

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

It is undisputedly a long felt need that an Institution of this kind be established to disseminate the various fields of Islamic knowledge through correspondence courses in English to Muslims and non-Muslims throughout the world. Such a need is now being increasingly felt in all parts of the Muslim World. Nothing significant has so far been done to meet this need, although certain attempts were made here and there they were so insignificant to attract the attention of Muslims all over the world.

Our School is the result of sincere cogitation in this regard and therefore, deserves to be fully supported by the Muslims the world over.

The courses prescribed by our School have been designed in such a way so as to include all the subjects prescribed in the Al-Mawlawi-l-'Alim and Al-Mawlawi-l-Fadil Diploma Courses which are most popular throughout the sub-continent of India and Persia, and which include all essential branches of Islamic knowledge, especially those which are interdependent. Moreover, they are in keeping with the traditional Nidzamiyyah Syllabus which was of widespread repute for centuries and which continues to be so even to-day, with slight modification suiting the time.

There is understandably no other Institute which serves in this respect in the field of education by correspondence, especially in the English medium. Therefore, this is clearly a very rare opportunity which no Muslim should miss.

May Allah grant this Institute many many years of successful service in the field of Islam. 'Amin!


The creed of the School is that of the Ahlis Sunnah wal Jama'ah.

medium of instruction

The English Language and any other language prescribed by the Board of Educators as and when found to be feasible.

scheme of courses

Our School offers seven Certificate Courses and four Diploma Courses of education as follows:



COURSE A (Basic Level)

COURSE B (Advanced Level)


COURSE C (Basic Level)

COURSE D (Advanced Level)


COURSE E (Basic Level)

COURSE F (Advanced Level)

COURSE G (Proficiency Level)



    for proficiency in the Arabic Language and Literature will be awarded to candidates who take up courses (A), (B), (C) and (D) on their successful completion of the courses.


    for proficiency in IslamicStudies will be awarded to candidates who take up courses (A), (B), (C) and (E) on their successful completion of the courses.


    for distinction in Islamic Studies will be awarded to candidates who take up courses (A), (B), (C), (E) and (F) on their successful completion of the courses.


    for meritorious distinction in Islamic Studies will be awarded to candidates who take up courses (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (G) on their successful completion of the courses.

Apart from the Diplomas our School will also present a Certificate for each candidate who takes up any of the seven courses he or she pleases. Candidates who separately complete successfully the number of courses prescribed for any of the four Diplomas shall accordingly apply for the respective Diploma they are eligible for at any time after the completion of the courses. However, candidates at Al-'Alimul-Fa'iq Diploma and Al-'Alimul-Fadil Diploma levels can, if they wish, submit a dissertation of not less than 50,000 words. The title of the dissertation shall be decided by the Board of Educators.


Diplomas will be awarded once in every two years in a special Convocation ceremony the time and venue of which will be notified to the successful candidates two months prior to the date of such ceremony.

Apart from the Diplomas the Muslim candidates will be presented with a gown and a turban (in the case of a female, a gown and a scarf) in accordance with the type of Diplomas awarded to them:-
















However, those students who are unable to be present in such ceremony, due to any reason they should inform their inability to the School at least one month prior to the date of the Convocation in which case their Diplomas and presents will be sent to them by insured post.

some clarification

Students enrolling for more than two courses at the same time will be entitled to a reduction of 5% from the total cost of the courses. Those who enrol for any of the four Diploma Courses fully will be entitled to a reduction of 10% from the total cost of the courses. The remainder should be paid in full cash payment.

It is left to the choice and ability of the students who take more than one course to take up all such courses either successively or concurrently. An average student can without any hardship take up two or three courses concurrently in order to save his time.

If one were to take all the courses one after another it will take him 9 years and 6 months to complete all. This may be advisable for people who are busy and are not able to dedicate more time to studies, but people who are young and have enough time can take up more than one course concurrently and complete all courses within four or five years and win all the certificates and Diplomas. But normally most people would only take up two or three courses or a few Diploma Courses in which case the time taken will be a few years only.

conditions of enrolment

The courses offered in this curricula are subject to revision or amendment to keep pace with further researches and any general improvement in teaching methods.

The fees as shown in this curricula include the complete courses of study as prescribed, text books (where applicable), examination papers and postage by surface mail, plus air mail postage on certificates, plus any air mail communication between the School and the student. On no account can the fees be waived refunded or reduced other than that specified in this Prospectus, once the enrollment form is accepted by the School.

The School reserves the right to refuse any application or amend any course to keep the subjects of the courses within certain limits. However, any such alteration in either fees or course material will be notified with extra literature within this Prospectus.

Enrollment should be made on the form provided. Full payment or Initial payment of the fee must accompany the application form, unless an International Money Order is forthcoming, in which case the date issued, name of sender and number must be given. Every enrollment must be signed. Should testimonials be required by the School, only copies should be sent.

Any examination sheet accepted by the School by way of completion of a course of study are normally placed in our files, but may be returned if the student so desires.

Examinations should be written in the student's own hand writing, so also all the Test Questions attached to each lesson and should be answered by themselves. The students may make use of text books or notes provided by the School in answering questions.

Certain difficulties in the transfer of fees may occur in some countries, in such cases, the School will be pleased to send the required proforma invoices for such payment before study begins. Under no circumstances will lessons be sent before the fees are received.

There is no Enrollment Fee, but the student should send either the full cost of the course or courses he or she intends to study the Initial payment thereof, whichever way he or she pleases.

Where students want to enroll for more than one course other than the group of courses prescribed for any of the four Diploma Courses they may deduct 5% of the total fees payable, and if they are to take up all the courses prescribed for any of the four Diplomas they may deduct 10% from the total fees payable.

Examination papers should be answered legibly and sent to the School within the specified time. [Overseas students will be given ample time].

The students have to send their answer papers for the Test Questions attached to every lesson at their own expense by surface mail for correction, evaluation and marking.

Students may also send their answer papers to the School via e-mail or fax to: 0065-5650991

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