Dec 99- Present Product Designer Dana Canada, Parish Structural Solution
  • Design light and medium duty truck frames for various automotive manufacturers
  • Working as a team member involved in designing new products including hydroformed engine cradle
  • Involved in static analysis of truck frames
  • Provide engineering support to process/ production engineering, quality assurance and suppliers.
  • Work with Process Engineers in designing of prototype parts, tooling and fixtures
Product Engineer Dana Canada, Boston Weatherhead Division
  • Design hydraulic fittings and connectors for various automotive and off highway applications.
  • Design new products and supervise prototype manufacturing and testing during developmental phase.
  • Design test fixtures, gauges and specialized tooling for new and existing products.
  • Prepare testing and engineering specifications, design standards and engineering change/deviation notices.
  • Contribute in SAE FCCTC committee to revise existing and create new surface vehicle standards.
  • Administrator of Electronic Drawing CATalog (EDCAT) and responsible to maintain the latest drawing revision, engineering process and quality procedures.
  • Working as a team member for scrap reduction and productivity teams.
  • Provide engineering support to process/ production engineering, quality assurance departments, suppliers and customer.
  • Prepare quotations for customer and Internet bidding.
Sep 97-Nov 99 Research and Teaching Assistant
University of Toronto
  • Designed load cells using strain gages and data acquisition system for screw testing using IDEAS
  • Designed and wrote software using standard modules from NI to acquire data from load cell.
  • Designed experiment and machines to study creep and stress relaxation in fiber reinforced composites
  • Worked on different testing machines including tensile, flexural, impact, hardness and creep
  • Conducted labs for Machine design I and Machine Design II
Jul 96-Apr 97
Site Engineer
Engineer and Contractors Limited
Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd. (Britain)
  • Designed fabricated and machined components for pressure vessels and storage tanks
  • Planned and monitored man-hours and resources for the installation of natural gas compression project
  • Supervise a team of 10 workers involved in redesigning, fabrication and installation of steel structure due to onsite modifications
  • Prepared method statements for the inspection and installation of equipment, hydro testing, and chemical cleaning of vessels and pipe-work according to industry and site standards
Nov 94-Jun 96
Product Engineer
MACCIE Engineering Co
Nissan, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki
  • Supervised a team of three engineer involved in designing, fabrication, assembly and erection of overhead bridge cranes (1.5-5 ton capacity) and underground trolley for the assembly of truck axles
  • Supervised a team of 3 engineers and 10 workers involved in manufacturing jigs & fixtures for Nissan Motors
  • Designed metal and plastic parts for automotive applications
  • Worked on manual and semi automatic lathe, milling, jig boring, grinder, injection, compression and rotational molding machines
  • Implemented quality standards and procedures to ensure safe, low cost and efficient manufacturing.
May 25-26, 2000
Paper presentation: Viscoelastic Properties of wood fiber reinforced polyethylene: Creep, stress relaxation and threaded joints performance at Progress in Wood Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites Conference.
Dec 99- Mar 01
Member of Fluid Connectors and Conductor Technical Committee (Society of Automotive Engineer FCCTC).
1993- 95
Taught AutoCAD R12 in "Institute of Industrial Electronic Engineering", as a visiting faculty during studies.
