First Year Quotations (1998-1999)
Fourth of July Week in Holland (July 1999)
School of the Americas Protest (November 1999)
Sophomore Year Quote Board (1999-2000)
May Term Quotes (May 2000)
Indigo Girls Concert, Cincinnati (May 2000)
Fall of Junior Year Quotes (Fall 2000)
Spring of Junior Year Quotes (Spring 2001)
India Trip Quotes (June 2001)
Mini Mansion Quotes (Spring 2002)
Alicia's Wedding Quotes (June 2003)
Posse Reunion Quotes (August 2004)
Dykstra 313 Quotations back to top
Volume I: "Great Quotes"
- "I hope I find a husband that makes me feel like Pocahontas does." -Katie
- "Erections." -Cristin
"What?" -Julie
"Parapalegics, Julie." -Cristin
- "I HATE MY ROOMMATES!" -Cristin, Katie & Julie in unison
- "She's been like this since she got home.. ." -Katie (about Cristin)
- "This is the best birthday I've had in a year!" -Katie
- "That train is on so much crack!" -Katie
- "I was like, all you have to do is look at the leaves and it's so easy." -Julie
- "I don't wanna climb the stairs." -Cristin
- "It doesn't rot it's processed." -Katie
- "All these people are dying for the stupidest reasons." -Ken
- "You guys look pathetic." -Amy
"Thanks. You don't match." -Katie
- "We don't even care if we don't know anybody. We're just gonna FAKE it." -Cristin
- "How come I only have one quote up there?" -Julie
- "Why can't you be selfish for just one day?" -Katie
- "I don't even like my friends anymore." -Cristin
- "That's my blister! That's my bad hip! I can't breathe! " -Katie
- "We're not the only losers... everyone's losers... Meg's a loser. . ." -Cristin
- "Gee Julie, your whole life is Pull. Don't you even hate your" roommates anymore?" -Katie
"A www, I hate you guys soo much!" -Julie
- "Isn't it fun to pretend Steve's funny?" -Cristin
- "Strange things happen when it's a Wednesday afternoon." -Katie (on a Thursday)
- "I can't wait till Christmas... everyone's happy because it's Christmas. .. and you're home. .. and everyone's happy. .. and it's Christmas.. ." -Julie
Volume II: "We so funny...!"
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- "You're a... a... a FREAK!!"-Meg (to Katie)
- "I'm gonna go downstairs and make some pasta because I'm worried about my health." -Katie .,
- "I washed your things." -Katie
"Oh, you're such a sweetie!" -Julie "I didn't mean to." -Katie
- “I actually like it. It’s so cool to feel it dissolving on your tongue... we'll keep it in our snack box." -Katie (about Styrofoam)
- "They'd be like, want some pot? And I'd be like, no thanks. I'm allergic." -Meg
- "It's as funny as my crack hole!" -Meg
- "Gosh darn it, I just love myself!" -Katie
- "Oh, Cristin has chili." -Katie
"That's okay. I love sleeping when it's cold." -Julie
- "What's wrong with my fan? Come on, baby. Get going. You all right?" -Cristin
- "Julie, should I wear my hat? I have a scarf, too." -Katie
"Do you have anything to cover your face?" -Cristin
- "Hey, that bush just sucks. " -Alicia
- "I'm starting to feel at home here." -Katie
"Yeah, you guys annoy me as much as my family." -Cristin
- "I'm done with my glory. I want my Email." -Julie
- "Tyler sucks! I don't usually say those crude things, but he sucks." -Liz
- "Are you talking again?" -Julie
- "At least I'm not a hick. Your first kiss was your horse." -Katie
"You're the one whose family tree is a pole. Your first kiss was your brother." -Cristin
- "I hate being locked out of the room when I'm supposed to be writing a paper!" -Katie
"Go to the basement." -Cristin
"I don't have any books!" -Katie
"Do you want me to hand you your books?" -Cristin
"NO!" -Katie
- "Re-deal means re-me." -Alicia
Volume III: "Our Endless Wit "
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- "You know what you're doing now? You're whining." -Mike
- "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BALLS FELL OFF!!!!!" -Cristin
- "Pretty soon Katie's going to start calling ME fat!" -Cristin
"Then you can start wearing my underwear." -Katie
- "ARGH! I can't find my shorts!" -Katie
"Do you only have one pair of those, too?" -Meg
- "Food is always so good when I'm hungry." -Tana
- "All right, I am so sick of Enya." -Katie
- "Calories schmalories!" -Liz
- "Wow, that was a good one!" -Katie
"That wasn't a good one. That was stupid." -Meg
- “I just didn’t understand. It toally dampered my spirits!” -Andrea
- "You're a loser." -Meg (to Katie)
- "What are you gonna do for the next half hour?" -Katie
"I don't know. I'll go to the bathroom or something." -Anna Bongiorno
- "You're trying to hurt me with Mike's harmful words that aren't even Mike's!" -Cristin
"We're trying to cheer you." -Katie
"I'm not cheered." -Cristin
- "I'm not going to see him ever again for three weeks!" -Cristin
- "I didn't understand. I kept looking. There was no penis." -Cristin
- "WE CAN'T TAKE THIS!" -Cristin and Julie (in unison)
- "I hate my life." -Julie (in low, gravelly pull voice)
- "Shoot. Shoot. I am so gay." -Nick
- "That is downright freaky." -Meg
- "We need TEA!!" -Meg
- "I'm covered in crap! What is that?" -Cristin
Volume IV: "HAAAW, HAAAW, HAAAW" (Or "Meg, Meg and More Meg")
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- "We didn't even have a fall. No leaves.. .." -Cristin (in September)
- "What's your problem, you fucking bitch?" -Cristin
"Fuck you!" -Katie
"There's too much love in this room. We need to open the door and let some out." -Julie
- "You think you're sooooo funny." -Katie
"I know I'm funny. There's no thinking about it." -Julie
"That applies to most of your life." -Katie
- "I hate history because you have to, like, know stuff" -Cristin
- "She's always going to bed in the double digits. What is that?" -Julie
- "Don't touch my butt unless it's with your hand, all right?" -Julie
- "Eat me!" -Katie
"I already said I would." -Annie
- "I have no point in life Except ice cream." -Cristin
- "I want ice cream." -Cristin
"You've been dieting all day. You deserve a break." -Katie
- "I've never not gone trick-or-treating. I love Halloween; it's the holiday of greed." -Katie
- “What do you want for Christmas?” –Katie
...long silence... "I want a new roommate." -Cristin
- "I like the phrase: 'Three apples a day brings the hot guys a-runnin'. ", -Cristin
- "All roads lead to eating." -Katie
- "Sometimes I can be so gay." Tana
- "You remind me of me." -Tana
"Wow, thanks!" -Katie
"I hate myself." - Tana
- "Between the two of you, you make two studs." -Alicia (to Katie and Cristin)
- "Oooohh, I'm so excited to sleep!" -Julie
Volume V. "Anything Making Fun of Katie is an Automatic Quote"
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- "My feet are cold... I have work to do... there's a hole in my shirt... AND I'M FAT! !" -Cristin
- "I dreamed about a can of iced tea." -Katie
"Really? I dreamed about Meg." -Cristin
- "I'm so excited to write my paper... it'll be fun... really... nope, this isn't working." -Cristin
- "You call him Joey? You should feel sorry to even be alive." - Rodney (to Katie)
- ”Julie is my inspiration to look nice." -Annie
- "What do you put in a coffeepot? Hamburgers... no, that's not right." -Julie
- "I'll be back in... you don't care." -Julie
- "TANA!! You licked my side!" -Julie
- "You really concern me. That's just not normal." –Julie (to KT)
- "I never know what to say when someone holds open two doors for me." -Brooke
"Thanks ... thanks." -Julie
- "I was like, 'this guy is so smart. Who could ever come up with a fuzzlewump?'" -Meg (about Dr. Seuss)
- "Can't I sue you for something?" -Alicia (to Katie)
- "Pretty soon you won't even recognize me." -Katie
"I pray for that day." -Julie
- "Katie, you look totally different with jeans on." -Kathy
- "Who invented Spanish anyway? This is so confusing!" -Meg
- "I'm so at peace right now." -Eric
- "My last name is Wohlfield," so I'm **cked." -Eric
- "Jamie, quit saying stupid things." -Max
- "You know what a Paarlberg does to a party." -Meg
"Why do you think they both begin with P?" -Beth
- "I love you guys! Even when I'm in the bathroom!" -Katie
- “I think Meg wants me. I’m such a piece of meat. Made in God’s own image, yes, sirree.” -Katie
Volume VI. "Get Off the Nuclear Warhead."
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- "I look so cute today." -Cristin
- "He wasn't really running... he was... getting fruit." -Katie
- "Julie inspires you to look nice, Cristin inspires you to do your nails. . ." -Katie
"And you inspire me to be a lesbian." -Annie
- "KATIE! I vacuumed! And I vacuumed the floor, too!"-Julie
- "He'll be happy as long as I'm there." -Cristin
"Yeah, hanging out with you builds character." -Katie
"Why does that build character?" -Cristin
"Because doing things you hate builds character." -Katie
- "You're a homophobe." -Katie
- "Ramen is, like, the mystery of life." -Cristin
- "Is it bad that there's a live wire hanging off Gilmore?" -Katie
- "Some people just shouldn't reproduce, Katie." -Julie
"Too bad your mom didn't realize that." -Katie
- "You're just weird." -Jamie
"Oh, making fun of Katie. That's an automatic quote." -Katie
- "Look, half my closet is pants!" -Cristin
"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! !" -Katie
- "It's hard to have a heart attack when your whole body's hemorrhaging." -Katie
- "Hey wait, let me write it. I can spell hemorrhaging." -Katie
- "Tomorrow I'll be with Jeff, and we'll get to be... dating other people." -Cristin
- "I feel the need to do something." -Cristin
"Just subdue it. You'll get over it in a few minutes." -Katie
- "You know you're in college when you start drinking Pringles." -Katie
- "I just really want to smash a pumpkin. I mean, just look at those pumpkins over there. What a prime opportunity." -Liz
- "George is tangibility impaired." -Katie
"I see. ... well, if he's tangibility impaired, I don't see." -Kathy
- "This is happiness in a hay basket!" -Cristin
- "Dude, did she return your tights yet?" -LiAhna
"No. she probably got cum on them or something." -Katie
- "Brad could spend the night here... but no, he wouldn't... once he broke parietals by five minutes and he wrote himself up." -Katie
- "My goal by the end of the year is to leave teethmarks on all the furniture." -Katie
- "I'm paralyzed and I'm fat and I'm possessed... l'mjust PAVING THE WAY for Warren to come out!" -Katie
- "It could've put a severe damper on my ability to live." -Jeff
- "I wonder where I'd be without mayonnaise... probably at 15%." -Meg
- "If happiness were people, I'd be China." -Julie
- "EVEN THE ALLEYS HAVE FLOWERS!" -Alicia (about Holland)
- "I wish zits were sexy." -Cristin
- "I'm feeling bitter because you denied my offer to be a lesbian." -Cristin (to Katie)
- "I love how the squirrels carry nuts in their mouths." -Katie
"That's because it reminds you of yourself." -Cristin
- "Oh well- maybe next year." -Cristin (about Nykerk)
- "Why does Sunday have to come every week?" -Cristin
- "Let's just close the door and lock it and get real fat." -Cristin
- "Will you think less of me if I try this on?" -Julie
- "If I were any less motivated right now, I'd be dead." -Julie
- "I wish JP's delivered." -Cristin
- "Gravity's a bitch." -Julie
- “I love you guys so stinking much.” –Katie
(long, drawn-out silence) -Julie and Cristin
- "You can't suck for crap!" -Annie (to Katie)
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- "I'm wearing black and he's wearing navy blue." -Katie
"Yeah, between the two of you, you make a bruise." -Alicia
- "I'm getting a cold, I'm sick, I'm going to die." -Julie
- “I’m so excited!” –Katie
“Yeah, you paid your phone bill!” -Julie
"No, that's not why. The check will probably bounce anyway." -Katie (editor's note: It did)
- "I'd rather break a leg than have sex." -Katie
- "Shoot, I feel bad for your husband." -Julie
"So do I. He'll be a skilled masturbator." -Katie
- "How do you spell masturbate?" -Julie
- "Oh my gosh. What is wrong with you? You stroke your plants, you cry over your Christmas tree... YOU'RE SO WEIRD! !" -Cristin (to Katie)
- "I don't know if I can look at you the same way anymore. You wished death on a pregnant woman." -Annie (to Katie)
- "Look at your poor face." -Amy (to Katie)
- "I don't want an engagement ring." -Katie
"Are you a girl?" Jeff
- "All I have money for is Frisbees." -Julie
- "My plate looks like the place where fruit goes to die." - Andrea Douglass
- "It must be because the sun's going all funky." -Katie
- "I thought we were having a pathetic meeting, but I think it's just you guys." -Jody
- "I don't like thinking." -Cristin
- "This has been a rather amusing evening." -Jeff
- "Maybe I'll smell like a pear. Should I smell like a pear today?"- Julie
"You look like one." -Katie
- "I had an excellent work ethic up until eighth grade." -Meg
- "Ma'am! You are abnormally tall, ma'am. How the heck tall are ya?" -Some guy in a random gas station (to Meg)
- "You make having a nervous breakdown fun." -Katie (to Alicia)
Volume IX. "The Day the Sun Went All Funky"
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- "You actually let Katie borrow your clothes?" -Julie (to Cristin)
"It was the feel-good, do-good phenomenon." -Cristin
- "It's okay Meg, I've got the wheel." -Julie
"Oh great." -Meg
"AAAAHH, Dr. Pepper on my crotch. .." -Meg
- "Whoa. I just stuck my hand in my crotch. Then I smelled it. And it smelled a lot like Dr. Pepper." -Anonymous
- "I wish I liked myself as much as you do." -Cristin (to Katie)
- "Why isn't Katie coming home until tomorrow?" -Kathy
"Hmmm. Probably because it's New Jersey." -Julie
- “Diet Coke? That’s, like, battery acid.” –Cristin
“It is? …wait, no, I knew it wasn't." -Julie
- "This is very distressing... I'm so fat I'm going to die." -Julie
- "I got pink stuff up my nose for the first time in my college career. Dude, that stuff BURNS!" -Katie
- "No! She's liberty, she's free; she doesn't even wear a bra." -Katie
- "It's cluster look-nice day... what is that? I hate looking nice." -Andrea
- "What are you doing, you freak?" -Julie (to guess whom... Katie)
- "I think it's funny the way you dress." -Cristin (to guess whom)
- "Does anyone wanna play the Pocahontas board game?"-Katie
"I can't think of anything I'd rather not do." -Julie
- "Yeah, and I have so many burdens on my soul." -Katie
"Look, I don't think Julie meant it about the Pocahontas board game!" -Cristin .
- "I like Brad. He's... well, nice is a strong word." -Julie
- (During Rock Vespers time) "You know what? Meg is in heaven right now." -Tana
- "The train has switched to heroin." -Alicia
- "I'm being hit by star!" -Cristin
"So's Clinton."-Katie (Julie goes into convulsions)
- "What is this ugliness?" -Cristin (to no one in particular)
"Are you gonna take that?" -Julie (to Katie)
- "Now would be a perfect time for the Rapture." -Julie (studying)
- "We want Katie to move out." -Julie and Cristin (to Jody)
"Well, she's not living with me." -Jody
- "Wipe that look off your face! .. .It's still there! Oh, wait. That was your face." -Cristin
- "I don't feel like writing this paper anymore." -Katie
"I don't feel like doing chemistry anymore." -Julie
"Let's go to Meijer." -Katie and Julie
Volume X. "Experimentation is What College is All About"
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- "Katie and I are going to experiment now because that is what college is all about." -Cristin
- "Jody, I'm having problems with my roommate." -Sherrie
"Get a helmet, life sucks." -Jody
- "I'm totally kidding. I'm not even a pervert." -Roni
- "If it doesn't arouse you, then I don't want to do it." -Cristin (to Katie)
- "Let's play How Stupid Can Katie Get?"-Katie
"No, we play that game every day. Let's play something else." -Julie
- "You know your paper's bad when you use the word 'wonderfulness.'" -Cristin
- "Woah. I need to stop this feel-good, do-good business, don't I?"- Julie
- "I have so many people kissing me and that's kind of kinky." -Meg
- "HE'S BALDING, MEG!!" -Katie (about Dwight)
- "Your mouth just needs to be shut. All the time." -Meg (to Katie)
- "Who ever heard of playing jezzball standing up?" -Jeff
- "Damn communists!" -Tatiana
"Wait... we are the communists." -Soncheka
- "Jeff, we like you." -Cristin
"Aren't we sick?" -Katie
".. .Both of you?" -Jeff
- "You think everything I say is funny." -Jeff
"...QUOTE!!" -Cristin
- "How do you all know you can have root beer?" -Roni
- "Rachel and Luke are fighting about President Clinton." -Meg
- "Because we're NOT Bill Clinton." -Jody
- "Do you think as fast as you talk? Because, wow, you must be, like, Socrates." -Jeff (to Katie)
- "I'm ready to... um... die... now."-Annie
- "Will you make the squishy gray squirrel sound?" -Julie
- "You spelled 'squirrel' wrong." -Katie
- "I cleaned AJ's bowl!" -Julie
"Neat... we can see him." -Cristin
- "It's a bad thing when your face scares you." -Julie
- "My clothes smell like dryer sheets. Wanna known why? Cuz I didn't put in just one. I put in three." -Julie
Vol. XI. "This is Sick and Wrong."
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- "Let's talk about your mental problems." -Katie (to Jeff)
"Boy, that is irony at its finest." -Jeff
- "You want a dick, don't you?" -Rodney (to Katie)
- "I have done more studying today than I did in all four years of high school." -Meg (during exam week)
- "Katie, I just got the weirdest feeling. ...1 think I'm going to miss you." -Meg
- "Katie, you're a feminazi. .. .Do you shave your legs?" -Rodney
- "How the stink do you lock the door? Oh... keys. Heh heh." -Julie
- "AJ, you're probably gonna die now." -Cristin
- "Oh yeah- hey, Julie, will you write 'formal dress' on my grocery list?" -Katie
- "If that damn Jesus thing weren't stuck on the wall. . ." -Cristin
- “I didn’t know what narcolepsy was…oh wait, I mean, apocalypse.” -Amy
- "You know how something comes out of your mouth, and it doesn’t have anything to do with anything? ...I just did that." -Cristin
- "You just used the word 'therapeutic' in a sentence, and you're nc doctor, nor... like... a surgeon." -Jason (to Katie)
- "Are all girls interior decorators at heart?"-Jeff
- "Need I remind you that I wiped out my checking account and crashed a car?" -Alicia (To Katie)
- "I'm not dead! I'm just crying!" -Roni
- "Does anyone have anything else?" -Jody
"Yeah, I have something.” -Meg
"Yeah- Beth??" -Jody
- "Dude, how many people go around worshipping Lord Zeus today? Uh, nobody." -Cristin (reading the Odyssey)
- "Why is everything always harder to do when it's hot?" -Julie (on 1/13/99, quite possibly the coldest day of the century)
- "Oh. .. hey... did you know Malcolm X used to live in Mason? I probably should have taken you to his house, huh?" -Meg (after showing Julie the worst parts of Mason)
- "I can't tell which ones are guys and which ones are girls." -Rodney (playing sextris)
"They have tits, Rodney." -Jeff
- "There are so many people... I just don't understand how they can like, not know things." -Cristin
Volume XII. "I Hate Being Dumb!"
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- "Whoa... what month am I in?" -Andrea Mulder
- "You've gotta fly by the seat of your pants." -Doug
"Isn't it 'live the seat of your pants'?"- Kathy
". . . Or you could live by the fly of your pants." -Annie
- "I can tell you're at college because you say 'gay' and 'lesbian' a whole lot more than you used to." -Amy Lubbers (to Jeff)
- "Rodney's writing a paper, so I don't think there'll be any sex in my near future." -Cristin
"If it's Rodney writing the paper, I don't think there'll be any sex in your longterm future." -Jeff
- "Don't start a snowball fight with me. Rule number one- you won’t win. Rule number two- you'll lose." -Rodney (to Katie)
- "Does Julie always pull the covers off your bed, Katie?" -Diane.
"No. I don't want to see what's under there."-Julie
"Well, good. He doesn't want to see you, either." -Katie
- "Wow, Julie. You get made fun of a lot." -Diane
- "So Meg, can I have the down low for tomorrow?" -Amy
"The what on tomorrow?" -Meg
"The down low. On what we're doing."-Amy
"Uh... you mean the lowdown?"-Meg
"HA HA, AMY!" -everyon else
- "I'm going skiing this weekend, do you wanna come?" -Chad (to Bradley)
"Oh, we're gonna do more than ski, big guy." -Brad
"... ... ... No, we're not." -Chad Gibbie
- "Life is so unfair. Why does everything that makes me happy have to make me fat?" -Anonymous, eating pizza at midnight
- "How do you spell 'anonymous?"'-Julie
- "I wonder if Wheat Thins will still be around when we graduate." -Meg
- "I found my watch, Meg- in my laundry basket. What was it doing there?" -Julie
"Not much. Keeping time." -Katie
- "I want to touch you." -Andrea (to Annie, across the dinner table with Jeremy and Chad)
- "How many laps around the salad bar does it take to make a mile?' Julie
- "Life sucks! What's wrong with whining?" -Rodney
Volume XIII. "Damn Pheromones!"
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- "There are three words you need in the English language- yes, no, and fuck." -Brad
- "I came to get my shirt that Katie borrowed." -Jeff
"You let her borrow your clothes, huh? Was that the feel-good, do-good phenomenon?" -Julie "Yeah, I guess so. But it didn't feel as good I thought it would." -Jeff
- "Teddy Grahams are like slap bracelets." -Kathy
- "It's a good thing his name is Tom, and not some long name... like... Larry." -Meg
- "Brad made me brush my teeth with him." -Katie
"You know you can't wear white at your wedding now." -Andrea Douglass
- "I didn't know there were people who actually ate marshmallow fluff... I thought it was just in the book." -Jody
- "How do you spell 'Ethiopia'?" -Julie
- "How do you spell 'laboratory'?" -Julie
- "You know you're procrastinating when you're not even pretending to do anything." -Katie
- "My life is so mundane." -Cristin
- "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE SEX ANYMORE!" -Cristin, about sextris
- "Start being manic!" -Rodney (to Cristin)
- "Wait, I missed it...I always miss it.. ." -Sally
- “We could, like, condone people to hell and stuff.” -Brad
- “What’s intelligence when you're cute?" -Heather
- "Just hump in the shower... oh, I meant jump! Aah! I meant jump!” -Julie
- "So I look around and I think, 'Am I at a jail? Nope, I'm at a bodily fluid collection center!' Now I know that if I ever need bodily fluid, it's coming from prime-time, quality Americans." -Meg
- "We're in college now. Girls don't just wanna date us anymore. 1 wanna marry us." -Brad (his freshman year)
- "I've been really happy every Saturday for the past two Saturdays.” -Katie
Volume XIV. "Our New Motto is F**k You'!"
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- "Rodney, that ice cream has saturated fat." -Julie
"Jules, I don't care about fat. I'm not like you." -Rodney
- "Yeah, Jules, I talked to Ronette and she said you were puttin' out.” -Rodney
- "I boycotted prom in high school. .. .Actually, I never had a date, but... "-Beth
- "If we were men, we'd have guts and beer right now." -Beth
- "Note to self: whenever Katie starts humming the theme from Indiana Jones, examine her closely.' …Wait, I didn't mean that the way it sounded." -Jeff
- "The only French I know is Oy Ve." -Jeff "That's not French, it's Spanish." -Cristin (Note: 'Oy Ve' is Yiddish.)
- "What do they mean, I'm not sensitive? I'm a poet, dammit!"-Andy
- "Hey, Julie, I know. We'll decorate. Yeah. We'll call it... decorating." -Meg
- "Look everyone- Meg's an idiot!" -Amy !
- "I don't want to eat a cow." -Rodney
"You will all eat my animals.” -Noah
- "My wrist hurts a-" -Julie
"I'm sorry." -Rodney "It hurts when-" -Julie "I apologize." -Rodney "When I-" -Julie "I feel horrible. " -Rodney "It hurts whenever I move it to-" -Julie "My deepest regards." -Rodney "I-" -Julie "You did nothing, nothing dammit, to deserve this." -Rodney
- "Rodney, don't be such a genitalia." -Katie
"What's a genitalia?' -Rodney
- "What on earth does this have to do with sports?" -Katie (looking at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue)
"That's why they call it 'illustrated. ' "-Rodney
- "Yes, Mom... I can spell Grandma's last name." -Julie
- "Sometimes pants are just too big." -Cristin
Volume XV. "Deep Thoughts by Andy"
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- "The quote board should be called 'Quote Board', so people know what it is." -Andy
- "That Viagra thing didn't work for me." -Cristin
- "Why can't you ever kiss me when I'm awake?" -Cristin (to Katie)
- "Someone's going to have to hold my hair back..." -Andy
- "I was gonna put a sign on the bathroom door that said 'No Dumping', but then I thought, 'Who does most of the dumping? Me!'" -Meg
- "Nobody has anything to do but me in this whole world." -Cristin
- "What's the date today?" -Matt, on his birthday
- "When I was little, I got hit with a belt." -Katie
"I got hit with a wooden spoon." -Branden "I got hit with a frozen turkey." -Noah
- "Someone was throwing up while I was in the shower." -Katie
"Someone in the cluster?" -Branden "No, in the bathroom." -Katie
- "I think anything that makes Cristin wet herself should be an automatic quote." -Katie
- "Cristin is a goddess." -Rodney
- "You know I'm the ideal human being." -Rodney
- "Could be God, could be the acid... could be God, could be the acid. . ." -Cristin
- "Jesus loves me, yadda, yadda, yadda." -Andy
- "Keep your chocolate-chip-mocha strife to yourself. We're all about vanilla chapel." -Andrea Douglass
- "With the raise of an eyebrow, Andy gives a dissertation." -Katie
- "Katie, this is an appropriate time to say 'Fuck You.'" -Andrea
- "We still have a lot of time to do things before we die, right?"-Katie
(….long silence...) "... Want some more jelly-bellies?" -Cristin
- "What's in fish and chips? French fries and what else?" -Amy
- "I bet you always win the watermelon spitting contest, Cristin." -Rodney
"You spit watermelons?" -Jeff
- "We're gonna go all over the Holland area making people happy! -Katie
"Why don’t you start here? I take checks." -Cristin
- "My wrist hurts!" -Katie (giving a back rub)
"Suck it up and massage." -Cristin
- "Are you racist?" -Alicia
"I don't want to talk about the gay homosexuality thing." -Rodney
- "What movie theater did you work at?" -Rodney
"Too bad you're not from my town and wouldn't know it." -Alicia ".. .I've been New Jersey." -Rodney (note: Alicia's from New York)
Volume XVI. "Ideal Human Beings"
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- "Do you know how I read?" -Cristin
"I don't know. .. how about left to right?" -Jeff
- "My principles of not letting guys pay for me are going down tb toilet." -Katie
"That's okay. Those are bad principles, anyways. -Brooke
- "I can't wait for life. Get me out of college!" -Heather Bachelor
- "Hey, he's peeing on you guys." -Mr. Mezeske
- "You know how sometimes in a paper, you have to show the opposite side to make your point?" -Julie
(...dead silence...) "So are you excited to usher for Mel White?" -Julie
- "Your butt better jiggle if you're gonna make a good mom someday." -Anonymous
- "Katie, your entire being is a political statement." -Andrea
- "Oh my gosh, I have to get up at a time that has a 7 in it." Cristin
- "I dated this girl my freshman year... no, maybe it was sophomore year. No, it was freshman year. You know what? I don't care. Because I'm not with that girl anymore." -Andy
- "Katie, you're waking people up in small countries surrounding United States." -Cristin
- "Here, you can have my smoothie! You can have mine!" -Katie
"Owwwww." -Cristin
- "She was 80 and he was 17? That's a 73 year difference!" -Alicia
"No it's 63." -Kristy "Alicia, what are you getting in math?" –Cristin “A 'B'... but I don't need to add." -Alicia
- "Why do I get a headache whenever I walk into the room?" –Katie
“I don't know. I get a headache every time you walk into the room, too." -Cristin
- [Thoughts on the Y2K thing] "My brother said to stock up on bottled water for the year 2000.” -Kristy
"Well, they'll still have running streams in the year 2000, won't they?" -Andy "Actually. .. I have no problem drinking lake water ." -Julie
- "Oh my gosh, Julie did something smart today!" -Cristin
- "I always wanted to penetrate my very soul." -Alicia
- "It's been awhile since I've seen stuffed porn.. ." -Andy
- "Stigmata means when you get bloody holes in your hands... it's Catholic thing." -Katie
"They do that to you?" -Alicia
- "Straws don't melt, do they? It's, like, illegal." -Julie
- "Every time I see Brian, I think he's better looking." -Jody
"Every time Brad sees himself, he thinks he's better looking." -Katie
Volume XVII. "On the Road to 500 Quotes!"
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- "How will I benefit the SHARE program?" -Julie
"Say that... you watch cartoons, and like to clean up puke." -Cristin "What else?" Julie "Tell them you like glitter. Tell them that you, like, make posters and stuff" -Cristin "And.. ." -Julie "Puke, puke, puke!"- Cristin
- "Nate needs a frisbee golf girl." -Cristin
"For what?" -Jeff
- "I don't like kids. I'm used to relating with people who are on my reading level." -Cristin
- "See, right now I'm laughing at you because that wasn't funny at all."-Cristin (to Brad)
- "You guys are going to have annoying kids." -Cristin (to Katie and Brad)
- "I haven't been a virgin since I was, like, six." -Cristin
- "How exactly do you do a lap dance? I mean, do you stand on their legs, or what? Doesn't that hurt?" -Katie
"You'd,be like, 'man, you have nice knees.'" -Jeff "Well, knees are skin. That's erotic, right? I guess it would have to be called a quadricep dance." -Katie
- "Can I buy one of those zebra rugs?" -Katie
"NO" -Big, fat, uncuddly bouncer man "No, huh? Do you think there's any way they would sell it?" (.. .dead silence...) "No possible way?" (.. .dead silence...) "No?" (...dead silence...) "Okay, thanks."-Katie
- "This is, like, Jeff and Rod and their hos." -Katie
- "Man, you'd better put on your seat belt. There's no airbags in this thing, you know." -Rod (to KT, while she was playing a driving simulator at Godfather's)
- "Kosovo affects Hope College." -Heather Bachelor
"What's Kosovo?" -Meg "Break out the Guinness Book of World Records, because that was the dumbest question ever. We're at war, Meg. War."-Heather "Well, how am I supposed to know? I was gone all spring break. No TV and no paper." -Meg "Didn't your family tell you?" -Heather "Don't talk to my family.. ." -Meg "Didn't you learn about it in your classes?" -Heather "Don't go to class. .. How did you find out?" -Meg "My boyfriend told me." -Heather "No boyfriend..." -Meg
- "Can I have some alcohol? Oh no no, it's not to drink. It's so I can wash the 'M' off my hands so I can buy some alcohol." -Katie
- "Not fair. There's no more." -Jeff, age 8, Christmas Day
"You were a greedy little bastard!" -Rod
Volume XVIII. "Peace, Love, and the Joy of Urination"
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- "The Walkman was invented in this Japanese country..." -Kristy
- "Oh, Julie, we're not going to be together next year!" -Cristin
"Ohhhh!" -Julie "Hey, you guys forgot. You're supposed to be sad about me, too." -Katie "Oh yeah. Um, I forgot." -Cristin
- "Hey, guess what, Kristy? I have money to spend at WIO this week!” -Katie
"Wow. I'm impressive." -Kristy
- "I don't know if I can sleep with the lights off!" -Cristin
- "It's not that hard! You put your mouth around it and guys like it.' -Anonymous
- (singing) "RIGHT NOW! It's your tomorrow.. ." -Julie
"I should in psych... RIGHT NOW!" -Katie
- "Do you have a cousin named Jim?" -Alicia (to Katie)
"Probably." -Katie (Katie, Alicia, Cristin, and Andrea have collective heart failure)
- "Wow. You have the same haircut as your brother." -Julie (to Katie)
- "I'm urinating in pleasure... I don't know why I just said that." -Cristin
- "Next year, are you going to hate me as much as you hate Katie?" -Alicia (to Cristin)
"Probably." -Cristin
- "Do you want butter on your popcorn?" -Meredith
"Sure. If I'm gonna get fat, I might as well do it right." -Alicia "No, this butter's fat-free and calorie-free." -Meredith "Then Good Lord, make it swim." -Alicia
- "One day my dad said, 'Son... those are ducks.' And from then on, I been callin' 'em ducks. Going on... oh, about 19 years now." -Andy
- (big sigh) "Bradley always tries to fit in as many 'dears' and 'sweethearts' in every sentence as possible." -Katie
".. .must be rough.. ." -Brooke
- "Hey guys, look. It really does make you want to see how close you can get your face to it." -Meg
"Meg, the train is not a toy." -Julie
- "What are we gonna do? We only have, like, another hour till we have to get up." -Katie
"Let's play Sorry." -Cristin (at 6:13 am right after fire alarm)
- "That was one big wet T-shirt contest." -Cristin
XIX. "Let's just write down everything anyone says so we can make it to 500 quotes." -Cristin
- "I'm getting hit with raindrops the size of Kentucky." -Cristin
- "Yeah, they said lightning struck the upper comer of Dykstra, on th third floor, facing Gilmore... uh, yep, that'd be our room, huh? ... We should definitely all get As." -Julie
- (On the phone with her brother): "David, isn't it cool that out of all
the rooms on campus, lightning struck ours? ... …No, I do not think God is striking down his wrath upon me!" -Katie
- "Man, that kid just got ice cream all over his shirt." -Branden
"That poor kid has clothes stuff allover his ice cream!" -Wax
- "I'm screwed. .. .No... I wish I were screwed. Then at least I'd have something to be happy about." -Cristin
- "Wait... all my friends did acid in high school, but I never knew it was LSD." -Alicia
- "Ow... I just put my head on your cactus!" -Katie
"MY CACTUS-!?!?!?" -Alicia
- "You know it's bad when it's Sunday night and you're already planning your weekend." -Katie
- . "I'm late. It's 11:59... I just know it's gonna be 12:00 any second." -Cristin
- "Katie, from 3 tables away, you're coming in loud & clear." -Jeff
- "That was, like, Mary Had a Dead Sheep. In D Minor." -Katie
- "I'm a walking phallic symbol. Wanna scratch my head?" -Andy
- "I worked in construction for two months. I know exactly what kind of person I do not want to become." -Jeff
- "Shut up, Katie. I feel like a goddamn girl!" -Jeff
- "Exactly what is in the Bible about used tampons?" -Jeff
- "How about we just sit in the pine grove for the rest of the year and you can piss me off and I can swear and make you laugh and you can write down a QUOTE every time I speak?" -Jeff
- "I bet I can sing 'I Have Never Had Sex Before' in a minor key." -Jeff
- "I called her a female condom." -Katie
"I've actually seen one of those before." -Andy "I've actually used one of those before." - Cristin (a hush falls over the crowd. . .)
- (Julie, while reading first aid book) "Any injury to the back of the head can become.. blah blah blah, never mind." -Julie
"Become what, Julie?" "Become a life-threatening emergency, but..." -Julie
- "Hey, wanna bond?"-Meg, to some random girl in the computer lab
"I have a paper to do." -girl "I'm not talkin' sit and tell secrets. I'm talking powder down pants." -Meg "...1 have a paper to do." –girl
 Vol. XX "Midnight Mass Mania"
- "These old women always come in JP's and hit on us." -Andy
"Do they have, like, white hair?" -Cristin "No.. .more like white trash." -Andy
- "I'm so sick of dating girls who do not know who Led Zeppelin is.” Andy
- "Ooh, that was catastrophous." -Cristin
- "How do you spell ooh?" -Julie
- "Big nuts. I've got big nuts. Pass it on." -Morgan
- "Wow, what a way to go; get hit by a Mercedes." -Beth
- "You wear my pants more than I do." -Cristin (to Katie)
- "Hmm.. .if I put Artemis on my shoulder it'll smell." -Katie (on her sunburn)
- "Wow. Those girls in tank tops have to be cold." -Cristin "They must be from Canada." -Sarah Haines
- "I now have goose bumps the size of my head." -Cristin
- "Is anybody else burned.. .or wanna smell like berries?" -Katie
"Shoot.. .I'm not burned." -Jeremy
- "Wow, it must suck to be an adult and like, not have breaks. .. .But then again, they don't have to study." -Julie
- "I spelled my name wrong. That's when you know you have problems." -Julie
- "Well, I don't know if it was a socially known thing. I mean, I didn't want people to come in and be like, 'you freak, you spelled ooh wrong.'" -Julie (see quote #382)
- "I like squirrels." -Annie
- "The only people that like me are my dog." -Annie
- "Everything seems larger on a midget." -Morgan
- "Why are you being nice to me? It's not the feel-good, do-good phenomenon, and there's no such thing as the feel-bad, do-good phenomenon. It must be the get-drunk, do-good phenomenon. -Katie (to Cristin)
- "I like gettin' drunk." -Anonymous
- "She's on the rebound, she's open to suggestion." -Andy "Where's my shot glass?" -Cristin
- "Why don't we care right now?" -Cristin
"I don't know, maybe ij we stop talking about it we'll start caring." -Katie …pause... "I don't care yet, do you?" -Katie
- ”When I was going to live in Dykstra, I did not sign up to live three doors down from Chad Gibbie." -Katie
Vol. XXI "And They Live Happily Ever After..."
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- "My paper's getting too long." -Katie
"Just wrap it up and say 'I have many more thoughts, but for your sake, I'm gonna end it.' Then she'll think you're smart." -Alicia
- "I had this HUGE blister." –Brad
"Why didn't you just pop it?" -Cristin "I would have, like, dehydrated myself" -Brad
- "I don't want anything greasy, because I've been feeling sick all day... so I think I'll get nachos." -Katie
- "I'm going to say something funny now." -Cristin
- "The car's not necessarily from New Jersey. It could have been made in Japan." -Alicia
"That car is from New Jersey, it has a New Jersey license plate!" -Katie "Shove it up your ass." -Cristin “I have enough up my ass, I don't need a car." -Katie
- "Hey, for the last quote we should say, 'this quote board sucks. Let's not even type it up."'-Katie
"…Nah, let's make it something funny." -Cristin
- "Isn't there more emotion behind it??!" -Katie
"No, you just. look it and it makes them happy." -Cristin (see # 336)
- "I really like boys." -Cristin
- "I'm a walking, talking Mentos dispenser." -Jeff
- "I just want you guys to know that this is the last quote." -Cristin
"Oh I'm going to cry, I'm just going to shed tears the size of Lake Superior." -Katie "Julie, you have to say something, too, so you can be in the last quote." -Cristin …confused silence from Julie "I’m scared that whatever I say will go on the quote board." -Julie "No really am going to cry.. .I'm not even kidding.. .at all." -Katie
- "I wonder if anyone will notice that we really didn't make it to 410, but that we skipped numbers 345- 354?" -Cristin
"Probably not, I wouldn't." -Katie
- (looking through HS yearbook) “”yeah, I’d better reacquaint myself with these people’s names if I’m gonna be drinking with them all summer.” –Katie
- ”How do you know so much?” –Jeff, to Cristin (see #s 336 and 396)
- ”Man, Brad says everything to his parents.” –Katie
”Yeah…I think I said ‘Jesus’ once…like, not in a prayer…” –Jeff
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Fourth of July Week in Holland back to top
- ”Hey, I can prepare for surgery now.” –Katie “Yeah…on DOGS…” –Andy
- ”Whoa. That’s alotta ramen.” –Katie “That’s alotta makeup.” –Jeff
- ”I ran a mile the other day.” –Cristin “Yeah, I can tell.” –Katie
- ”Hey, guys, those fireworks look like sperm. …Uh, guys, those fireworks look like sperm. Those…fireworks…they look like sperm…” –Cristin “Hey, those fireworks look like sperm!” –Katie “Those are the ones. They’ve been coming frequently.” –Cristin
School of the Americas Trip Quote Board
- "Andy, did you peeee already?" -Rachel
"You know it." -Andy
"That's because you have a peeenis." -Rachel
"Thanks for the tip." -Andy
- "Now I have whiskey AND shit all over my face." -Rachel
"Shit & whiskey, that's all ya need in life." -Andy
- "Hey, that was a horse-breeding farm!" -Andy
"I breed horses." -Rachel
"...I breed like a horse..." -Andy
- "Either way you go, you're taking up 95% of the room." -Katie
"Either way I go, 95% of me doesn't care." -Andy
- "Isn't the drinking age in jo-ja, like, fourteen?" -Katie
"No, but the breeding age is, like, thirteen." -Andy
"It's not thirteen. It's eight." -Katie
"Old enough to crawl in the right position." -Andy
- "I've always been a fan of two wrongs making a right." -Christine
"Well, two wrongs don't make a right... but hey, three rights make a left!" -Kristy
- (About Andy's snoring) "I've never heard anything quite like that." -Beth
"He sounds like a fucking dinosaur." -Rachel
- "I brought my special underwear for the march. ...And I washed them!" -Rachel
- "Oh, my fuck... Oh! I need to wash my mouth out with some Quaker Oats." -Rachel
- "Did you just throw the kitty?" -Katie
"No... I just kinda lobbed him." -Rachel
- "Your head weighs, like, twenty pounds." -Andy
"I have a heavy brain." -Katie
"No, you have brain-fat. You should go on a brain-diet. ...Go to chapel." -Andy
- (To Andy and Katie) "You guys are fine separately, but together, you're so annoying." -Kristy
- "Yeah, what the heck? Why attack a man in a habit?" -Kristy
- "We're gonna fill up, and there's a bathroom here--" -Jane
"Yeah, so we're gonna empty out." -Kristy
- "I've become a contortionist on this trip." -Katie
"...Sweet." -Andy
- "These pants need some serious laundering action." -Christine
- "Andy, what are you biting?" -Kristy
- "Jenny, how you feeling?" -Andy
"Scared. Because when this thing blows, you guys are gonna hate me." -Jenny
- "We're right next door, so don't be too wild." -Jane
"We'll just put pillows against the wall." -Beth
"Yeah, we'll pull the bed away from the wall." -Katie
"And so will we." -Jane (...dead silence)
- "Jennay, what's wrong?" -Kristy
"...I think... only one of my ears works." -Jennay
- "I'm dredding my armpit hair." -Kristy
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Sophomore Year Quote Board
Volume I: “Here We Go Again” back to top
- “Whenever I eat creamy chicken ramen, I think of you guys.” -Katie
“Whenever I cream, I think of you guys.” -Morgan
“...Whenever I chicken, I think of you guys...” -Andy
- “This is, like, Jeff and Doug and their hos.” -Katie
“This is, like, five people and their wind machine.” -Cristin
- “Wait, why don’t you guys like Chad? Is it because he’s a cock, or some other
reason?” -Doug
- “Aaah! That was an oncoming car!” -Doug
“Yeah, but it was far away.” -Cristin
“It was approaching at a high rate of speed!” -Doug
- “We’ll go to Ferris State.” -Meg
“Yeah, but it has to be off-campus.” -Katie
- “Hey, I have lots of keys. You know what that means?” -Katie
“...You’re a janitor?” -Andy
- “What is it about this campus that makes you wanna hump something?” -Justin
- “Oh, I’m in class, I’m trying to learn about media, and oh, my teacher has boobs.
And he’s not supposed to have ‘em.” -Doug
- “Who’s ever met their fifth cousins, anyway?” -Katie
“I don’t know, but if I did, I WOULDN’T MARRY THEM!” -Cristin
- “Do you know what my daughter and I put in the back of the car?” -Coach Van
“A pushmower?” -Katie and Cristin
- “God, does everything Morgan says have to do with sex?” -James
- “Katie says we need a dry board... I prefer a wet board.” -Andy
“How about a llama?” -James
- “I’m stressing... about the direction of my life. And that doesn’t help when you
have to write three papers!” -Meredith TerHaar
- “This is vintage Def Leppard...” -Andy
“Yeah... he still has his arm.” -James
- “What I wanna know is, what was Jesus doing in Mexico?” -Morgan
- “If I’m gonna get a Jesus-fish tattoo, it’s at least gonna be a shark.” -Morgan
- “The Cosmos are a bunch of hairy little men, aren’t they?” -Michelle
- (Watching Seven Years in Tibet) “He’s probably going back to Tibet. I mean, the
guy’s gotta spend seven years there somehow.” -Andy
“He does? ... ...oh, DUH...” -Meredith TerHaar
- “We worked a party for the unveiling of Leonardo DaVinci’s horse.” -Meg
“Was Leonardo DaVinci there?” -John
- “I’m going to drop out of civilized culture.” -Katie
“Is that a second-half-semester course?” -Cristin
- “I think I’ll move to Northern Canada and be an ascetic and live with polar bears.”
“I don’t think they have that at the Study Abroad Fair.” -Cristin
- “Today was just a shitty week.” -Christine
- “On my honeymoon, I think I should wait till the second night so there’s not as
much pressure.” -Katie (...long silence...)
“Uh, make sure you tell him that beforehand.” -Jeff
Volume II: Quitting Civilized Culture back to top
- (Katie lies down on Jeff’s lap on the futon) “Yeah, THAT’S conducive to
studying. Don’t you know what happens when you lie down on that thing?
...The futon... not Jeff...” -Doug
- (Mike talking about playboy bunnies) “SHOW ME THE BUNNY! SHOW ME
THE BUNNY!” -Daron
- “See, I’m against the death penalty, but I’m all for torture.” -James
- “That girl’s not going to make a good mother.” -Andy
“Yeah, she’ll never pass the flour test.” -Doug
- “I stole four signs since I got to Hope College. I’ve drank five out of six weekends.
And I’m no longer innocent. Doug, what is this place?” -Doug
- “You know what? We should get a cement mixer for, like, big parties and stuff.”
- (After Katie and Alicia yell at Doug) “You two don’t speak English when you’re
flustered. You speak Woman.” -Doug
- “If it doesn’t go together in a salad, ya can’t wear it.” -Doug
- “Jeez, if my girlfriend did that, it’d be cool, but if some other guy’s girlfriend does
it, it’s fucking gross.” -James
- “Meg and I are gonna room together at DeTox.” -Katie
- “...Some girls were just ugly. Man, they should just hide in their rooms.” -Alicia
- “...He could be a hemp-pimp.” -Alicia
- “Your computer is as slow as a butt. ...I mean, a butt that’s been severed from legs.
...So it’s not going anywhere.” -Daron
- “I’m gonna take a shower... no, no, I’m gonna take a nap.” -Meredith TerHaar
- “How can I have this much work to do? ...And I pay for my cable, and I never get
to watch it...” -Cristin
- “OK, I’ll crush it, to put it out of its misery. ...Man, it must suck to be a bug.”
- “When did Adam Smith and God get together and write a book?” -Morgan
- “I like the Christian news channel. ‘Thesselonians says we won’t know when the
end of the world’s coming, so it’s gonna be tomorrow.’” -Morgan
- “I just wanna go to Washington with a baseball bat in each hand. ‘You’re a
diplomat? Boom! You’re a foreign ambassador? Boom! Lighten up!” -James
- (Staying overnight in Maas for Mission Trip registration) “I don’t understand
how they can allow this. I mean, come on. BOYS and GIRLS staying in the same
room-- ALL NIGHT? Next thing ya know, they... WON’T be firing the
homosexual teachers!!!!” -Cristin
- “Yeah, we could leave the futon out and roll around in our money.” -Cristin
Volume III: “Putting the Cat Back in Catering” back to top
- “Phelps puts the ‘cat’ back in ‘catering’.” -Janis
- “Friends don’t let friends drive... over other friends.” -Janis
- “Yeah, the rich people who gave me my scholarship LOVE me... I need to make
friends with them before they die.” -Kerstin
- “Hi, my name’s Katie. My EAR is now the center of the universe.” -Andy
- “We’re gonna have three kids, and name them Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Then when
we get mad, we can yell, ‘JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH!’” -Andy
- “That was such a cheerleader move.” -Kerstin
“What-- bending over?” -Andy
- “Have you guys seen those signs that say ‘Make Money by Being a Republican’?
How does that work?” -Boyd
“...They sell their souls...” -Katie
- “Prayer is good. Hell is bad. Okay?” -Boyd
- “Kerstin, is your advisor cool?” -Katie
“...I think he got really messed up in Vietnam.” -Kerstin
- “And I’m all out of sanity...” -Katie
“Well, I haven’t got any of that, but I’ve got some food you can have.” -Sharm
- “Well, see, I have to get into this prof’s class... because I want to marry his son.”
- “Can you put in a good word for me with Jane Dickie so I can get into her
Psychology of Women class?” -Doug
“Sure. She probably needs all the men she can get.” -Katie
“...No, I want to take the class.” -Doug
- “I’m so fuckin’ sick of the millenium.” -Katie
“Yeah, I just want to drink.” -Andy
- “I... I just think it’s so dumb that people get to sleep!” -Katie
- “Friends don’t let enemies drive sober.” -Morgan
- “Daron, let’s go upstairs and steal some carpet..” -Katie
- “I been lustin’ after this little piece o’ rug for a long time.” -Katie
- (Writing the words to We Three Kings) “OK, how do you spell Orientar? And
where the hell is Orientar, anyway?” -Julie Asher
- “Whenever I see a truck coming down the road, I think ‘Man, that truck’s gonna
hit me.’ But I never move out of the way. And I don’t ever think that about cars,
even though being hit by a car would probably equally ruin my day.” -Julie Asher
- “Last time I went to Hot ‘n Now, I was defeated. I had gastro-intestinal distress for
three days. So this time I must defeat Hot ‘n Now! I will order the same thing--
alone, if I have to!” -Daron
Volume IV: “Sick of the Millenium” back to top
- “You guys just play off each other so well. You’re like tag-team retards or
something.” -Doug (to Andy and Katie)
- “I don’t know how to exercise.” -Anne
- “He’s all about... just... life.” -Kathy
- “You look like a toilet brush.” -Doug (to Blaine)
- “When I go to the masseuse, I get lightheaded because it releases so many toxins.”
“That’s what I want for Christmas.” -Cristin
“Toxins???” -Kathy
- “Rush Sigma Sigma...We’re the only ones left!” -Andy
- “I don’t get this Kevin Bacon thing. ...Francis. Whatever.” -Kerstin
- “Jeff, did you like the movie?” -Katie (after seeing Girl, Interrupted)
“It was alright. Lisa was such a bitch that it put me in a bad mood.” -Jeff
- “My lungs hurt now from watching that movie.” -Sara (Katie’s cousin)
- “Ew, those people are making out in their car.” -Cristin
“Don’t they know the rules?” -Katie
“Do you know the rules, Katie?” -Meredith
“I don’t do that. ...Andy doesn’t have a car.” -Katie
“Me, neither. ...I don’t have an Andy.” -Cristin
- “We’re tormented souls in that class. We need to smoke.” -Doug
“Doug, Lisa was a tormented soul. You are not a tormented soul.” -Alicia
“LOOK WHAT I’M WEARING! I’m obviously a tormented soul.” -Doug
“No, Doug, what you’re wearing makes me a tormented soul.” -Kathy
- “Your aunt-- you know, whatever.” -Katie
“Micki. ...Well, it’s actually Lois, but she had a midlife crisis, and now she goes by
Micki.” -Meredith
- “Yeah, Doug is supposed to be a flight attendant.” -Katie
“I wouldn’t mind doing that.” -Necia
“Imagine your roommate as a flight attendant.” -Katie
- “Jesus lived in Holland-- DUH.” -Katie
“Wait, I thought Jesus had dark hair-- oh no, but he was blonde and blue-eyed.”
“And he was Dutch.” -Katie
“Actually, his name used to be Van Jesus.” -Cristin
Volume V: “Kinky, But So Caring.” -Necia back to top
- (Pointing at the fly of Doug’s overalls) “Is that thing sewed shut? ...So you don’t
use it at all? ...Then why are you complaining about taking your pants down?”
- “I know people who stopped drinking at 21.” -Beth
- (studying philosophy) “I think I need to be high to understand this stuff.” -Kerstin
(Katie smells Kerstin) “Kerstin, are you stoned???” -Katie
(laughing) “I have a philosophy paper to write!!!” -Kerstin
- “My uncle from Washington is in the Holland Sentinel because he started the
“That’s because your family founded the city of Holland!” -Meredith
- “I have to work for Meg at 9:00.” -Necia
“Because she’s sick?” -Katie
“Either that, or she has plans...” -Necia
- “What’s the orange stuff in that muffin?” -Meredith
“Orange.” -Necia
- “Hey Andy, how are classes going?” -Girl in JP’s
“Well, I only have one tomorrow, so that’s cool.” -Andy
“What is it?” -Girl
“Studies in Islam.” -Andy
“You study Islam?” -Girl
“Yeah.” -Andy
“The country?” -Girl
- “You are about as sensitive as a combat boot.” -Tyler (to Katie)
- “You are such a pain... IN MY ASS!” -Katie (to Kerstin, while trying to study)
- “Did you just say, ‘I love you, Jenny’?? Which is short for Jen?” -Anne (to Tyler)
- “Dude, Perovich probably jacks off to Descartes.” -Katie
- “There’s dying coffee over there.” -Kerstin
“Coffee never dies... it’s like tomorrow.” -Katie
- “Oh, quote!” -Katie (about #91)
“...Um... we’re not laughing.” -Meredith
- (Joking about Kathy being pregnant) “I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”
“Oh yeah, Doug, you’re the type to get her pregnant and leave.” -Katie
“Better fill out that JP’s application.” -Kathy
“...’I have two illegitimate children wandering around the United States’...” -Doug
“...Two?...” -Kathy
“At least ! Come on. I’m Mormon.” -Doug
- “Oh, I have an idea! Let’s soak our cloves in Tequila, and then dry them, and then
smoke them.” -Katie
“Ah, yeah... that’d be great when you LIGHT IT.” -Doug
“...Oh, yeah.” -Katie
Volume VI: “A Great F--kin White” back to top
- “Andy and I worked out our pickup lines for Fantasia.” -Doug
“Do you really think that, at this stage, you need pickup lines?” -Katie
“No... just alcohol.” -Doug
- (Andy eating Sharkfin Pie at Charlie’s Crab) “That must have been one Great
fffuckin’ white!” -Andy
- “(Knock Knock) Housekeeping!” -Maid at them Amway
“FUCK OFF! I’M FULL!” -Andy, half asleep
- “I just had a random thought. If Dwight Beal asked me out on a date, I’d go.”
- “I’m taking Kathy to WWF for Valentine’s Day.” -Doug
“If there’s gonna be sweat and slammin’ bodies on Valentine’s Day, it’s not
supposed to have anything to do with WWF!!” -Cristin
- “A liturgy is Mad Libs for God.” -Andy
- “Dude, I’d vote for a Communist over a Republican any day.” -Jeremy (Kathy’s
- “I’m gonna have a beer-- oh, wait. We can’t drink here. Don’t you just wish
sometimes you could drink a beer and do your homework?” -Kerstin
- “They have chicken soup books for every kind of soul imaginable.” -Jeff
“Chicken Soup for the Satanist’s Soul?” -Katie
“I was thinking that...” -Jeff
- “I’m getting a gut. In high school I had soccer. Last year I had biking. Now I got
NOTHIN. Except drinkin’ beer.” -Andy
- “Nothin says romance like horse urine.” -Doug
“You ARE disturbed!” -Doug
- “Every day I have a new problem.” -Meredith
- “Jana’s studying Judaism.” -Anne’s sister
“Do you speak Jewish?” -Tyler
- “I always tell Matt stuff about me, and he never tells me stuff about him.” -Jeff
“Maybe that’s because he knows you’ve got class in two hours and he doesn’t
wanna make you late.” -Katie
- “Cissy can’t walk up the stairs anymore.” -Jeff
“Because of her hips?” -Katie
“No... because of her fat.” -Jeff
- “What concert is it?” -Katie
- (Anne driving) “Wow, Anne, I’ve never seen a stop sign go by that fast before.”
- “Katie, there are so many things wrong with you.” -Anne
- “It’s a beautiful day for a run, isn’t it?” -Kerstin
“Yeah.” -Merathon :)
“I’m gonna go drink coffee.” -Kerstin
- “I can’t believe I already ran out of carpet cleaner.” -Katie
“I know. You just bought that thing!” -Anne
“I eat it sometimes.” -Katie
- “I could design a VACUUM! A riding vacuum!” -Katie
- “Cristin, you’re so cute when you’re drunk. When Andy gets drunk, he gets
horny.” -Katie
“Yeah... when I get drunk, you get horny.” -Cristin
Volume VII back to top
- “Hey, there’ll be none of that under this roof. Leave your Jesus at the door.”
- “Ooh, I just walked into the wall.” -Meredith TerHaar
- “Yaah. Yogurt gives me the willies.” -Cristin
- (Katie wearing vinyl pants) “Katie, I can see my face in your ass.” -Kerstin
- “Katie, you never invite me out to dinner with your dad. ...I didn’t even know
you had a dad.” -Cristin
- “I know my calculus... and me plus you equals gonads...” -Katie
- “And in the second chapter of Hosea...” -RISE speaker
“What? Jose? What?” -Katie
“I knew that stuff was holy water.” -Andy
- (talking to her mother-in-law) “...I don’t know. It’s one of our common
relatives.” -Katie’s mom
- (In the ocean, over spring break) “So this is, like, all salt water, right?” -Anne
- “Tyler is in two Bible studies and leads two youth groups.” -Anne
“Whoa. That’s alotta Jesus.” -Katie
“Yup. That’s four days of straight Jesus.” -Anne
- “Aah, woman-logic.” -Andy
“Better than man-logic.” -Katie
“Man-logic is REASON.” -Morgan
“Man-logic is UHH. SEX. FOOD. TAKE A SHIT. That’s man-logic.” -Katie
“Exactly! Reason!” -Andy
“Can’t think of any REASON why not to do those things...” -Morgan
“Nintendo should be another one on there.” -Andy
“Yeah, but which comes first-- Nintendo or sex?” -Katie
“...Depends on the sex.” -Morgan and Andy
- “Latitude is like longitude-- except it’s not. It’s latitude.” -Kristy
- (After pulling April Fool’s jokes on their girlfriends) “Oh, great. Now neither
one of us is gonna get action for at least three weeks.” -Andy (to Doug)
- “My girlfriend and I had our first discussion about religion and it didn’t go so
well.” -Daron
“Is she more conservative or more liberal than you?” -Katie
“Khaa... she’s BAPTIST!” -Daron
- “Go to bed! Both of you! Look at you... you look awful. It’s a shame for you to
be alive... I mean, awake.” -Anne (to Meredith and Katie)
- “We stole Kerstin’s mattress for my cousin.” -Katie
“You could have stolen Eve’s... and kept it...” -Anne
Volume VIII: “Motherhood” back to top
- “Morgan forgot to register for classes.” -Andy
- “Keep the faith, brotha.” -Katie
“Why can’t I be a sista, huh?” -Andy
“Sorry. I didn’t know you batted for both teams.” -Katie
“...I’m on the bench for both teams.” -Andy
- “Girls don’t know what it’s like to have nuts. ...Now, granted, I wouldn’t want to
go through what women go through... so I thank the Lord I have nuts.” -Justin
- “We are definitely having more than two kids.” -Kerstin
“Uhh... VASECTOMY?” -Justin
“Uhh... OTHER MEN?” -Amanda
- “Wait-- you want babies, too?” -Katie
“Heck, yeah!” -Amanda
“...You’d make a TERRIBLE mother!” -Katie
- “I think I’ll make mac & cheese for Kathy’s parents.” -Doug
“Oh, THAT’S classy.” -Katie
“...Well, I’ll add hot dogs.” -Doug
- (dinner on Maundy Thursday) “Well, this is the LAST SUPPER we’ll be eating
before break!” -Cristin
- (Drinking coffee on Easter Monday, after giving up coffee for Lent)
“Christ is risen-- he is risen indeed!” -Necia
- “I am not gonna fall asleep. I am just gonna fall.” -Blaine (on May Day)
- “Blaine, you kind of look like an elf today.” -Andy
“You kind of look like a horse’s ass.” -Blaine
- “I think he’s just funnier when I am not drunk.” -Blaine (about Andy)
May Term Quotes back to top
- "Wait... Margaret Thatcher... isn't she... Shirley Temple?" -Doug
- "Ooh, Sarah Michelle Gellar.. I'll cut YOU up. Heh heh heh." -Andrea
- "Sometimes... I get the feeling that my stomach is eating itself."
- "Would there be a fine if I threw up on a tulip?" -Cristin
- "Ah, hell. Now my arm smells like teat." -Doug
- "There are red pubes on your shirt." -Katie
"They're probably Doug's." -Andy
"Why do you have Doug's pubic hairs on your clothing?" -Katie
"We're men. Pubic hair spreads like wildfire." -Andy
- "You know, I would never name my kid Colin, because it sounds too
much like colon." -Andrea
- "Eric and I are going to talk on the phone once a week." -Andrea
"Once a week is not a relationship. It's a correspondence. Wait! I mean, it could be a relationship... ah, hell! You know what I
mean." -Katie
- "It would be just my luck to get pregant without having sex. That would SUCK. I'd start fucking like BUNNIES." -Andrea
- "Chili Peppers came onstage naked. Maybe Train will do that. I'm up for some penises." -Blaine
"Me, too." -Amber
"...And they're up for you." -Katie
- "That's cute... but I'd like to be sober if someone proposes to me." -Katie
"Yeah... and I'd like to be wearing a bra." -Amber
- "I have a stomach-ache from delaying going to the bathroom for so long." -Katie
"Isn't there a medical term for that?" -Andrea
"Yeah. Urination Prolongation Devastation." -Katie
"Yeah!" -Andrea
"And if you stop emptying any fluids at all, it's called Excretion Deletion." -Katie
"Wouldn't that be just not taking a crap?" -Andrea
"No... that'd be Quitting Shitting." -Katie
- "Katie, there's going to be a message on the machine from Brad." -Andrea
"Okay." -Katie
"Well, I'm warning you because I just want to make sure that your ovaries don't dry up." -Andrea
- (After Katie spilled iced tea on Doug's bed)
"Doug, I'm gonna pour coffee on your bed." -Andy
"That's okay, it's already moist from your girlfriend." -Doug
"... ... ... ..." -Andy and Katie
- "It was YOU last night when I had that erotic dream, WASN'T it?"
-Doug (to Andy)
- "Blaine said that having cramps is like having shards of glass." -Katie
"It IS!" -Andrea
"Do you KNOW what it's like to have shards of glass in your uterus?" -Doug
"...Yes." -Katie
"I don't wanna know how they GOT there." -Doug
"...It's from when I fucked that window." -Andrea
- "Yeah, and I'm a college student, so I don't have a lot of containers lying around... so I LOVE that resealable package." -Andrea (on the phone with the CHEESE company)
- "I now know that Larry got into nine law schools and graduated from OSU in three years as valedictorian--" -Andrea
"Wait, he's in law school? Why couldn't he get a fuckin' hotel?" -Doug
- "Mrs. Mezeske invited me to stay at their house when she and her husband are going to be Florida. I mean, does she REALLY think I'm gonna sleep on the futon?" -Katie
"...Maybe she likes you enough that she doesn't care if you get pregnant." -Doug
Indigo Girls Concert, Cincinnati back to top
- Kokomo: “That trait is…I was about to say genital. Genetic. I meant genetic.” –Katie
- Kokomo: “I have a sudden urge to ride on someone…behind a semi.” –Cristin
- “What is that acrid smell? …Acrid. What the hell?” –Blaine “Acrid…is that the town we just went through?” –Cristin (In a suburb of Indianapolis)
- (Cincinnati) “Well, guess what? I’m taking a dump.” –Blaine
- (Cincin, watching Oval Opus make asses of themselves) “How about Oval Over?” –Katie
- “Blaine only takes, like, five minutes to get ready.” –Cristin “Well…I’m not wearing a bra.” –Blaine
- ”This blanket feels like…feel it. It feels like toast. …Can I get some jelly for my blanket? Because it feels like toast.” –Katie
- ”Can I turn off the witness now?” –Blaine
- ”All this town has is stop lights and stop signs.” –Blaine “Cincinnati is one big stop.” –Katie
- ”I don’t like this city.” –CRC “I didn’t think you would. Here, put this one in.” –KT
- ”I think she told a bib fib.” –Blaine
- ”I’d like a biggie lemonade…and some directions. We’re lost.” –Blaine
- ”GODBY!!!!!!!!”
- ”I think they must have put …tequila in the bread.” –Katie “That’s probably why I had twelve pieces.” –Blaine
- ”Do you have any floss?” –Cristin “Flaws? No.” –Katie
- ”I’m wondering if you ever go to the bathroom and notice that your piss smells like McDonald’s.” –Katie
- (In the Montgomery Inn restaurant)”I am seriously gonna yak.” –Katie (As a waiter walks by) “Ooh, that wasn’t so good, was it?” –Katie
- ”Can I get a can of whoop-ass?” –Cristin “Can I get a can of directions?” –Blaine (In Indianapolis)
- ”Hypothetically, if there were three girls lost in the vicinity of Indianapolis, and they wanted to get to MICHIGAN…where would they go?” –Blaine
- ”It looks like all these people are going the same way we are.” –Cristin (lost in Indiana)
- ”AAHH! I’m so glad we didn’t go in that hole. Did you see that hole? It was the hole from hell.” –Cristin (back on track in Indiana)
- ”That’s a weird cemetery, don’t you think? Usually they have, like, trees around them or something. That one’s, like, in the middle of a cornfield.” –Cristin “LET ‘EM BAKE IN THE HOT SUN, WHY DON’TCHA?” –Blaine (Somewhere north of Indianapolis)
- ”Census Schmensus, that’s what I always say.” –Blaine
- ”I loved this weekend because, like you said, we learned all the little things about Blaine. And Blaine, I’m not even talking about your chest.” –Cristin
Fall of Junior Year Quotes back to top
- "Oh, I'm sorry-I almost ran you over, cuz I thought you were Katie!" -Cristin (to Mrs. Irvine)
- "Like you never double-click your own mouse." -Doug
"Well, I don't do it to mySELF... much..."-Katie
- "My head is, like, peeling off" -Cristin
- "Our phone used to ring... so it must have been slowly dying." -Cristin
"Its rings were a cry for help." -Katie
- "And his BUTT broke my shoulder." -Alicia
"... What?" -Katie
"Jack Holmes!" -Alicia
- "That's what's good about it, because it's, like, crunchy and squishy." -Cristin
- (eating nutter butter pie) " Actually, I don't think the nuts are chocolate covered." -Cristin
"Yeah, they are. Look, I'll suck one off, so you can—oh, my god." -Katie
- "Want some nutter butter pie?" -Cristin
"Oh, my god. What is that?" -Bondy
"It's orgasm. Orgasm pie."-Katie
"Yeah. You'll cream your pants."-Blaine
- "Wouldn't it be funny if we just tied [Blaine] down and fed her cheese?"-Katie
- "I feel like Jesus." -Doug
"Because... he's in the light."-Mer
- "I've never had pecans in pasta before." -Katie
"Me, neither. I used to not like nuts-" -Cristin
"Yeah, that's changed."-Katie
- "I'm sorry, what? I got sucked into the Horse Whisperers."-Kathy
- "Katie, you and your rug. It always ends up curled under our door."-Alicia
- "Look, it bled through this band-aid, too!"-Alicia
"Wait, WHAT happened?" -Kathy
"She had a blister, and it turned into a lesion. Who knew?"-Katie
- "Alicia and Mer just told me they LIKE George W. Bush!"-Katie
"What would this world be without opposing parties?"-Alicia
"... Uh.. .BETTER? Oh, shit. No more republicans." -Andy
- "Alicia, you're talking about evil."-Kathy
- "I'm not feeling at my best right now."-Cristin (hung over)
- "You know that whole thing about me hating Vertical Horizon, and you hating me for it? We both know that's all an act-really, we've always been cool." -JK
- "Blaine and I are going to get married if I'm not married when she's 40, because she'll be at her peak sexual prime."-Doug
- "We were amused by the fact that you said you can't afford to go to Windsor twice, but you spent $150 at
"Yeah, but Windsor's fleeting. This purchase will last."-Doug
"True-but it didn't have to be ABERCROMBIE."-Katie
"... They didn't have Structure!"-Doug
- "It's always invigorating starting a new batch of Birth Control pills, isn't it?"-Cristin
- "MEREDITH! Sometimes I think it's a problem when our pineapple turns orange." -Cristin
- "The 'Good News Bible'.. .Ha ha... I mean, have you READ it thoroughly?"-Doug
- "I used to eat grass when I was little...I wanted to be like the horses."-Alicia
- "I'm about to eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's."-Katie
"Yeah. These cows are gonna kill me!"-Alicia
- "When's Halloween ?"-Cristin?
"... October 31st. . . just like last year. . . "-Katie
- "It could be worse...I could have class."-Cristin
"Yeah, it could be worse...I could
be...being physically tortured...I could have no legs..."-Katie "Yeah. You could be Doug."-Cristin
- "You know what? I'm the only person of any worth in my media class."-Cristin
- "If I ever went to prison, I'd be such a smoker."-Alicia.
".. .I'd start knife fights." -Kathy
- "Katie, why are you wearing Christmas socks? You're out of season."-Doug
"I'm out of socks. "-Katie
- "But if we go to your apartment and drink I'll feel like a slob if we just sit there so we'll have to go to a party in which case I'll have to change my t-shirt because I'd feel like an ass wearing a t-shirt-" -Katie
- "...Nobody loves me."-Cristin
"Pssst...I do!"-Katie
"GREAT. ... Wanna mess around?"-Cristin "
- "... You know, I really got the best out of this deal, huh?" -Cristin (re: the Jeff-Rob-Cristin love triangle)
- "Hey Doug, we went bra shopping today!"-Katie
"Yeah, I heard. . . . I' d be excited for you, but I don't have boobs."-Doug
- "I'm trying to be healthy. You know...cutting down on Advil and wearing tampons for the right amount of time."-Alicia
- "So.. .if we're here, she'll have protected sex??"-Blaine
- "So there's this really hot guy going to Philly. I'm so excited!"-Cristin
".. .Because you CAN'T hook up with him? Because of ROB? Remember?"-Katie
"I'm not going to be so good at this."-Cristin
- "Don't do that-you'll screw yourself in the foot, and-" -Alicia
"Did you just say. . . SCREW yourself in the foot?"-Katie
- "You can't catch an ear infection!"-Mer
"You can too! It's viral. She told me."-Katie
"You can’t catch something viral."-Alicia
- "I sometimes study at the Calvin library."-Meredith
- "I couldn't go home with him to his hot tub, because we hardly know each other."-Katie
"Katie... you would see his BODY. -Alicia
- "Don't make me bring out the Nazis!"-Alicia
- "I wish I had lasers I could shoot out of my eyes."-Doug "
- "And you 're going to play with videos in the media room. . . "—Doug
"I 'm going to play with videos right now, if you're picking up what I'm throwin' down...” -Katie "What do you WANT?? I don't think Dougie's even home! !"-Doug
("... ????"-Everyone else)
- "Awww... look at those two democrats."-Alicia (re: Jeff and Katie)
- "It's, like, what you do in college. You make snow penises."-Rob
- "Chad Sampson is so sexually frustrated that he can't eat."-Katie
"Well, if he would just SHAVE..."-Alicia
- "There are only two men in this world who I can stand with beards. One is my uncle, because he's an overgrown hippie-"-Alicia
"And the other one is Jesus."-Kathy
- "I feel like I ate cottage cheese.. .but...I didn't.. ."-Kathy
- “I had a biology partner once who was a freak."-Alicia
"Did she smell?"-Blaine
"No, she was really pretty."-Alicia
- "Val Kilmer is a work of art."-Katie
"Yeah. I would do him. More than that, I would let him do me."-Daron
- "God, it's such a pain to have a dick."-Cristin
"No, it has its benefits, trust me."-Daron
"You know from how much you've used it, apparently."-Katie
"Yeah, how much I've used it."-Daron
- "Jeff just said that it sucks that Bon Jovi won and that he's past his prime big time. ... Uh, I think he just lost a friend."-Alicia
- "Do you like grape nuts, Alicia?"-Mer
"Yeah! They taste horrible, but they're good."-Alicia
- "Mer, would you do your list?"-Alicia
"Part of it."-Mer
- "I know Leesh is horny at heart."-Doug
- "20 is so old. I mean, it's the oldest we've been yet."-Alicia ("The Dumb One")
Spring of Junior Year Quotes back to top
The Apartment From Hell
- "Hey, do you guys want to see a picture of the guy who offered me six white camels to get married?"- Kristy
- Chris will be so happy he'll shit himself." -Ally
"I always shit myself when I’m happy." -Katie "I'm always happy when I shit myself." -Rachel
- "Okay, somebody else write that down, because I'm naked and in ecstasy." -Katie
- Okay, this is a hysterectomy. I mean a histogram." -Rachel
- "These are actually really good.. .my mother would like them.. .she lost her tastebuds in the war."-Katie to Kristy about her pecan pie
- "We'll sell Jesus jerky. 'Savor the Savior! " -Ally
"Or Jesus push-popsicles. 'And on the 3rd day, Jesus froze again. " -Kristy
- "Travis, would you like to try some Arabic sweets?" -Kristy giving Travis nahkba
- "You're lucky I have some respect for this apartment. Otherwise I'd whip some beef at you." .-Travis to Kristy after the nahkba incident
"Are you going to slip me the hot beef injection?" -Kristy
- "Fuck sexual prowess. I'm talking about the Christmas tree."-Doug
- "Doug, you have one choice: pee with us in here or don't pee at all." -Rae "That's a lot of bubbly pissing."
- "I can't get drunk in a messy room." -Katie
- "Apparently, California is going to have a nationwide blackout." -Ally
- "Gawd! Every time I sit down to work, I have to, like shit." -Kae
" Gaad. Every time I sit down to work, I have to like, work." -Katie
- " Fuck that bitch." -Rachel
"Did you just say 'fuck that bitch?'" -Kristy
"I have no recollection of saying that." -Rachel
- "So you want me to take more time out of my day so that by the evening my crotch will itch like there's
animals all over it, so you can have better access to it, EVEN THOUGH you don't use it enough anyway?" -Katie
- "Welcome to our den of sin." -Ally
- "Don't do that Katie. It makes your head look like a sphincter." -Kristy
- "Don't chew your warts, they'll spread." -Kristy's suggestion for Vanderprov
- "Kristy, take a bath with Lumpy. It's economics. Saves time and water." -Ally in Kristy's dream
- "And I woke up every day realizing that I hate society." -Katie
- "And dopomine. .. (laughter.) That's a body chemical. Shut up!" --Travis
- "I've been hanging around you too long.. .everything pisses me off now." --Doug to Katie
- ".. .but I have a kick-ass section on the Mormons.. .mmmm.. .Moooormans... Yummy.. .Soy protein
be fucked, I wanna make it with Mormon meat." --Kristy
" I want to make it with Mormon meat." -Travis
- "I love to see the monkeys fucking." --Rachel
- "It sounds like it's purring. * Purrrr * Purrr * Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr*" -Kristy on her new gel vibrator
- "It doesn't take much to make me happy. I have bananas on chocolate cereal and that makes me
happy." --Kristy
- "Why do you look so hot today?" --Katie
"'Cuz I have nice clothes on." -Rachel
"Did you, like, take a shower or something?" -Katie "No. It's all a facade." -Rachel
- "Maybe if you weren't such a walking fart machine we could talk to you without a gas mask." --Katie
- "Oh my god. The cum comes out both ends." --Kristy to Rachel after she hocked a huge fucking loogie and showed it to us on her tongue
- "There's no apostrophe in 'monkeys,' you skank." --KT
"...Oh...is it ‘ies'?" --RKG
- "Stop making fun of me for liking Canadian beer." -JK
- "Okay. I have big boobs. Get over it." -Meghan
- "Nothing says 'I love you' like stainless steel." -JP's
- "Sometimes there are more important things than dietary purity, and right now, one of those things is
Dove chocolate." -Rachel
- "No man can hinder me!" -Kr!sty .
- "Ow, my tits! My very small tits!" -Rachel
"I'm crushing them inward. You're going to be a man by the end of tonight." -Doug
- "I'm gonna be counseling kids like you." Doug (to Blaine)
- "I'm just like I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU.. .and then I think I jst got out of control. Like Chris Farley and
his biscuit." -Rachel
- "My mom called me.” -KT
"Your mom called me last night." -Doug
- "KT you smell like bacon." --Kae
"We're eating Boca burgers." -Ally
"KT you smell like bacon because you're a beefcake!" -Kae
"Yeah, because bacon is from a pig, not a beefcow!" -Rae
- "Do we have any parmesan cheese?" -KT
"Well, I don't have any." -Rae
"Well I'm not asking you, Veeeeeegan Schmeeeegan. " -KT
- "Do you like hairy men?" -Daddy Truax (to KLT)
- (While playing Trivial Pursuit) "Jesus, Kristy, let someone else answer!" -Doug
(silence) ". ..I was really not popular in high school." -Kristy
- (Katie to Rachel on the phone) "We ate some of your nuts.. ." (dial tone)
- "My god does not have a long white beard." –Ally
"My god has a long white beard.. .but it’s between her legs." –-Rae
- (While playing mancala) "We're not playing by your rules." -RKG
"We're playing by your mom's rules, which is fuck me anytime you want." -KSP
- "I'm going to shove this clove of garlic up inside my crotch." -RKG (supposedly treating her yeast infection)
- "Every day in this apartment is an adventure." -KT
- "Oh my god, look at the seminary." -KT (the couscous stealing FREAK who is so desperate to be back on the quote board that it's almost pathetic)
- "Everybody needs a spice name now. Doug's 'Ginger', Rachel's 'Garlic'…I'll be 'Paprika’.”'-KT
(silence) "...I'lI be 'Dope.’”-Travis
- "Every time she says 'baby' -it's like a soft caress. . ." (Travis reading from T. W. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)
"Yeah that's what it's like when I say 'Baby.'" -Rachel "Yeah, a soft caress or a knife in the back." -Travis
- "Can you guys stop talking about your vaginas for, like, 10 seconds?" --Dave Ovies
- "I don't even want to be 21. It's all too... fast.. .and... furious." -Rachel, after passing out on the toiIet.
(After thoughts: R, "It was the drop and fuck, I wasn't that drunk." KT, "I think I was the more aware one…? ")
- "I think…we all need to get laid more often." -Julie Kipp
- "God gave you a big mouth to compensate for a tight pussy." -Kae to Rae, while both are stoned and feeling deeply philosophical.
- "When I get that feeling, I need VEGETABLE healing..." -KT P., in response to Rachel
- "'In the year of our Lord' is written on the back of an alcohol bottle." -Doug
"That's because alcohol tastes like shit." -Christina V.
- "Do you have any livestock, Doug?" -Christina "No." -Doug
"Why?" -Christina
"…Livestock dies." -Doug
- "It's because she says she can't walk through campus without running into clouds of smoke." -Doug (in response to the new smoking regulations.)
- "In actuality, the grand majority of people are just dumb." -Jim Plasman (a.k.a. PLASMA Boy)
- "Katie, I think we should keep the talk about vibrators away from the guys we're interested in." -KL T
- "I have a big-ass science test tomorrow." -KK
"I have a big ass." -Ally
- "Any kind of physical intimate contact is a violation of personal space, even if it's a welcome
violation. . ." (Kristy, to a silently nodding room) ". . .I hope he violates me often" -Kristy again.
- "So I said no, because I'm weird about stuff like that. I mean I don't want him to think he's paying me for the hot wild sex we're going to have...together. " -Kristy
- "Come on, what's a little oral sex between friends?" -Daron
- "My dad's dick doesn't cum semen, it comes scripture, alright?" -Anonymous PK
- "Even Christ didn't fucking fart at the wedding at Cana." -KT
- "Yeah, so I wear earplugs when I go to concerts now." -Darron
"I just don't like sticking things in my ears." -Ally
"As opposed to sticking things in your mouth which is A-OK." -Kristy
- "We won't tell Jesus if you won't." --Doug to Dan Lannin, who wants to take a drag of a cig but gave it up for lent (cigarettes, that is.)
"Dan, it's not just a one time thing around us.. .we won't tell Jesus about the whole night." -Doug
- "Dude, I don't find that at all cool." -Kristy
"That's not anything even remotely RESEMBLING cool. .. Even on a foggy day." -KT "At a good 50 yards.. .with one of your eyes poked out." -Kristy ".. .And the other one blind." -Katie
- "God... why does everyone in Holland have to be straight?" -Rachel
- "Is Rachel okay?..I mean, does she always think she's pregnant?" -Dana
- "I just sometimes get really surprised that my ass can make those kinds of noises." --Anonymous
"If you think about what's making the noise, it's the air making your cheeks vibrate.. .it's like your ass is giving you a round of applause." -Kristy
- "We could start a trio." -Kristy
"Let's do it." -KT
" . . . No, that's only two people." --Kristy (Badump bum chch. . . HA HA.)
- "OK, are you going to put that video in, or am I going to go piss on the floor?" -Ally "Logic" Watt
- (Post Spring break) "I'm disappointed that I didn't say anything funny to myself over break to go on the quote board." --Rachel
- "I had to bribe my brother with booze and women to come to Hope." -Rachel
- "They're playing pool tonight." -Rachel
"I once got it on on a pool table..." -Katie "I once got it on under a pool table." -Ally "I once got it on with a pool table." -Rachel
- (On reusing tampons) "No-don't try that, you'll get toxic shock." -KK
"Yeah, AND you'll be homeless." -KT
- (About #30) "I still don't get it." -Rachel
"There just is no apostrophe in 'monkeys.'" -Katie "So.. .it's just plural? Like, '-ys'?" -Rachel
- "(Upon looking through a biblical concordance) "Habakkuk? . . . " -Ally
"Habukkuk of tea." -Katie (Immediately following this comment, Ally snorts her tea.)
- "Girls suck. Guys suck. Why the fuck do we have to have coitus?" -Doug
- "Did you just fart or are you just showing me your pussy?" -KK
... silence. "A little of column A, a little of column B." -Rae
- "I'm sorry do I have a tattoo on me that says, 'Please, defecate in my mouth.'?" -KT on being harassed by random men
- (After quote #83, there was an accosting of a pussy. Wow, what is happening on this quote board? Whoa, is it May Day-what is happening to this apartment on May Day?)
India Quotes back to top
- ”Sir, there's some confusion down here." --YMCA staff
"And there's some irritation up here." --Chacha (Delhi)
- "Have you ever seen an Indian yawn? Maybe yawning is proportional to crotch-grabbing." --Josh (between Delhi & Jaipur)
- "So she said, 'I know you...but I've never met you.'" --Chacha (about Diana Eck) "BOIINNG..." --Blair (Jaipur)
- ”Where exactly do you go to find a ready supply of 800-year-old paper?" --Chet
"...The Qur'an?" --Tina (Jaipur)
- We need a washboard. Maybe we can borrow Boyd's ribs for a night." --Katie, doing laundry (Jaipur)
- "Hey, Cool-J wants to talk to you." --Chacha (Jaipur)
- "Maybe when you come back to India, I have BMW." --Kuldeep (Jaipur)
- "You are in the movies? World is not enough. Zero zero seven." --Vicky (Jaipur)
- "Autograph? Autograph?" (Read: "Sign my baby's hand!") --woman on bus (Jaipur)
- "So did you have fun with Cool-J last night?" –Katie
"Yeah, I don't really feel much like talking about it. ...Only thing I feel like doing is gettin the fuck outta this town." --Ben (leaving Jaipur)
- "This feels like of cool...you know, with the breeze blowing and all...it could be nice here." --Ben
"Bombay's hotter'n shit, Ben." --Jeff (Mumbai)
- "I consider swimming an act of desperation, not recreation." --Chacha (Mumbai)
- "Do you ever get that feeling like, I know I'm going to be in the future... so why can't I be there now?" --Josh (Mumbai)
- "Let me stop begging from you to eat some corn." --Chacha (Mumbai)
- "The Cosmos were not prepared. And not only were they not prepared; they didn't care." --Chacha (Mumbai)
- "THIS IS INDIA!" --cab driver (Mumbai)
- "That's the spirit sinkin in, and you're trying to wash it off with a towelette." --Blair (between Mumbai and Bangalore)
- "I've had more people puke on me than I can count on both hands." --Chet (Bangalore)
- "We'd be up shit creek if we didn't have seats." --Chacha (leaving Bangalore)
- "Anybody got any Tylenol PM?" --Tina
"I got a hammer..." --Chacha (between Bangalore and Trichy)
- "Joshie...where you gonna sleep tonight?" --Ben
"I dunno. I'm just gonna pee on myself and wallow in my misery." --Josh (between Bangalore and Trichy)
- "You know, the bottom-line problem with this group is that you don't drink enough." --Chacha (between Bangalore and Trichy)
- "I feel like I'm wearing a napkin on my butt." --Tina (Trichy)
- "All these old men hanging out in temples are sitting around remembering their young days, when they used to hang around in temples." --Blair (Madurai)
- "They got my crackers!" --Josh, about the minkies (Madurai)
- "It wasn't really a fight... it was more like a squirmish." --Ben (Madurai)
- (Editor's note: I really feel like there should be a quote in the Madurai section from Blair on his drunken birthday. Like when he spent several minutes eating the rock-hard decorations on his cake, then slowly looked at me and said sagely: "...Don't eat the flower." But it should be noted, for scholarly reasons, that this quote was not in the original document. Well, moving on... )
- "I dunno, this ice cream looks pretty good...I bet the electricity stays on in this place. Look how nice it is." --Ben
"Ben, have you ever had your lungs come out your ass?" --Jeff (Chennai)
- (After sitting on a hot ledge): "Blair, do ya still have testicles?" –Katie
"I dunno. I'm gonna be giving birth to broiled eggs." --Blair (Chennai)
- "All the kids are going to be running into the ocean with condoms on their heads." --Blair, commenting on a confusing condom commercial (Chennai)
- "Let's have a look at some fine carpets." --carpet salesman (Chennai)
- "Which is your country?" --cab driver
"USA. America."--Ben "Me? A Sikh from Bengal." --cab driver (I'm relatively sure this was in Calutta)
- "Actually, I think this guy may know where he's going." –Chacha
"Unfortunately, I can't hear a word you're saying. There's a bus in my ear." --Blair (Calcutta)
- "Excuse me. This is very satisfying." --guy, in midsentence, at Dakshineshwar temple (Calcutta)
- "Gosh, Josh, it's gettin kinda full on this bus." --Ben
"Full? Do you remember the train? If this bus was full, we'd be suckin nipple right now." --Josh (Calcutta)
- "Hey, that cow is eating Kali-flowers." --Chacha (Calcutta)
- (After dinner) "Man, I'm really craving a chocolate castle right now." –Blair
"What is a chocolate castle?" --Katie "...Can't be much different than a cigarette..." --Blair (Calcutta)
- "And she had egg sandwiches EVERY FUCKING MEAL!" --Chacha (between Calcutta and Varanasi)
- "Animist? Feminist? The only mist I am is missed sleep." --Blair (between Calcutta and Varanasi)
- ”This does not necessarily mean that they are gay." --Lonely Planet, describing Indian men's affection (Varanasi)
- "I don't really work in the summer. It's too hot." --Vijay (Varanasi)
- "This restaurant must have been built by the second little pig." --Blair (Riao Restaurant, Agra)
- (After getting her fortune told) "I'm still pissed off that I'm gonna die in 2059." –Katie
"You know, in 2060 we're going to have the first female president." --Blair "SHUT UP!" --Katie "And in 2060, they're going to make it legal to spit on graves." --Josh (Agra)
- "I gotta call my mom...I just farted on the Taj." --Ben (Agra)
- (Here's our one serious quote for the month): "There are good, honest, and sincere human beings in this world. If you don't believe that, then make yourself one of them." --Tina (Delhi II)
- "And these people who put contented cows in their bathrooms. What the hell? Cows don't smile like that. They're fat animals who have big balls...and udders..." --Tina (Delhi II)
- "But who is he, really?" --Chacha
"Well, that's the ultimate question. ...Besides 'how much is this beer gonna cost me?'" --Blair (happy hour, Kwality Resturant, Delhi II)
- "Well, pretty much all I do is consume alcohol and vitamins." --Chacha (Delhi II)
- "The most important thing is to find someone you love. And if you can't have that, at least have a job." --Chacha (Delhi II)
- (After flat-out refusing to pay a 250 Rp. exit tax): "India has taught us well. Can you believe we just walked into an airport, they asked us for money, and we said no?" --Ben (Delhi airport)
Mini Mansion Quotes back to top
- “…as Christmas Eve…” - Katie
- “Goofy fucker…it should just be goofy fuck.” – Meghan
“That sounds like Disney porn.” – Doug “Goofy fucker is like, Goofy & Minny Mouse, and someone says, ‘Goofy, fuck her!’” – Quincy
- “I don’t know anyone in my class tomorrow…and I don’t know if it’s cooler to go in early or late.” – Meghan
- “Nakedness is like…it’s like good cheese.” - Natalie Dykstra
- “I really should be big right now.” - Jeff
- “I hate how it sounds like people are always breaking into our house, especially when you’re home alone. Maybe we should get a handgun.” - dug
- “We’re fuckin…Bob Vila & shit.” - dug
- “I have ears everywhere.” – Meghan
“Yeah, you know how Doug has nipples everywhere, & her ex-boyfriend has balls everywhere? Well, she has ears everywhere.” – Katie “I kind of have eyebrow everywhere.” - Jeff
- “ADDICTIVE? Is that a word?” - Cristin
- “I think it’s so weird that you live with Rob.” – Meghan
“I think it’s so weird that we live with Doug.” – Katie “Who?” – Meghan “Who do you think?” - Katie
- “He choked on a pretzel.” – Doug
“How do you choke on a pretzel?” – Garret “Well, if you’re a Republican…” - Katie
- “Megs do you want some water? You don’t wanna be hung over.” – KT
“I was BORN with hot water.” - Meghan
- “The reason I hate cats is because when I was 13, there was a cat in heat outside my window the entire night. That is the worst sound I ever heard.” – Meghan
“You shoulda gone outside and fucked it.” – Katie “Well, that was an option, but my mom wouldn’t let me go outside without my shoes on.” - Meghan
- “I’m discussing Thoreau’s Walden.” – KT
“I’ll suggest throwing something.” – Doug “????” – everyone else
- “Do you want some cheese fries?” – Megs
“Meghan, there’s a time and a place for cheese, and fries is not it.” - KT
- “Who’s throwing snowballs @ our house? It must be our friends.” – KT
“…Who friend?” - dug
- “It’s a really wide glass.” - katie
- “Are you going to bed?” – dug
“Yep.” – Megs “Did you finish your cigarette?” – dug “No…I’m saving it for later in the mailbox.” - megs
- (Meghan moons KT & Jeff) “That’s not going to be the first time you’re gonna see my butt, alright?” - Megs
- “I have the perfect mold for my butt right here.” – Dug
“If you were in the hospital they would have rotated you by now.” - Dawa
- “Have you ever read ‘Tequila Mockingbird’”? – Doug
- “Oooh I have heartburn.” – Meghan
“Look on the bright side, it could be a heart attack.” – J.K.
- “I would die to listen to this song every day of my life.” - KT
- (Katie wearing wrist braces) “I’m gonna punch you in the balls.” – KT
“Hey KT, speaking of you & male genitalia, what happened to your wrists?” - JK
- “We could get a romantic porn.” (for V-day) – Cristin
“We’re definitely not getting Lips Wide Shut.” – Doug “Stoooooop.” – Wassa “You don’t like porn!?” – Cristin (in utter astonishment)
- “Some people here thought my tax cuts were too big. Others thought they were too small. But when the checks arrived in the mail, most Americans thought they were just right.” – Bush, State of the Union
“Oh my gosh…Goldilocks…” - Alicia
- “I’m going to have no life…No…well actually, instead of watching TV I’ll just go to work.” - Cristin
- “We should play this song every time before we go to Parrots.” – Doug
“No! It makes me think I’m going to get some there and I’m not!” - Meg
- And he’s moody all the day…all the day? What am I, a folk song?” - KT
- “Som’m tells me they don’t go by semesters over there, h-huh, h-huh.” – Officer Funnyman
- “So you’re stock piling eggs.” – Doug
“Yea.” – Meghan “So if you were the last woman on earth…” – Doug “You’d be money.” - Meghan
- So I gotta deal w/ this leak.” – gas guy
“Well we can’t be much help…we don’t really know how to do it.” – us “Yeah, I can barely remember…it’s been, like, since, the 70s.” – gas man
- “I dunno why, but I’m just picturing this gas many in shining armor coming.” - Megs
- “Sometimes when I try to go to sleep, I get snood in my head…the same thing happens w/ tetris. I try & make tetris out of bricks on the wall.” - megs
- (KT shopping w/ bookbag) “Why are you bringing that huge bag?” – CRC
“Well it’s got my sunglasses, & my tic-tacs, & my cigs, & my tampons…” – KT (silence) “They’re big tampons.” - dug
- “Let’s go to the hot tub!” – Cristin
”Yeah, dug, I don’t even have my period anymore!” – Katie “Katie, that won’t make him come more.” – Alicia (a silence falls over the room)
- “Why do I care about this exam? It’s my last semester!” – KT
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I read a 300 page book cover to cover to write a 5 page book report that counted for 10% of a class that I pass/failed.” - Jeff
- “We just wanted to prove to Andrew we weren’t afraid of the weiner.” - Wassa
- “If I were a baleen what, I’d be a baleen whale…drunk.” - Dawn
- “I practically marched w/ Malcolm X.” - Meghan
- “I don’t need to see any more cute sacks.” - Wassa
- “Who is this guy? What is he talking about? Did he win something?” - Megs
- “Maybe you need a cigarette, dude. You know you’re addicted to nicotine.” – Megan
“I’m not addicted. I quite every time I go home.” – Wassa “That’s fear.” - Doug
- “Did you know using porn as a means of education is legal?” - Doug
- “Oh, I’m so excited because [mumble]…” – Megs
“What?” – Katie “Because my friend Sara’s coming!” – Megs “Oh. I thought you were excited b/c you’re taking a shit.” – KT “EW, No!……but I am, kind of, because I’ve had to go for hours.” - Megs
- “So our alarms were going off, like, every 3 minutes, and we were pressing snood –“ - Meghan
- “These alarm clocks are an obstruction to justice!” – Katie (half-asleep)
- “Oh my God, I can see my mullet in my shadow!” - Jeff
- “Doug you’re way more than five inches.” – Wassa “Never say that.” - Doug
- “Oh my gosh, I feel like we’re at summer camp gone wrong!” - Wassa
- “Katie, if I kick your ass, your 1st shot will be in my balls.” – Jeff
“That’s my defense, dude.” – Katie “Katie, that’s a good self-defense technique, but not a good way to make friends.” - Jeff
- “…College was like one long band camp.” - Jeff
- “Wait, did she write that before she died?” - Katie
- “If you are gonna fart, could you please do it with your face?” – Jeff (to Quincy T. Marr)
- (A week after spending 3 hours in Office Max and buying a pack of four folders – Meghan, opening her merchandise) “Man…the picture makes it look like this thing holds way more than it does….(disdainfully) crock o shit.” - Megs
- “Are they having an open house across the street?…DID FAT MAN ON A LITTLE BIKE GRADUATE????” – Meghan
back to top
Alicia's Wedding Quotes back to top
Quotes and Happenings
Leesh’s Wedding Weekend/Party Posse Reunion – June 2003
Thursday, June 5
Bachelorette Party
7:41 pm
“What’s up with your exits here? Ours go by mile markers...” – Mer and Crc
“Oh ours are just numerical. ...I meant numerical like consecutive.” – Leesh.
7:43 pm
Crc and KT simultaneously flip off Leesh.
7:47 pm
Upon arriving to Casa D’Amici
“You rented the whole restaurant?” -Leesh
8:32 pm
“The only problem with Baptists is they don’t hold them under long enough.” -KT
“I’ve been around Adam too long...I thought you were talking about killing kids.” -Leesh
8:40 pm
“I have something old, something blue, something borrowed...and what was the other one?!?!” -Leesh
9:05 pm
“Can I clear some of those plates for you?” – Casa
“Yeah, Leesh is going to need room for her giant-sized vibrator.” -Crc
9:15 pm
Leesh hops around like a bunny after much prompting. A “kind man” adds a cowboy hat to the mix.
10:20 pm
Blindfolded, Leesh orders a Rolling Rock from an empty pizza parlor.
10:30 pm
Leesh gropes a large “cock.” (starting at the balls...) And we all get educated on the joys of blow jobs and vibrators.
We have a beer at the bar of the crabbiest man ever.
10:46 pm
We discuss chocolate vulvas and how hard they are to find.
“I’ve gone to dipping my own, actually.” – Stacy
10:55 pm
“I’ve never worn a ring on that finger because it freaks me the fuck out.” –Blaine
11:25 pm
“I can’t wait to wear my new pink dress!” –KT
11:31 pm
“You guys are all invited to my wedding and I’ll do anything.” – Blaine
12:53 am
“That’s all I’ve spent the year doing...working and getting married.” – Leesh
12:57 am
Crc blows on her penis whistle and acts generally intoxicated.
“Congratulations... (pause, and then, looking smug..) ..I know..” – Random man
1:10 am...randomly...
“Guys...., never trust truck drivers.”
“They’ll kill ya.”
....more silence...
“I’m serious, I saw two movies on it...”
“Joy Ride and Breakdown.... They’ll rip your jaw.” - Leesh
Friday, June 6
Before noon
(at Perkins)
“I’ve had a long day.” –our waitress
12:09 pm
“That’s the old make-out spot... Not really sure why the mailmen are there.” –Leesh
1:40 pm
Leesh packs for her honeymoon.
“I’ll take that shirt!” (pointing to red and blue striped shirt) –Leesh
“Yeah.... (sarcastically)... Because that’s so sexy and cute... No, no, something pink.” –Lori Jean
1:50 pm
“Do you fit into this (dress)?” –Lori Jean
“Yes I do, it’s from Spain.” –Leesh
1:59 pm
“The sex bag....it was a book bag at one time.” -Leesh
2:20 pm
We’re lucky enough to get to see Leesh and Adam dance. Adam does the booty dance.
2:45 pm
“Ok Adam, when I come over I want to hug you and Leesh...so I’ve got to get to know you.” – Crc
that evening...
The college kids go drinkin’ with the high school kids without the common bond of Leesh and Adam actually present.
Saturday, June 7
The Big Day
7:30 am
“My breath is horrible.” – Crc
“Yeah I’m not saying I attract women...I’m just saying I need like a pick-ax and.....(drifts off)” –Doug
“Good one.” – Crc
“...I’m very tired.” –Doug
8:10 am
“Wait...this shirt didn’t iron itself over night?!?!” –Lubs
at the reception
We are seated at table 13 because as Stacy points out, Leesh knows we are never getting married. We proceed to build a Doug Turk tab and devour three bottles of champagne along with large glasses of punch and other liquors. We may or may not have been the only people at the reception drinking.
Sometime post reception....
“I’m really cold.... ... I’m really drunk.” -Stacy
10:45ish pm
The Reinhardt Kid Bet is formed. $35 to whoever guessed correctly on the birth of Alicia and Adam’s first child:
Doug – January ’06
Mer – April ’06
Lubs- November ’06
Crc – March ’07
KT – August ’07
Blaine – October ’07
Stacy – February ’08
11:30 pm
“Do that undulating thing with your back again.” –KT
and into...
Sunday, June 8
12:00 am
“What’d I forget?” – Sapphire
“A rag.” –Crc
“A reg coffee?” – Sapphire
“A rag.” –Crc
“A reg coffee?” – Sapphire
“Sure.” -Crc
12:25 am
“All the ice is gone.” – Mer
“Have that girl stare at your water.” –KT
12:31 am
“You guys look like a postcard for like... Will and Grace.” – KT (referring to Doug and Jeff)
7:45 am
“What time are you leaving?” –KT
“8:30 at the latest.” –Crc
“So if you don’t leave by 8:30 then you’re not leaving...?” –KT
8:20 am
We make a pact that we will meet again next summer.
Posse Reunion Quotes back to top
En Route to Posse 2004
- “We might as well rock the fuckin suburbs.” - Jeff
- (Friday night) “Jeff, stop eating Mentos! You have an oral fixation. …You need to eat more pussy.” - Katie
(Saturday morning) “Katie, you know how you told me I had an oral fixation? Well, last night I had a dream that I was performing oral sex.” - Jeff
- “We should have brought photo albums…” - Katie
“Do you know what the photo album from the last year of my life looks like? 200 pictures of my dog. Which I brought.” - Cristin
- “I had a sex dream. Has anyone here not heard about it?” - Jeff
- “Holy SHIT, dude. …You need to get flower boxes.” - Katie
- “Dammit, boobs! You’re making me hiccup!” - Mike
- “Why do we keep getting the hiccups?” - Cristin (to Katie)
“You guys should just make out. Because… I don’t know.” - Mike
- "He’s got a condo. He’s beyond us.” - Alicia
- I never thought it was blurry… till I wore these glasses.” - Cristin
“It’s like Brita. You never know it’s bad until you drink the Brita.” - Alicia
- (Playing Phase 10) “I skipped you so I could kiss you.” - Mike
“Ewww.” - Cristin “Eat a dick.” - Mike
- (Playing Phase 10) “It becomes a job after awhile.” - Jeff
- “Do you ever let Doug take the placebo pills?” - Adam
“Noooo. Have you ever taken them?” - Blaine
“No. She won’t let me.” - Adam
“Do you want some of mine?” - Blaine “…Seriously?” - Adam
- “Just don’t let him blow it all in you.” - Mike
- “If it’s all sugar pills, pass ‘em out.” - Adam
- (In the singles’ bedroom) “Let’s be real quiet and listen
to the couples’ conversations. And by conversations…”
- Jeff
- (Alicia waterskiing) “Where’s she learn how to do that?”
- Katie
“She watches TV.” - Adam
- “Some people…I just want them to leave.” - Cristin
“I just want them to leave… and get sick.” - Blaine.
- “David, do you want to stick around and go skinny-
dipping?” - Katie
“Sure.” - David
“Sunday night is skinny-dipping night.” - Katie
“Oh, well, if it’s not tonight, I can’t.” - David
“…David, it’s Sunday.” - Katie
- “Buy our CD! It comes out October 2004.” - Blaine (to
passers-by, during the posse photo shoot)
- “Circ, whatcha gonna do with all these pictures?” - Katie
“I don’t fuckin know.” - Cristin
“Ahem… Parents…” - Jeff
- “Where’s Jeff?” - Doug
“Yeah, anybody seen him?” - Jeff
- “You guys, I really need a full-body massage and Jeff
wouldn’t agree to do it.” - Katie
“Oh, he’s gonna be doing it later when we’re skinny-dipping… and he’s gonna be doing it from the INside.” - Doug
- “Doug’s practicing for when we’re naked later.” - Jeff
- “What does he expect you to hang on your earring?”
- Cristin
“He said to hang my keys.” - Doug
“…Good thing none of us are janitors.” - Blaine
- “How’s the college boy?” - Meredith
“He’s good. He’s sleeping in a tent with my brother right now.
“So any Paarlberg’ll do?” - Adam
- “There are ants in my pants!” - Doug
- “I have to go get this shit out of me.” - Blaine
- “Okay, this sounds weird, but I love folding Doug’s
underwear.” - Blaine
- “Why haven’t we played the question game yet?” - Katie
“I don’t really think this is the appropriate milieu.” - Doug
- “Blaine, you do not look comfortable.” - Meredith
“My mouth tastes like blueberry goodness.” - Blaine
- (Jeff tying the boat; Katie in the way) “Jeff, did you want
(slaps his ass)” - Katie
- “Kate number one was a bitch. Kate number two I love.”
- Blaine
“Kate number three is a dog.” - Jeff
- (Romanian athletes talking to one another at the
Olympics) “Why don’t they speak English on American
TV?” - Adam
- “Ohhh… sports. Cristin, you were supposed to be
watching him.” - Doug
“Doug, you’re supposed to be a man.” - Cristin
- “I would think, as an Olympian, ‘do I want a medal, or
do I want a boyfriend?’” - Blaine
- (Watching a Romanian gymnast on the balance beam)
“She must be a fireball in bed.” - Doug
- (Still watching a Romanian gymnast on the balance
beam) “She’s gotta be completely shaved.” - Cristin
- “Has everybody had a good time, or is someone like,
‘Aaaahh, I’m gonna cut out next year?’” - Blaine
- “We went swinging and I beat Mer.” - Doug
- “I understand your reasons; I just like my cow.” - Jeff
- “No, I don’t care about the skinny! I just want to dip!”
- Katie
- (To Doug) “If you want these [boobs], you have to come
this way… No! Adam, not you! Look away!” - Blaine
“…They’re just so… big…” - Adam
- “When I have kids, the first time one gets a bra, I’m
gonna be like, ‘Pull ‘em up in there, chick.’ No one ever
taught me that… it was, like, me against the world.”
- Cristin
- (After Margarita’s) “Anybody want coffee? I can’t
decide if I do or not.” - Katie
“I dunno. I gotta piss, and poop, and…barf…” - Cristin
- (Arm wrestling Katie) “This is the hand I masturbate with.”
- Doug
- “There may or may not have been contact.” - Jeff, after
kissing Adam
- (Paying the bill) “Are we straight?” - Adam
“We are… I
dunno about you anymore.” - Everyone else “Hey, I’m the
only one here with a wedding ring on.” - Adam
- “I feel like we walked all over creation” - Blaine
“I feel like I’ve eaten everything in creation” - Cristin
“Me, too. …And it was gooood.” - Katie
- “I think I’ll miss you most of all, scarecrow.” - Adam (to
- “Meredith was like, ‘I never get angry. I don’t know how
to do it.’” - Cristin
“I don’t wanna be around when THAT bomb goes off.”
- Doug
- (After five minutes of silence) “…I really think Adam
needs to be added to the email list permanently.” - Jeff
- “…TOLL plaza?? I just PAID. …No fair.” - Jeff
(Katie cracks up)
“…You’re such a quote-slut.” Katie