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The Hive was last updated: Sunday, February 28, 1999 01:43

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Al-Bee's Hive

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Oh, and if you're here about the Ideal Webring just
click the "rings" link over on the navigational bar.

"Special" Features *right.....*:

*Sigh* Due to a few problems, I have to bid farewell to my old beloved guestbook.
Please pay your respects and visit it

Here's my banner for those whom it may concern:

If you'd like my banner on your page, just copy this code over, visit
my links page too if you'd likeme to put your banner/link up.

<a href="">
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© 1998 - 1999 Al-B. All rights reserved. All of the material contained with in
my pages are used with permission from the author or are my own creation.