and I are staying quite busy lately. We moved into out first
home just over a year ago. It is in Woodland. Woodland is a
smaller town that is quite nice. We like it except for our commute
(which is about 35 minutes). The first year sure did fly by.
We have done all of the new home "stuff". We finally
put in a backyard. (it only took 8 months) and we finally found
a church that we like. Nikki and I celebrated our second anniversary
by going with her family to Disneyland. We had a lot of fun.
I think that our next Disney experience will have to be Disneyworld!
Both of our jobs are going great. Nikki seems to be quite busy
this year, but she has a great class. We are both looking forward
to the upcoming holiday season!
This past summer was a lot of fun.
We took out first trip to Las Vegas. Went to Disneyland, took Nikki
camping for the first time, Went to the Cabin a few times, and much