Welcome to the O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S.® SHOCKRATES Programme's web site.
Ceud mile fàilte oirbh uile.
This page is devoted to all those students who joint the O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. / Shockrates Programme during the '96-97 academic year in the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. / SHOCKRATES PROGRAMME, created to complement the EU's Socrates / Erasmus Programme, intends to provide information to international exchange students, their friends and their families about the leisure activities they may take part in while abroad. Thus, the name "O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S." stands for On-line Revised Guide of Activities for Students and their Mates in the University of Strathclyde.
As Glasgow Caledonian University's Web site advised to foreigners intending to go to Scotland: "It is important that you have adequate funding in order that you are able to participate fully in the wide range of leisure and social activities on offer, as these are an important feature of Scottish culture" :-) ORGASMUS / Shockrates Programme's Web shite aims to explain to all those who haven't been Erasmus students to Glasgow which type of social and leisure activities GCU's International Student Adviser is referring to.
You are invited to see a couple of O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. students' pictures at our O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. - Shockrates Picture Gallery.One of them is the uncensored version of the pic at the heading of the HOME page.
David # 5, former engineering student

If you fined any grammer or spelling misstake in the test, or disagree with any other aspect of the page, you are invited to WRITE A COMPLAINT in our complaint book
Feel free to write any comment on it about your opinion on the site, the way you found it or any suggestion to improve it. If you want to read other visitor's complains, you'll see this site does not attract a heavy traffic.You can also e-mail us to: <orgasmus@geocities.com> 
Faodaidh sibh gu sgrìobhadh 'sa Ghàidhlig ma tha sibh ag iarraidh, ach s' e a' sgrìobhadh 'sa Bheurla no 'sa Shpàinnis cuideachd as fheàrr, oir chan eil mi tuigsin Gàidhlig màth :-( Tha mi tuilich, tha Gàidhlig glè bheagan agam. 

O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. / Shockrates Programme also suggests you some other web sites to visit, which you will probably find more interesting than the one you are reading now. You may find many options at our LINKS section, but please don't forget to come back in a couple of months to see some new features here at the O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. / SHOCKRATES PROGRAMME'S WEB SHITE.
Space without death penalty symbol (a flower breaking a gun)
This site is a death penalty-free space.
Por la extradici¾n y juicio a Pinochet

(This hard is how I worked at Strathclyde)
HOME page 

Euskara (Basque) 
Orri hau EUSKARAZ ere irakur daiteke. 
En espa±ol (Spanish)
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Students' pictures at our O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. - Shockrates Photo Gallery
Piotr's Baird Hall madness 
Dennis Hidalgo's friends - AMIGOS
Complaint book:
Read other visitor's complaints
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Or read a real story about Strathclyde e-mail service:
A Message from the Help Desk 
visits since April 98. 
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Bartolomé Rubia, you never walk alone!!

bakea behar dugu
we need peace