Name: Stephanie Chow

Country: Singapore

Family: Parents and 2 brothers

Starsign: Aquarius

Chinese Zodiac: Monkey..or Goat?

Age: 25

Birthdate: January 1980

Favorite Birthday present: Bounce Around Tigger (from my brother)

Languages/Dialects: English, Mandarin, Cantonese & a little French

Education: Bachelor of BusinessNTU

Likes: Music, Reading, Art, Cartoons, Cooking, Collecting, Chatting, Soft toys, Food

Favorite Recipes: Fudgy Bonbons (Pillsbury Bake-off), Caramel Brownies

Favorite Foods: Pizza, Chocolate, Ice-cream & Sunchips

Favorite Fruits: Apples & Cherries

Favorite Postcards sites: Angelwinks, Castle Mountains


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