01/11/00 07:08:25
Comments: Harlow! Congrats~..tis a lovely Homepage...impressive~..esp the picture u drew:)
01/10/00 07:45:18
Comments: Very nice page, but I'd like to see more art done by you, and some sampled tunes of your music-playing! (And how about some singing? Come on, we all want to hear you sing too!) :)
01/10/00 04:35:06
Comments: Help, i'm being forced to sign this guesbook, :) just kidding. I do hope tho that you appreciate the personal sacrifice i've gone through to sign your little piece of the web :)
01/10/00 02:20:03
Comments: You have a very sweet homeplace, music is amazing!!!!!
01/09/00 18:41:25
Comments: Hey Houling, so remember me from CGS? OK to jog your memory....the girl you 'slept with' in Australia....is it coming to you now? Oh wow! it's really been a while! We're so old already lah! Anyway, sorry neber contact you? so you're called Steph now is it? pretty cool They call me gery here in NIE well! Will email soon! Lotsa Love gery
01/09/00 13:21:02
Comments: Erm, nice lor.... what to say leh,me signing this guestbook becos me give you face lor ;P laff, eh, include some Pokemon video clips? PPLLLLEEEEEEAASSSE ????
01/09/00 05:33:23
Comments: very cute, i am proud of u, stephie! :)
01/09/00 01:03:56
Comments: Very nice and professional looking.Like the music too. Congratulation!
01/08/00 17:01:05
Comments: way cool.... totally rocks.. ahhaha nice background ? but best of all is the number of guestbok entries! amazing publicity !
01/08/00 15:57:42
Comments: Wonderful homepage!!! It inspires me to make one, though i doubt it will be as nice as this! :)
01/08/00 12:19:00
Comments: Real happening - Well done. Your time table could be change OK. Go and add drop NOW.
01/08/00 09:38:19
Comments: Hi, real kewl...great work and btw the baby photos r really cute...
01/08/00 05:30:07
Comments: Hi Houling,it's a cool hp!Well,I'm planning to build a hp.However....... =P.....I'll try me best! I'll write it in Chinese.Anyway,~cheer~ for your works!
01/08/00 03:23:30
Comments: Hey Steph, awsome page!! I loved the backgrounds and the midis were a great touch, hey how about next time i have to do a webpage for a course you can do it for me......Sound like fun?? JK Great job though really.
01/07/00 16:56:52
Comments: Congratulations on the launch of your website. I actually wrote this before my browser got hanged. After hours and hours on the computer, you finally made it, though with some nagging from the family which includes me. Ha Ha, sorry about that, little sis. I feel very proud of you, being able to do this all by yourself, given that you are not IT trained Also you are the first in the family to have your webpage, that's very good. This goes to show that you can actually do anything if you really wanted to do it. That is more important than having your own webpage up, right? Enough of all this 'nonsense'. You do have very interesting webpages and the visual + audio are very good. Very professional also. Maybe next time I should get you to help me design my webpage. Well done, sis! Keep up the good work! Hope I can see much much more hits by the time I visit your website again. :) P.S. Is this the longest guestbook comment?
01/07/00 15:51:23
Comments: Harlow Houling!Give yourself a pat on the back!U've done a great job on your homepage. Gambette Kudasei!! p/s:Simply luv the different background music.
01/07/00 15:41:44
Comments: wow.. nice webpage! where did you get all those cute animation? the background also very nice.. =D
01/07/00 15:18:06
Comments: Hello! Remember me? We had worked together at CityShock in Feb 99. =D Your homepage is great! Was especially impressed by your GP essays and the midis. Keep on adding new stuff! =D Cheers!
01/07/00 12:59:28
Comments: Very nice Stephanie well done
01/07/00 12:55:24
Comments: Hmm, as what I have tell you lor. Keep up the good work. Is a great effort that you have put in lor.
01/07/00 07:58:07
Comments: Cute site...i really enjoyed the picture gallery...never seen so many diff sides of u before, besides in school, of course! guess doing the web site for ab11? must have inspired u alot huh? : Þ keep up the good work! seeya soon!
01/07/00 07:37:57
Comments: What can I say, its a pretty nice page.....for a girl!! haha, just kidding ;) looking good
01/07/00 07:32:27
Comments: Nice homepage. Great music and everything.
01/07/00 07:27:54
Comments: Nice stuff. Keep Up teh good work! Better if more exciting links are attached.
01/07/00 07:26:29
Comments: An interseting webpage
01/07/00 07:08:36
Comments: hey! Great start on the page. Can't wait to see what ends up on here. Talk to u soon!
01/07/00 07:06:10
Comments: Hey Steph, ur great. and certainly ur very sweet too. Cheerio..
01/07/00 04:44:02
Comments: wow wow!!! ur homepage is soo great!!! very interesting ... keep it up... well done... :)
01/07/00 04:22:05
Comments: A great page for a beginner ;) oh yeah.. why didn't you tell me you are so talented??
01/06/00 17:41:41
Comments: kekek good good !!! can see u put in a lot of effort, like the music, yap !! really nice to hear different piece when u get to different links. can comment on the owner or not sia?? kekek really talented gal !!!! can draw, can write, can bake, can play so many instruments !!! the dogs look veri veri real !!! hmmmmmm can try drawing life potraits next time :) really took my hat off u . jia you jia you !!! kekek one more thing to add, the chocolate cake u had for ur birthday looks veri nice also hahaahahhaa waiting to see more .......... jia you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
01/06/00 16:26:20
Comments: A very nice effort!MAybe ur wonderfully done webpage will spur me to create one on myself too.:) Continue to add new stuff!I'm waiting for the friends section!:p
01/06/00 16:01:22
Comments: what can i say! great, infomative n a beautiful lady! *cheers*
01/06/00 09:19:43
Comments: Cool Site... very nicely done.... a good effort... keep up the good work...
01/06/00 09:09:57
Comments: Great page, looks like you have done a lot of work on it...Very cool :-)
01/06/00 04:00:43
Comments: NO SOUND! lol nice page though
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