Garvey Quotes
"I trust that you will so live today as to realize that you are masters of your own destiny, masters of your own fate......Strike out in confidence and faith in (HIM) and reach for it."
"Sons and daughters of Africa, I say to you arise, take on the toga of race pride, and throw off the brand ignominy which has kept you back for so many centuries."
"And when they spoke of the Ethiopians, they meant the ancestors of the black-skinned and woolly haired people.....It is to these people and their country that the psalmist refers when he says Ethiopia will suddenly stretch her hands unto God."
"The highest compliment we can pay to our our risen Lord and Savior, is that of feeling that he has created us as his masterpiece; his perfect instuments of His own existence, because in us is reflected the very being of God."
For Coraspondance
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