People seem to laugh at the things i say alot, so i take it to mean I'm pretty funny (NO! it can only mean i'm funny, nothing else). I also think there are alot of stupid people out there who need to be told some things. With this page I will do that as well. Kind of my own little newspaper column here, just run my mouth about what i choose. Hopefully sometimes it will be funny, and hopefully other times it will make you think. It would be great if it kept people coming back to read what's new, or to at least see what, that idiot, is saying now. And since this is my webpage, however I spell it is right, please don't report my mistakes to me like you found the Holy Grail, thanks. Hope you enjoy. |
How come most of the contestants on the game show "Who Want's To Be A Millionaire?" look like genetic mistakes? Is especially bad teeth a requirement for intelligence or something, extra iq points if you have a lisp to go along with it. Do bulbous and irregullarly shaped forheads provide more cranial capacity? Nevermind the fact that the rest of their head is caved in or there ears are huge and hang down to there shoulders, maybe that lets them hear better and pick up useless facts. And apparently ridiculous and elaborate facial expressions boost the thought process. Some of them look William Shatner trying to act or like they're having a stroke while simultaneously passing a kidney stone the size of a baseball. And while I'm on the subject, WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? Are there people out there who go " no thanks, I want to work for it, the assistant manager here at McDonalds is going to graduate college soon, then I might get the button up shirt! All before i'm 40, YEA!!" I mean come on! Actually that's going to be my new game show, "Who Doesn't Want To Be A Millionaire?" and I'll have like Bill Gates on and Ted Turner as contestants, and they can talk about how much money they have or pay people to do stupid things. Like have guys punch themselves in the face for a dollar. And back to the "WWTBAM?" show....why do people use there lifelines so stupidly?? Ok, apparently I'm the only one who's noticed the questions get harder as you go. If you get stuck on the $1000 question it's cause you live in a cave or something, call a NORMAL person and they'll know it. Believe me they are more likely to be of help then, than later when the question is like for $250,000 and they want to know the medical term for Black Lung Disease (if you get that question call me and i'll tell ya for say.......$50,000). And one more thing , if an American ever does get to the million dollar question (which i know at least two people in the Australian game have GOTTEN to the question, no one has answered it) what would it be, considering they get harder and harder. Something like....."what is the middle name of Arnold Phillips, bus driver in Clarksville, SD?" or maybe "where did I (Regis Philbin) leave my car keys?" Oh well, who knows. Well i gotta go, I'm looking for a new best friend. Preferably one that looks like Egor crossed with the Elephant man, maybe with touretts syndrome, that spits alot by accident, laughs like a madman, and is prone to wild facial and physical gesture.
...if there is a Clarksville, SD and there is a bus driver named Arnold Phillips.....whoa that's spooky. |