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Can't believe it's been five years since I first knew about the Net. Time sure flies,eh?

Like most users, e-mailing is the first and still the main reason (well...among other things) for using the Net. It really helps me reducing the cost of long distant calls to my family in Thailand.

Where are my manners !

Let me introduce myself. I'm a graduate student who came to study in North America since 1995. I'd stayed in New Orleans for one year. Upon the completion of my first master degree program, I moved to continue my study in Canada and stay here ever since.

Okay. I'm 28 and I have a baby brother who's not  a baby anymore as he's just got his bachelor degree.

My parents, grandma and grandma Nual are in Thailand. I miss my family so much. <deep sigh>!!!

This is a great place to keep in touch with my friends and family and to rant about anything I want. Hey, it's my home page, right :)



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