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Alcohol ...?????
Visit THE Numpty Central for a laff????? sign the guestbook and let me know what you think...........!!!!!! Cheerz and beerz Numpty Central Webmaster

Nikki - 12/07/99 18:34:43
My Email:nlable@glam.ac.uk
Football Team: Aldershot Town
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Castaway
Hey ya Mark, Just thought that I would leave a message for you, and the other 4 people in the whole entire world that actually leave....or even visit....this website of yours. As its such a quality website I thought that I would leave a really stupid message.... FIRST OF ALL....I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT I STILL THINK THAT YOU ARE GAY AND THAT YOU HAVE A VERY SMALL PENIS!! Secondly....well there is no second really I just thought that you and the rest of the people reading this message would like to know about number one!! Anyway, back to much more mundane things, first of all I would just like to say how much I love Torquay and what a great team I think they are....they have to be one of the best of the shite-hole third division teams....well I know that Aldershot could ki k their asses and you would be the first to know about it because I would laugh my ass off while I was listening to the 9th goal go in to the back of the Torquay net in your shite-o-rama pitch in the shite-o-rama town that is Torquay!! Just to finish off I will reiterate my first point....Hell, I don't even need to....you are probably still laughing about it....I know I am!! Well, I hope that you get better soon and I will see you when I see you. You know where my, now clean room is a d I hope that your SMALL PENIS begins to grow when you hit puberty!! Speak to you soon....hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Love Nik

Kinky Joe - 11/26/99 08:42:34
My URL:http://www.kinkyjoesays.com
My Email:KinkyJoe@hotmail.com
Football Team: Man u
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Orange squash
Kinky joe says dance the jig dance the jig! Yeah!

Markus - 11/12/99 11:17:11
My URL:http://Here
My Email:milovis@glam.ac.uk
Football Team: TUFC
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Green Water!
Easy tiger, I'm a very delicate boy and need to take care of each one at a time o.k! Look I've got important business to tend to now but maybe I can arrange a little something, maybe involving a sauna? See (more than I expected of) you later peeps, MARKUS p.s this guestbook is getting far too raunchy!

Ruth - 11/11/99 20:45:05
My Email:rufillas@yahoo.com
Football Team: what do you reckon?
Favourite drink(alcoholic): who gives a toss?
Well, sorry to let the cat out of the bag Sex Beast, but I feel that I have to let the other two know who the competition is. Why keep it a secret Mark? A foursome would be great!

Markus - 11/09/99 18:41:46
My URL:http://this is it you gimp!
My Email:milovis@glam.ac.uk
Football Team: The one and only (no not Aldershot Nikki!)
Favourite drink(alcoholic): alcohol
Hmm keeping my mouth shut on that one I'm afraid miss Able. Trajic is amazing I'm afraid so soon it will be a 1 on 1 relationship, but until then, I'm keeping my options open!

Nikki - 11/09/99 18:27:03
My Email:nlable@glam.ac.uk
Football Team: The "mighty" Aldershot Town
Favourite drink(alcoholic): I don't drink
Firstly, I would just like to share my joy with you all. My boys, the "mighty" Aldershot Town have knocked Hednesford scum out of the F.A. Cup and are now ready to destroy Exeter - that should make you Torquay fans happy. Secondly, excuse me three-timing? I know about Tragic and obviously myself but who's the third one Lovis?

Markus! - 11/08/99 14:26:26
My URL:http://you're there!
My Email:milovis@glam.ac.uk
Football Team: The mighty Gulls
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Aftershock!!!!!!!
Yeah baby, what the hell's going on Traj, I didn't want to come out of the closet in this way! Oh well it's about time everyone knew I suppose! Sorry to be three timing you all! Still, I'm just a born cassinova I guess! Take care of yourselves, and each other, MARKUS (Jerry) LOVARKUS!

Nik - 11/06/99 13:09:48
My Email:nlable@glam.ac.uk
Football Team: The "Mighty" Aldershot Town
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Don't Drink Alcohol
Hey Mark, Cool web page - well worth a look. Who the hell is Tragic - don't tell me I've got competition!! Last night, your clothes looked really good on you, but they looked even better on my bedroom floor this morning. Love and kisses to all your pink bits. Nik.

Tragic - 11/04/99 17:35:31
Football Team: Blackburn Rovers
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Anything will do.
Thanks for last night Mark you were the best, absolutely incredible. See you again tonight, my room. Oh God, couldn't walk today, can't wait for tonight.

Steve - 11/03/99 18:50:29
My URL:http://www.planetsteve.fsnet.co.uk
My Email:steve@cain19.freeserve.co.uk
Football Team: footballs for pussys
Favourite drink(alcoholic): anything cheap
yea nice site.....very......purple, lol glad to see you've got the links working at last, i never could see the pic of u and your sis b4. they made u sound quite intelligent, somehow :o)

Steve.the other one - 10/18/99 10:47:45
My URL:http://www.planetsteve.fsnet.co.uk
My Email:steve@cain19.freeserve.co.uk
Football Team: football is pants
Favourite drink(alcoholic): im teetotal....LOL
HEYYYYYY MARCUS.......shit ive ran out of witty things to say. BYEEEEEEE MARCUS............

Sis - 08/16/99 14:13:21
Happy Birthday Slug! Hope you like your sheep. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- 07/17/99 12:11:59
Your wankchops arn't you admit it!!!!!!!!

sis - 07/16/99 20:20:19
My Email:c_somfalvi@hotmail.com
Football Team: er...............
Favourite drink(alcoholic): malibu and pineapple!!!!!!!!!
Dear Bro: I'm famous! It is highly embarrassing - but very funny. Someone in my office came in when I was looking at your web-site and said 'What's a numpty?' Perhaps some expanation would be in order for your international friends? Say hello to Ruth for me.

Numpty Finder - 07/15/99 12:12:14
We have been researching the Numpty syndrome within our company. Our chief numpty is a Scott called Dave Barrie, he is also known as Baldrick (of Blackadder Fame) along with other less flattering things. We are looking for the source of the numpties, which could be a long and dangerous quest!

Markus Lovarkus - 06/22/99 17:48:55
My URL:http://here
My Email:markus@lovique.freeserve.com
Football Team: TUFC
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Brains on the floor!
What an empty guestbook, yes Steve we lost in the football about 3 months ago. I shouldn't neglect my web page so much should I. Oh well who knows I might set up a better one sometime that isn't with geocities, cos they're crap!

Hands! - 06/12/99 10:37:37
My URL:http://www.herridge.freeserve.co.uk/welcome.htm
My Email:luke@herridge.freeserve.co.uk
Football Team: Anyone Who's Winning
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Anything Wet!
Hello Markus...Just thought i would say Hi even though i saw ya yesterday down the pub... Do you remember i was with Stella that cracking women!! heehee... ok i was with a beer...Laterz Oh Mad One

Super Nova - 04/16/99 15:09:54
My URL:http://freewww.org/members/jscript/mirror.html
My Email:novatech@deskmail.com

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

Steve - 02/21/99 23:55:39
My URL:http://nibznebular.future.easyspace.com/index.html
My Email:Nibz@aol.com
Football Team: West Ham United and on occasion TUFC
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Doesn't matter...not as if I'll remember in the morning :)
I see ya lost the footy this week Mark. I knew I should've gone. For those who don't know, Torquay haven't lost a game every time I've gone. Any fellow supporters can blame Jeff Marshall at GM-impact@marsh-corp.freeserv.co.uk for giving such short noti e of what was goin' on for his birthday night out lol just kiddin' :) sorry Jeff ;)

The guv' - 02/19/99 02:18:50
My URL:http://you're there!
My Email:Lovique1@yahoo.com
Football Team: The mighty gulls
Favourite drink(alcoholic): TEQUILA!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone, I'm glad to say the picture of me and my sister's working at last, woo hoo, fame at last! Well I don't know what else to say except "MR PALMER, WILL YOU PLEASE SIT DOWN!" Cheers 'n' beers MARKOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!

Luke - 02/15/99 21:38:01
My URL:http://www.herridge.freeserve.co.uk/welcome.htm
My Email:Lukey79@Yahoo.com
Football Team: TUFC
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Anything, Everything
Well Sir Lovis I Love The Numpty Page I Agree With Everything On There.....You The Man.

Marks sister - 01/04/99 19:08:10
My Email:c.somfalvi@writersguildofcanada.cm
Football Team: er.......Torquay?
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Anything as long as i'm not paying
I agree there should be more numpty info - my boss is very interested and loves the picture of Simon melting his face with a magnifying glass. An explanation of the term 'Uphill gardener' would be appreciated - as far as i can remember the only thing Mark ever did in a garden was follow slugs around with slug pellets and torture them to death. On second thoughts - maybe i don't want to know!

Marks sister - 01/04/99 19:04:22
My Email:c.somfalvi@writersguildofcanada.cm
Football Team: er.......Torquay?
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Anything as lonjg as i['m

Marks sister - 01/04/99 19:01:19

The guv' - 12/30/98 20:15:13
My Email:Lovique1@yahoo.com
Football Team: TUFC
Favourite drink(alcoholic): French fart beer
Look City scummer do not write to this book again! I do not wish to know about your uphill gardening O.K.! UP THE GULLS, DOWN WITH THE SCUMMERS!

Arsey - 12/30/98 20:10:38
My Email:spanky@yahoo.com
Football Team: Exeter City F.C
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Spunk and vodka
I love it up my bum!

Sir Lovis himself - 12/16/98 14:23:01
My URL:http:// this one
My Email:lovique1@yahoo.com
Football Team: The mighty Gulls
Favourite drink(alcoholic): Metholated spirits.
Cheers for signing my guestbook, but hey I know you already, I like see you all the time! You could just say it to me if you like!

JEFFREY MARSHALL - 12/16/98 00:42:02
My Email:GM-impact@marsh-corp.freeserv.co.uk
Favourite drink(alcoholic): JACK DANIELS AND CIDER
I do like the pictures of the beer cans . The guest book is also a good idea and the position of the counter, but what i think would be good is if you continued your story about the numphtys.I like the beginning already, and would like to hear more.

Ruth Hammond - 12/07/98 14:16:38
My Email:Hammondr2@cardiff.ac.uk
Football Team: TOrquay
Favourite drink(alcoholic): wodka
I love Mark "I'm a cheek slapper" Lovis

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