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Michelle's Bio
Name: Michelle
Date of Birth: March 11
Age: Mid 20s
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Fiancee: Matthew
Location: Florida, USA
More Up Close: Useless Facts and Much More Up Close
Music: View This Page With Some Background Music
Michelle's Faves
Favorite Music: Alternative
Favorite Band: Pearl Jam, Dave Matthew's Band, Depeche Mode, Goo Goo Dolls
Favorite CD: The Wedding Singer Soundtrack Volumes I and II
Favorite Actor: Tom Cruise
Favorite Movie: Titanic, Jerry Maguire, My Best Friend's Wedding, There's Something About Mary
Favorite Thing: My Car, a 2002 Infiniti G20.
Favorite Place: My Condo
Favorite Clothing Store: Guess, bebe
Favorite Specialty Store: Victoria's Secret, Bath and Body Works, Yankee Candle Company
Favorite Attire: Trendy, Classy, and Chic
Favorite Color: Black, White, Navy and Earth Tones
Favorite Perfume: Escape by Calvin Klein, CK1, Tommy Girl, Clinique Happy, Cool Water for Women
Favorite Scent: Sun-Ripened Raspberry and Daffodil Fields (Bath and Body Works), Pear (Victoria's Secret Garden), Dream (Gap Scents)
Favorite Pastime: Shopping
Candid Talk
Giulty: There are only a few recent pictures of myself in this site. Most of the pictures were taken several years ago.
TV Land: I love watching Will & Grace, and Sex And The City.
Collection: Music CDs, and DVD Movies.
Fettish: I own over 50 pairs of shoes.
Pet Peeves: People driving in the left lane going 30 mph, Parking Tickets, Copy-cats, Credit Card Statements, Telemarketers, People Who Do Not Pay You Back.
Sports Authority: I'm am so unathletic but I've been to several professional basketball, hockey, baseball, and football games.
Right Wing: I'm a registered Republican.
Retro Chick: I enjoy listening to the 80s New Wave Music and 70s love songs.
Picture Un-Perfect: I bitch too much, never satisfied, and I'm always late.
Wishing Well: I wish I'm photogenic, I can look like Phoebe Cates, and win the lotto.
Michelle's Message
After 8 years in the world wide web, it's now time to say goodbye. This page will still remain active for your viewing pleasure, however no updates will occur in the future. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy!