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Though construction of this page started in October 97, there are not but a few messages in our complaint book. You are invited to write your comments on it.
Since Feb 99:
Recent additions and improvements in this O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. site are listed in our Dè tha ùr? / What's new? page.
The O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. / Shockrates Programme also suggests you many other interesting sites to visit:
Universities taking part in the O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. / Soc
Cèilidhs (Scottish folk music and dance parties) organised by the KILT SOCIETY at Strathclyde University use to attract many international students.
Strathclyde University also has a WEB SOCiety, which can lead you to Glasgow's Pub Guide. And the HIGHLAND SOCiety's web site offers you some nice pictures of Scottish landscapes. When you see this superb sights you'll probably understand one of the reasons why nostalgy can lead someone to build a web site like this.
Spanish Universidad Complutense de Madrid offers extensive information about ECTS & Erasmus/Socrates Programmes, while Universidad Politécnica de Madrid comments other exchange programmes.
The UPV-EHU (University of The Basque Country) is the public university of the Basque Autonomous Region. They offer another page on Socrates Programme in English. Some alleged "students" of this University created the KARMA Collective a few years ago. You can read some of the exclusive information they offer in Spanish about Bill Gates, la vache qui rit, at the on-line version of KARMA dice:, their humour magazine.
The Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto / Eleizaren DEUSTUKO UNIbertsitatea, located in Bilbao, also in the Basque Country, does not have a Kilt Society, nor a Web Society... yet. Alma mater to some of the businessmen and politicians who have ruled over Spain, the Philosophy and Education Siencies faculty hosted famous Basque film director Alex de la Iglesia. In a different section of the same faculty, Eugenio Alberdi studied psychology and afterwards went to the University of Aberdeen's Psychology department, where he currently works and maintains his page on Basque related cinema.
The University of Oviedo (in Asturias, Spain) offers the general information in Spanish, but its AEGEE, describes in English the activities of the mountain group.
Once you become an international student to Britain, Patricia can help you knowing your rights. She is the British Student Union's foreign student convenor.
There is also an Erasmus student society in several universities.
Basque pacifist, antimilitarist and non-violent groups (visit their sites before Spanish ultranationalists mailbomb 'em):
The Association for PEACE in the Basque Country have a quite complete English version of their site, but you only can see their "Space without Death Penalty" campaign banners in the Basque and Spanish versions. |
ELKARRI, the movement
for peace conversations in the Basque Country have just an image
map without any text in their welcome page. By clicking on several parts
of the picture you will reach the different documents and sections of their
web site.
TXATXARRO Antimilitarist Group calls for total objection in The Biscaine Coast. While they also have an English version of their site, you are again encouraged to visit the original Basque version.
KAKITZAT is another antimilitaritst group, of broader influence in the Basque Country. The local group of Irun (Gipuzkoa) have a trilingual web site.
SOLIDARI@S CON ITOIZ is a ecology activist group which opposed the ilegal works for the construction of a dam in Itoiz (Navarra). In their site they explain (only in Spanish) their actions, among which these three can be highlighted: An appearance before the media in Pitilla, a several month delay in the works provoked by cutting down the transport system cables, and the following arrest of the activists which led to a five-year prison sentence for each one of them. DISCLAIMER: O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. - Shockrates Programme does not call for stopping government's de/construction works by these methods.
Basque Explorer, about Basque culture.
In Fotomatón's
page you can read: "En esta página
mostraremos 1 foto diferente a la semana sobre una de las ciudades más
bellas de Europa, San Sebastian (sic). Hemos creado esta sección,
porque es un gran fallo, que no se muestren fotos de la capital de la belleza
por excelencia",which means sort of "In this page
we'll show a different picture each week about one of the most beautiful
cities (or towns?) in Europe, San Sebastián. We've created
this section because it is a great shame not to show pictures of the capital
city of beauty".
Surrealism? No, it's just the Basque pride of some Gipuzkoan writer, but
the pics seem to be good.
The university of Oviedo offers information about tourism in Asturias (Spain).There are several pages about the river Sella and the yearly kayak descent.
Once again, the O.R.G.A.S.M.U.S. / Shockrates Programme encourages
you to visit the KARMA
dice: web site.![]() |
(=) Spanish Army plans to combat the Biscaine antimilitarists who every year take part in the march against the military headquarters in Munguía (Just in Spanish). |
Matrako's cultural web site fights the Spanish sport media and Authorities'
strategy of distracting people's attention away from the real issues, but
Matrako attracts attention to some other issues that not always are more
relevant: Fundazión de Ayuda kontra la Markadikzión. ![]() |
For mature nostalgics of Sessame Street: BERT IS EVIL! The truth revealed at least?
Right here in Geocities' College Park: Rebeca's corner on the 'Net includes a collegiate humor compilation.
More info on Scotland, including links to the web sites of many of the clans, in the Tartan Pages.
If you need special characters (ñ, ü, ó, è) for your home page like the ones we use in the Gàidhlig and Spanish texts of this site, you can get the html codes from GeoNative, the project to put minority languages into the maps.
A list of other Basque sites in Geocities, provided by Euskaldunon Egunkaria.
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