Past Articles and Stuff

Article I

I feel like the first topic on this site should be one that is very close to my heart.....stupid
           people.  Why are there so many of them?  They're everywhere, and growing in number
           everyday.  They're like some plauge or hostile take over. They need to be stopped. I've come to
           the conclussion that there is only one solution, it may seem a little radical but I see no other way.
           Stupid people should be killed. I know what you're saying, "isn't that harsh?" or  "that's
           ridiculous".  Consider the alternative for a second. They are everywhere you go now, stopping at
           green lights, running red ones, going the wrong way down one way streets, pushing on doors that
           say pull, watching Pauley Shore movies, buying those "amazing" products on TV that are
           suppose to work so well,  forwarding e-mails that are too ridiculous to be true (microsoft will give
           you ten dollars to every person you send this too, duhhh, OK) or even more annoying, sending
           forwards with like 10k of addresses of people who've sent it before and then to top it off the
           message isn't able to be displayed, or isn't there all together!!!  And that isn't the worst part, to
           top it all off...........these people are breeding. They are growing in number everyday.  They are
           slowly taking over the world.  They already control congress, and countless other government
           jobs.  Can we say "i did not have sexual relations with that woman"?  But i'll go into what's
           wrong with out government another time.  The problem to start with is stupid people, those
           people who need to be warned that McDonald's coffee is hot, those people who call a business
           and upon getting a reply ask if they're open, people who can't pay for something and get change
           back, who sit there and dig out 98 cents from there pocket, mostly in pennies, so they won't get
           two more.  SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE.  They are growing and they will take over, it's
           there nature, they're weeds.  But once again I know what you're thinking, "come on, we all screw
           up, we all do stupid stuff from time to time".  And you're right, absolutely.  I make stupid
           mistakes every now and then. Probably made some since I wrote this.  But there are different
           levels of stupidity. Those people aren't the problem, the problem is the chronically stupid
           people, they drag us all down. So here's what we do, we start reporting stupidty. We begin with
           testing people. Of course we don't kill the mentally handicapped, down's syndrome and such.
           And then we test with IQ tests and commom sense tests and such. We use high scoring people
           to judge cases against other people. Then just like the legal system, when you have proof of
           someone doing something stupid it is proved and then put on there record.  And of course stupid
           offenses would be weighted. (spelling isn't a stupid mistake)  So when you reach a certain
           "score" of stupid offenses in a certain amount of time you would have to face the penalty.  On the
           small end of stupid offenses would be stuff like....not putting anything in as a comment when you
           sign a guestbook. And if you say...............are the person who come up with companies calling
           YOU with an automated voice and then asking you to HOLD and wait for an operator, then you
           get immediate death, no questions asked, no last request.  Calling someone and asking THEM
           to HOLD, stupid in it's purest form..... But anyway, i've got to go hunt down those people who
           call in to phone polls, pay like $2.75 to say they have no opinion.....there time is up.
