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Greetings and Welcome to my RASTAFARI PAGE
Greetings all in the name of H.I.M (His Imperial Majesty) Haile Selassie I. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah, Elect of Himself and Light of this world.

My name is Ras Kyle I. I man bring forth this page to educate more and more people of the Rasta faith and who Haile Selassie I is. I man would like all to take a mintute to search through mi page. Please feel free to E-Mail I&I if any don't overstand certain aspects. JAH LOVE.
Click on this picture for more info on Selassie.

*For Ras Williams page on the 5 greatest proofs "Rasta is Reality" click here.

*For Ras Josh I's home page includin lots of links click here.

*For great info on LOCKS and other links check out Natty Heads page.

*For a great site on Dub poetry, check pon this one.

*For more links and great info, check pon Natty Rebel's page

*For a great page on Ethiopia, check this out.

*For Tons and Tons of links, check out Adams site.

*Join the Rasta club for Cancsious reasonings.
* Check here for lots of info and poetry on Selassie I.

* Visit the Ultimate Bob Marley Site.

* Check out the Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide.

* Check pon Ras Gliks home page.

* Ras Jahazial Rastafari Visions home page.

* Check out the INITY's webpage, the band hailin from New York.

* Check here for Ras Solomon's delightful page.
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