Dmitry V. Margolin
birth:06/July/1975   death:not before 06/July/2050
So about myself. I'm a russian speaker siberian jew living in Israel. I was born in Novosibirsk in 1975.
Finished there school #10 with studing english since second grade.
Two last classes were physics & mathematics oriented.
Didn't finish faculity for physics in Novosibirsk State University
From August 1995 living in Israel.
From February 1996 up to December 1996 - student on pre-graduated studies.
From February 1997 I'm student in Technion , studing phisics on the faculty of chemistry.
1999 Went to the Israeli Army
2000 I'm a student of Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
First photo I did when I was at the age of six.
Since November 1997 and up to June 1999 was working in students newspaper : Kuli (Kooli,Cooly).
Also my photos were published in some others newspapers (like "Vesty Zafon","Vesty-Teenager")
I had been working with "Teenager+" like a freelancer photographer until summer 1998.
You have an unical possibility to look on shots from all over Israel and Siberia. Students strikes, rock concerts, Haifa, Jerusalem, Tomsk, Novosibirsk all this stuff on this site.
If you want to find and buy more shots, like:
Old shots of Siberia from 60-s of the XX thentury.
Pics from especiall content or place, contact me via e-mail.
You can see another version of this site: XENOFILIA
NEW domain name for my site: visual art
My friends sites:

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Дмитрий Марголин
На этом
сайте вы найдете мои фотографии, сделанные в Сибири и в Израиле.
Хайфа и Иерусалим, Технион и Еврейский Университет в Иерусалиме, рок концерты и студенческие забастовки.
דמיטרי מרגולין
הזדמנות האחרונה להציץ על ארץ ישראל היפה
צילומיי פרטיים ממבט עין ה"רוסי"

All photos on this site were taken by Dmitry Margolin if there is no another note.


© Dmitry Margolin

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