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    The name of the body shall be 'The Victoria Junior College Students' Council'.


    We, the Students' Council, pledge to fulfil our responsibilities, to the best of our ability, for the interest of the College, and the welfare of the students.


  1. To lead in incilcating self-discipline and service to the College.

  2. To help generate a College spirit for the enhancement of a common identity.

  3. To present students' views on College affairs to the Administration.

  4. To attend to the general welfare of the student body.


  1.  Composition
    (i)     The Council shall comprise the number of Councillors as the Principal deems appropriate.

  2. Administration
    (i)     The Council shall be headed by an Executive Committee.
    (ii)    The Council shall have three standing committees, namely:
              (a)     Extra-Curricular Activities Committee (ECO)
              (b)     Relations Committee (RECO)
              (c)     Welfare Committee (WELCO)

    (iii)    Each standing committee shall be headed by a Chairperson. 


  1. Councillors shall be nominated and elected by the students of the College.

  2. The candidates shall be first-year students and shall represent both the first and second year students of their respective faculties.

  3. The organisation and execution of the election for the Council shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

  4. The newly-elected Council shall take an oath to the College.

  5. Elections for a new Council will be held at least one month before the end of the term of office of the outgoing  Council. Successful candidates will become Councillors-Elect and will assume the duties of Councillors when the term of office of the outgoing Council ends.


  1. The Council shall review decisions and proposals of the College Administration regarding the welfare of the   College and the student body. It shall represent the opinion of the student body in the discussions of such matters, and offer suggestions and amendments in the interest of the College and the student body.

  2. The Council shall accept and enforce any final decisions of the Administration pertaining to the welfare of the College and the student body.

  3. The Council shall be responsible to the Principal and the Teacher Advisor/s.

  4. The Council shall:
    (i)     Plan and organise the annual Orientation programme for JC 1 students.
    (ii)    Plan and organise social functions so as to promote better relationships and inculcate a stronger Victorian spirit in the students.
    (iii)   Help in planning and organising all the specific functions on the College calendar.


    All members of the Council shall:

        (i)       Work towards the objectives of the Council. (Refer: Article III)
        (ii)      Perform to the best of their abilities in all duties entrusted to them.
        (iii)     Help other functional groups in the Council carry out their duties when necessary.
        (iv)     Be responsible to the Executive Committee in all matters pertaining to the Council.  


  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of:
    (i)     The President
    (ii)    The Vice-President
    (iii)   The Honorary Secretary
    (iv)   The Honorary Treasurer
    (v)    The Chairperson of the Extra-Curricular Activities Committee
    (vi)   The Chairperson of the Relations Committee
    (vii)  The Chairperson of the Welfare Committee

  2. Both the President and the Vice-President shall be elected by the student body. Candidates shall be nominated for the Presidential Elections by members of the incoming Council. The number of candidates shall be proposed by members of the outgoing Council, and approved by the Principal. Candidates for the presidency must be Councillors-Elect. The two candidates with the highest and second highest number of votes will assume the roles of the President and Vice-President respectively.

  3. The Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, and Chairpersons of the standing committees shall be  elected by the members of the incoming Council. Elections are to be carried out before the new Council takes over officially.

  4. The function of the Committee shall be that of a management body of the Council.

  5. It shall decide on all disciplinary matters involving the Council.

  6. It shall decide on all matters concerning the Council and its members.

  7. It shall approve, disapprove, or withhold approval regarding any project by any of the Councillors.

  8. Under ordinary circumstances, all decisions taken by the Committee shall be declared in writing on the notice board of the Council Room. The Executive Committee can only make decisions without cousulting the Council when members of the Council are not available.


  1. The President, as head of the Executive Committee and the Council, shall be responsible to the College in all matters relating to the Council.

  2. He/she shall, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, be responsible in ensuring that all aspects of Council work are conforming to the objectives and duties of the Council.

  3. He/she shall decide the time and venue of all the meetings of the Council.

  4. He/she shall appoint Councillor/s and Committee/s as necessary for any purpose of the Council, on the advice of the Executive Committee.

  5. He/she shall approve any outgoing correspondence and documents with regard to the affairs of the Council.

  6. He/she shall decide for the Council should the occasion arise that a decision is necessary, and none of the members of the Council and the Executive Committee are available.

  7. He/she shall report on behalf of the Executive Committee at each General Meeting of the Council.


  1. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President during his/her absence.

  2. He/she shall render the President whatever assistance he/she may need.

  3. He/she may be given special duties by the President.

  4. He/she shall assume the duty of checking the conduct of the Councillors and refer any cases of breach of conduct to the Executive Committee.

  5. He/she shall issue all warning letters to delinquent Councillors. (Refer: Article XVIII)

  6. He/she shall receive all letters of excuse for absence from General Meetings by Councillors.

  7. He/she shall be responsible for co-ordinating the procedures of the College morning assemblies.


  1. The Honorary Secretary shall render assistance to the President in the execution of his/her tasks.

  2. He/she shall conduct all official correspondence of the Council.

  3. He/she shall record the proceedings of each General Meeting, and open these recordings for inspection by Councillors within seven days after the General Meeting.

  4. He/she shall record the proceedings of each Executive Committee meeting, and open these recordings for inspection by members of the Executive Committee within seven days after the meeting.

  5. He/she shall be in charge of all documents of the Council, and these may be, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, opened for inspection by members of the Council on request.


  1. The Honorary Treasurer shall collect and pay finance due to and incurred by the Council. He/she shall certify all the financial documents of the Council and keep an account of all expenditure.

  2. He/she shall advise on all financial matters pertaining to the Council.

  3. He/she shall oversee the treasurers of the standing committees and the ad-hoc committees in their expenditure and balancing of accounts.

  4. He/she shall submit a statement of account to the Council at the end of each month.

  5. He/she shall assist the Honorary Secretary when possible.


  1. The Extra-Curricular Activities Committee (ECO)
    (i)    To organise and rally support of the student body at College or Inter-College games and functions like the National Track and Field Meet, and National Sports Competitions.
    (ii)   To keep stock of all official College banners.
    (iii)  To organise worthwhile activities relating to extra-curricular activities at College, Council and Inter-Council level, like the Extra-Curricular Activities Conference in the College.
    (iv)  To liaison with the P.E. Department concerning inter-faculty and inter-CT games.
    (v)   To form the 'Red Shirts':
            (a)    The Red Shirts are the official cheer leaders of the College.
            (b)    The Red Shirts will be identified by the red Council Tee-shirts.
            (c)    The Red Shirts will be led by the Master Red Shirt.
            (d)    The Master Red Shirt will be elected by the Red Shirts.
            (e)    Members of the Red Shirts can be from the other committees in the Council, as deemed necessary                    by the Chairperson of the Extra-Curricular Activities Committee and the Master Red Shirt.

  2. The Relations Committee (RECO)
    (i)    To encourage and gather the opinions and comments of the student body on College matters through the suggestion box and dialogue sessions.
    (ii)   To keep students informed of the outcome of matters related to part (i) above.
    (iii)  To strive to improve the relationships between the past and present Councils of Victoria Junior College.
    (iv)  To strive to improve inter-Council relationships with other junior colleges and secondary schools.
    (v)   To organise social functions related to parts (iii) and (iv) above.

  3. The Welfare Committee (WELCO)
    (i)    To care basically for the welfare and interest of the student body.
    (ii)   To provide the following services:
            (a)    Locker Service
            (b)    Lost and Found Service
            (c)    Loaning Service     -    Barbeque Pits
                                                     -     College Uniform
                                                     -     Games
                                                     -     Mattresses
                                                     -     Umbrellas
    (iii)  To coordinate the morning duties, Council Room and Welfare Room duties, and the dinner service duties.         


  1. The Ad-Hoc Committees shall be committees formed for the purpose of the organisation and execution of individual projects.

  2. The procedure for the selection of the committees will be:
    (i)    Determining the size of each committee, as deemed by the Executive Committee.
    (ii)   Opening nominations to the Council.
            -    The number of nominations for each committee is flexible. Each nomination must be seconded. The                same Councillor is allowed to be nominated for different committees, but will only be elected into one                committee.
    (iii)  The number of votes per Councillor will be the size of the respective committee.
    (iv)  The Councillors with the highest number of votes will form the committee.
    (v)   The positions held by the Councillors in the committee will be decided by the committee itself.
    (vi)  Each Ad-hoc Committee shall constitute a member of the Executive Committee.
    (vii) The Teacher Advisor/s and Executive Committee reserve the right to make any changes to the elected committee.

  3. The committees are to seek the approval of the Administration and the Teacher Advisor/s before executing any decisions.

  4. The committees shall cease to function on the completion of their respective projects.          


  1. The Teacher Advisor/s will be appointed by the Principal of the College.

  2. The Teacher Advisor/s shall advise the Council on all matters pertaining to its functioning.


  1. Planning
    (i)    At a sitting of the Council held after the official investiture, the Executive Committee shall present the Plans of Action of the standing committees for the entire term of service to the Council for approval.
    (ii)   The Administration must be represented in the above-mentioned sitting, ie: the Pincipal, the Vice-Principal or the Teacher Advisor/s.
    (iii)  Members of the previous Council can be present in the above-mentioned sitting on request, to serve an advisory function.

  2. Decision Making
    (i)    Issues can be forwarded through the Chairpersons of the standing committees to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall review the issues and forward their opinions to the Council during General Meetings.
    (ii)   If the motion is passed during the General Meeting (Refer: Article XVII, Clause 10), the decision can be taken. The Administration reserves the right to veto any decision made by the Council.
    (iii)  If the motion is undecided, the decision shall be taken by the Executive Committee. Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be announced to the Council during the General Meetings, and then passed through the Administration before action can be taken. The Administration reserves the right to veto any decision made by the Executive Committee.   


  1. Notifications for meetings and the relevant agendas shall be announced in writing by the Executive Committee three days in advance. Only notifications for Extraodinary General Meetings can be made less than three days in advance.

  2. The Council shall have an Extraodinary General Meeting at the request of the Teacher Advisor/s, the Executive Committee, or a quarter of the total number of Councillors.

  3. The Teacher Advisor/s shall be informed of all General Meetings.

  4. The President shall chair the meeting and in his/her absence, the Vice-President shall do so.

  5. The order of the meeting shall be decided upon by the Chairperson.

  6. The Chairperson shall be allowed a vote.

  7. The meetings shall be conducted in English.

  8. Certain members of the College may be asked to attend Council meetings to clarify certain issues, or to answer any questions put forth by any member of the Council.

  9. Under normal circumstances, 2/3 of the Council shall constitute a quorum.

  10. For any motion to be passed, at least 1/2 of the members of the Council must approve.


  1. The Executive Committee shall deal with cases of breach of official conduct by members of the Council. In serious cases, the Review Board shall be referred to. (Refer: Article XIX)

  2. The following acts by any member of the Council shall be considered breach of official conduct:
    (i)    Breach of College Regulations.
    (ii)   Breach of the Students' Council Constitution, Article VII.
    (iii)  Repeated absence from Council General Meetings and/or activities without valid reasons.
    (iv)  Indication of personal inefficiency in Council work, as deemed by the Teacher Advisor/s and the Executive Committee.
    (v)   Misuse of the Council Room and the Welfare Room.