What Marisa Looks Like Now
which is not terribly different from what she looked like Then

Thanksgiving 2000, which I spent with my parents in Burlington. My 18th birthday - 6/8/01. The girl is Sarah Mell, my then girlfriend.
May 2002. The UVM Math Dept's 2002 graduating class of Master's students. Also May 2002. My advisor, Dan, and I on my graduation.
Social Activity #1: Cat's Meow. This is me with Sarah Jones -- in 03-04, she'll be President and I'll be Music Director. This is January 2003. Social Activity #2: GLBTA. This is everybody with our favorite folksinger (Greg Douglass). This is December 2002.
Feb 2003. A visit to Arielle at NYU. Also Feb 2003. My littlest friends, Emily and Sophia.

Page created 7/15/2003 by Marisa.