Various Quotes
(From Selassie to Garvey)
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Click here for more of Selassie I's Words
" A race that is solely dependent upon another for economic existence sooner or later dies. As we have in the past been living upon the merices shown to us by others, and by the chances obtainable, and have suffered therefrom, so will we in the future suffer if an effort is not made now to adjust our own affairs.

To waste time is non-essential, is purposeless, playing bone dice is purposeless. Playing pool is waste. Sitting around and going from place to place without an occupation is waste. It is better that you be dead than having no purpose in life. Negroes, get busy quickly looking after yourselves and your business; is to get as much out of the earth in common with other people as you can.
Spend most of your time in your library. If you have a radio listen to lectures, recitals, speechs and good music.
The number of blacks in jail, prisons and reformatories of the U.S, British West Indies and other colonies of Great Britian and France and Africa, is shamefully in excess, proportionally of all other race groups to the population. Something is wrong. There is a conspiracy
somewhere. I can't stand for it. I would rather hang than be quiet about it. It is a sin, crime, and shame. It is a blot upon and against the white man's system of Justice meted out to the blacks. In a word, my message to you is, devlop yourselves into a commercial and industrial people, and you will have laid the foundation for racial greatness."

The Hon. Marcus Mossiah Garvey
"We are looking to Haile Selassie for the spiritual deliverance of the world, not only among coloured races but whites as well. We are working towards a closer unity among mankind. The principles of the organization are based on bible prophecies borne out by the coronation of Haile Selassie in 1930 when he was proclaimed King of Kings and Lion of Judah. We claim him to be the Messiah."

Altamount Reid

"The power which you posses is but one side of the coin;the other side is responsibility. There is no power or authority without responsibiltiy, and he who accepts the one cannot escape or evade the other. Each one of you and each serveant of the Ethiopian nation and people would do well to ponder these words, to take them to heart, and to guide his conduct in accordance with their teachings. This is the challenge which faces you today. Let your labours here during the comming year demonstrate your capacity to meet it. May Almighty God guide and assist you in your work."

Selassie I
"Every labourer is a father, his labour is his child. Choose your project carefully and acheive it worthily."

Selassie I
"Wars and rumors of war are occuping the attention of governements and peoples, but the world is thirsting more than ever for peace and justice."

Selassie I
"Today man sees all his hopes and aspirations crumble before him. He is perplexed and knows not wheather he is drfting. But he must realize that the solution of his present difficulties and guidance for his future action is the Bible. Unless he accepts with clear conscience the Bible and its great message, he cannot hope for salvation. For myself, I glory in the Bible"

Selassie I
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