This part of my site contents articles and short stories that were written by me. You can found here articles about social activities in Israel,reports from demonstrations (streets reports),feature stories.
 Authors researches on such themes as "Sohnut problem", "Authors singers(KSP)" are accessible here too.
 All text are in Russian, English, Hebrew.

 There was a long time ago when I left my native city and began to wander on the world.
 Actually first time I walk out of the cities borders a few days before leaving Siberia and it was my trip to Barnaul.
 For four years since that time I'm wanderer ("Stalker") all over Israel and each year on the planes on my way to Novosibirsk.
 Each year I meet new people and make new contacts,see a lot and want you also to have a look on the events I had been witness.
 I want to apologize for my English and Hebrew and ask everyone who see mistakes on my pages and have good will and time to let me know about,mail me:
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