ACCT S201-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76804
Principles of Financial Accounting
M, W 5:30-7:00pm
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Introduction to accounting concepts and procedures for a business. Emphasis
is on the accounting cycle and the recording, summarizing and interpretation
of accounting data. This course will satisfy the requirements for ACCT 121
& ACCT 122 in the certificate program.
ACCT S222-UK1, 3 cr, CRN: 77577
Computer Automated Accounting
KET: Online Semester Based
Prerequisite: ACCT 121 and ACCT 122 or ACCT 201.
$40 distance fee
Books: Sent from Ketchikan; students will be billed.
This course demonstrates how a computer system can be used effectively for the
complete accounting cycle. Particular emphasis is placed on general ledger,
accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll related transactions. Communication
in this course will be via weekly Internet access. There will not be
audioconferences. The format of the course is self-paced, requiring the student
to complete computer exercises in an educational version of Peachtree Accounting
Release 5.0 or QuickBooks Software. Registration must be completed by 9/7/02
to provide time to complete the course. You must begin the course work by September
7 and complete all assignments within the next 15 weeks. After September 7,
log on to www.uas.alaska.edu/online/ACCT222KD1 to obtain the syllabus and first
assignment. Students must have access to a 486-or higher IBM or IBM-compatible
computer with Windows 3.11 or higher and Internet and e-mail access.
ACCT S311-JD2, 3 cr, CRN: 76263
Intermediate Accounting
JUN, M 7-8:30pm, Dye
Prerequisite: ACCT 202
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
An in-depth study of accounting sequence, principles and rules governing financial
statements. Includes discussion of cash, receivables, inventory, fixed assets
and intangible assets. The time value of money as it relates to financial accounting
situations will also be addressed. Requirements: Access to e–mail and the Internet.
Back to Index
AKL S105-JD1, 4 cr, CRN: 77403
Tlingit I
JUN, M, W 3:30-5:00pm, Sheakley
$40 distance fee; Books: Order from MBS Direct.
An introduction to basic Tlingit grammatical structures and vocabulary with
an emphasis on the development of listening and speaking skills.
ANS F381-UC1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Alaska Natives in Film
UAF, M, W 6:50-8:05 pm, Andrews
$15 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed.
Analysis of the portrayal of Alaska's Inupiaq and Yup'ik peoples (with some
on Canada's Inuit) through select films and readings. Learning to critically
analyze films and understanding how various film techniques are accomplished
while focusing on feature films' treatment and use of northern peoples in film,
as well as looking at the social impact of such films. Prerequisite: ENGL
111X, 211X or 213X or 212 or 213. ART/MUS/THR 200X also highly recommended.
ANS F401-UI1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Cultural Knowledge of Native Elders
Time/Dates TBA
Instructor TBA
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed.
Study with prominent Native tradition-bearers in Native philosophies, values
and oral traditions. Traditional knowledge elicited through the cultural heritage
documentation process. Analysis of existing interactions between cultural
traditions and contemporary American life as experienced by Native elders.
Prerequisites: HIST 110, ANTH 242 and upper division standing.
ANS F472-UC1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Rural Alaska Natives
UAF, Tu/Th 8:30-9:45pm, Creed
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed.
Description TBA
Back to Index
ANTH S202-UK1, 3 cr, CRN: 77602
Cultural Anthropology
KET, W 6:00-7:00pm, Schulte
$40 distance fee, Books: Sent from Ketchikan; students will be billed.
Basic theories, methods, and concepts of cultural anthropology. Includes analysis
of social, political, economic, belief and symbolic systems. Serves as a foundation
for more specialized courses in cultural anthropology. Meets UAS General Education
Requirements (GER).
ANTH F242-UI1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Native Cultures of Alaska
UAF, M,W 5:10-6:25pm, Carroll
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from Fairbanks; students will be billed.
The traditional Aleut, Eskimo, and Indian (Athabaskan and Tlingit) cultures of
Alaska, Eskimo and Indian cultures in Canada. Linguistic and cultural groupings,
population changes, subsistence patterns, social organization and religion in
terms of local ecology. Precontact interaction between groups. Same time as ANS
F242 and together limited to 25 students. Meets the Alaskan studies requirements
for teacher recertification.
Back to Index
ART S201-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77871
Beginning Ceramics
M 6:30-9:30pm
ART S201-T02, 3 cr, CRN: 76810
Beginning Ceramics
Tu 9am-noon
Stacked with ART 301, 401
$25 additional materials fee
Introduction to the making and firing of clay objects. Study of clay methods
of forming decorations, glazing and firing. Four hours lab per week required.
ART S210-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77872
Printmaking / Etching
Time: Tu, Th 6/9pm; Class dates: 10/22-12/12/02
$TBA additional fee
Class will introduce etching (printmaking with a metal plate that has been etched
with acid) and other intaglio techniques. Intaglio printmaking uses lines or textures
in the surface of the plate which holds the ink. Course will also be an introduction
to the history and contemporary applications of printmaking and will include concepts
of 2-dimensional design.
ART S213-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77873
Beginning Painting
Time: Tu, Th 6/9pm; Class dates: 9/3-10/17/02
$25 materials fee; Note: This courseis stacked with ART 313, 413
Investigation of basic materials and techniques in painting in the medium specified.
Four hours lab per week required.
ART S221-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76812
Introduction to Photography
Th 5:30-6:30pm
Th Lab 6:30-9:30pm
$30 materials fee
Basic principles of photography; how the camera functions and the utilization
of these features for artistic expression; processing and printing of black
and white film; laboratory and classroom demonstrations; relationships of
photography to other art media.
ART S224-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76813
Intermediate Photography
Tu 5:30-6:30pm
Tu Lab 6:30-9:30pm
Prerequisite: ART 221 or instructor permission, $30 materials fee
Development and refinement of the skills in the use of camera and techniques
as a medium of expression. Assignments given to create concepts, discipline and
an awareness that the camera is only a tool of creative expression.
ART S261-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 77877
History of World Art I
SIT , Th 10:00-11:30am, Autrey
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Origins of western art and its progressive development from the beginning
to contemporary art. Starts with the origins and progresses through the Romanesque
ART S293-T02, 3 cr, CRN: 77878
Native American Art North of Mexico
SIT , Tu, Th 1-4pm, Corey
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Course is an introductory overview course. The student will learn to recognize
major art forms of the North American culture areas: have an exposure to and working
knowledge of the major technologies used in the production of these arts and,
most importantly, gain an appreciation for the complexity and development of North
American Indian Art.
ART S301-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76821
Intermediate Ceramics
M 6:30-9:30pm, Stacked with ART 201, 401
$25 materials fee, Prerequisite: ART 201 or permission
A continuation of basic ceramics with an emphasis on the potter’s wheel, glaze
calculations and plaster as it relates to pottery. Students will buy their
own clay.
ART S313-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77874
Intermediate Painting
Time: Tu, Th 6-9pm, Stacked with ART 213, 413
$25 materials fee; Prerequisite: ART 213
Development of expressive skills in painting in any media. Emphasis on pictorial
and conceptual problems. Four hours lab per week required.
ART S401-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76823
Advanced Ceramics
M 6:30-9:30pm, Stacked with ART 201, 301
$25 materials fee, Prerequisite: ART 301 or permission
Advanced wheelwork; design of large scale ceramic murals for incorporation into
architecture. Study of the practical application of ceramics in the commercial
fields. Advanced body and glaze calculation. May be repeated for credit with permission
of instructor.
ART S413-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77875
Advanced Painting
SIT, Time: Tu, Th 6-9pm, Stacked with ART 213, 313, Lawrie
$25 materials fee; Prerequisite: ART 213, 313
Continuation of ART 313. Four hours lab per week required.
Back to Index
ASL S101-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 76824
American Sign Language I
SIT, Tu, Th 12:00-1:30pm, McClenahan
Books: Order from MBS Direct or Internet.
This is an intro to visual communication. The emphasis will be on grammatical
foundation for American Sign Language. Intro to the American deaf culture, its
mores and significant issues. Lectures will provide domonstrations of ASL signs
and grammatical structures.
ASL S101-T02, 4 cr, CRN: 77879
American Sign Language II
SIT, Tu, Th 12:00-1:30pm, McClenahan
Books: Order from MBS Direct or Internet.
Continuation of ASL 101.
ASL S193-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 77880
American Sign Language III
SIT, Tu, Th Time TBA, McClenahan
Books: Order from MBS Direct or Internet.
Continuation of ASL 102.
Back to Index
BIOL F103X-UN1, 4 cr, CRN: TBA
Biology and Society
UAF, Tu, Th 5:10-6:40pm, Wolter
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed
Occasional access to a CD-ROM drive required.
Fundamental principles of biology; emphasis on their application to humans in
the modern world. Lectures, laboratory demonstrations, experiments, and discussions
of contemporary biological topics. For non-science majors; cannot be used as a
biology elective by biological science majors. Limited to 12 sites. May be used
as one of the natural science requirements for the Associate's, BAS, and B.Ed.
degrees. Meets UAS General Education Requirements (GER).
BIOL S111-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 76835
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
SIT , M,W 6:00-9:00pm, Chapman
$50 lab fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Introduces human structure and function and covers the integumentary, skeletal,
muscular, and nervous systems. Oriented towards those pursuing healthcare careers.
Three hours of lab per week required.
BIOL S193L-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76838
BIOL S293L-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76846
BIOL S393L-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76847
Humpback Whale Practicum
SIT, Straley, W, F 10am - Noon
Note: Enrollment is limited and by the permission of instructor
only. Primarily a 3 cr course, however can be taken for 1 or 2 credits under
certain circumstances.
This class allows Sitka students to actively participate in scientific research
through participation in data analysis and management, along with field work
in Sitka Sound. The student interns will learn scientific methods through
participating in matching photographs of individual whales to various data
sets, participating in shore-based surveys at Whale Park, entering the data
into a database management program and participating in field work.
BIOL S193P-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 76841
ED S593-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 76939
Marine Mammal Research in Alaska
SIT, F/Sa/Su, Times: TBA, Straley
Course Dates: 11/1/02 - 11/3/02
$50 WhaleFest student registration fe, plus tuition
This course is a lecture series presented by the Sitka Whale Festival: A Celebration
of Marine Wildlife, November 1-3, 2002. All seminars will be focused on marine
life around the Pacific Rim. Lecture topics will include humpback and killer whales,
marine invertebrate biology, marine mammal physiology and bioacoustics of large
BIOL S240-TU1, 4 cr, CRN: 76844
T 6:00-8:00pm, NOTE: Students MUST attend Lab Week in Sitka: 11/18-22; 8:30am-5:00pm
Prerequisite: 8 credits in biology or chemistry. BIOL 112 and CHEM 104 recommended
$40 lab fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
General introductory microbiology with emphasis on microorganisms as disease
causing agents. Fundamentals of microbial biology and diversity including
host microbe interactions and epidemiology. Note: not accepted for Biology
major credit. Recommended for health care students.
Back to Index
ABUS F154-UT1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Human Relations
UAF, Online Course, Brown
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; student will be billed.
Attitudes, self-concepts, personal communication styles, motivation, interactions,
positive reinforcements, team building and leadership development.
ABUS F260-UT1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Marketing Principles
UAF, Online Course, Brown
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; student will be billed.
Description TBA
BA S151-UK1, 3 cr, CRN: 77643
Introduction to Business
KET, Web based, LeCompte
$40 distance fee, Books: Sent from Ketchikan campus; student will be billed.
Business organization, nature of major business functions such as management,
finance, accounting, marketing and personnel administration. Opportunities and
requirements for professional business careers. Students must have access to a
486-or higher IBM or IBM-compatible computer with Windows 3.11 or higher and Internet
and e-mail access. If you have questions about the course contact 888-550-6177.
BA S301-JD2, 3 cr, CRN: 76266
Principles of Management
JUN, Tu, Th 5:15-6:30pm, Hamilton
Satellite Course, $75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Survey of the basics of management. Synthesis of the traditional and contemporary
quantitative and behavioral approaches to the subject of management. Must have
access to e-mail and the internet.
BA S310-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75232
Management Information Systems
JUN, Ackerman, Web Delivery
Prerequisite: The required CIOS sequence must be completed prior to enrollment
in BA 310.
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Provides a managerial perspective showing how to use information systems.
Course enables students to understand the information systems planning cycle
covering five functional areas: financial, marketing, manufacturing and production,
human resources, and office information systems.
BA S325-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 76268
Financial Management
JUN, Tu, Th 12-1:15pm, Varadi
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Intensive analysis of the methods of financial planning and control, asset management,
and other functions performed by the financial executive. Prerequisites: ACCT
201 and STAT 273.
BA S343-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 76270
Principles of Marketing
JUN, Web Delivery, Dwyer
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Role of marketing in society and economy; the business firm as a marketing system;
management of the firm's marketing effort. Access to e-mail and the internet required.
BA S393-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75241
Consumer Behavior
JUN, Dwyer, Web Delivery
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
This course examines how and why we behave as consumers and the implications for
279 marketing. A practical application of the fundamental principles is primary.
BA S412-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 76271
Operations Management/Production
JUN, Ackerman, M, W 12-1:15pm
Satellite Course
Prerequisites: MATH 107 or equivalent and STAT 273
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Management of operations/production/service system with emphasis on quantitative
analysis. Characteristics of systems, types of production and service systems,
forecasting, scheduling, facility design, and other topics in operations management
will be covered. Quantitative techniques include linear, integer and goal programming
as well as forecasting and queuing models.
BA S493-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 76273
Not for Profit Marketing
JUN, Dwyer, M, W 5:15-6:30pm
Satellite Course
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Description TBA.
BA S493-JD2, 3 cr, CRN: 76275
JUN, Stewart, M, 7-9:45pm
Satellite Course
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Description TBA.
BA S493-JD3, 3 cr, CRN: 76276
Current Management Topics
JUN, Ackerman, Tu 7-10pm
Satellite Course
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Description TBA.
Back to Index
CHEM F103X-UB1, 4 cr, CRN: TBA
Basic General Chemistry
UAF, Tu, Th 6:50-8:20pm, Skiff
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; student will be billed
Fundamentals of chemistry including historical and descriptive aspects as well
as basic mathematical concepts. Fulfills the laboratory part of the natural
science requirement and prepares the student for CHEM 105X. Note: This course
satisfies elective credit only. Prerequisite: Placement or concurrent enrollment
in MATH 105 or higher.
Back to Index
All CIOS classes beyond CIOS 100 require that students complete the CIOS
placement test and/or visit with a CIOS faculty member.
CIOS courses are most often taught in self-paced modules. In these classes you
will meet individually with your instructor (in person, by phone or via e-mail),
and will e-mail them your assignments. It is your responsibility to contact
your instructor first. Visit the computer center for detailed instructions
regarding CIOS courses. Registration deadlines for flexible entry CIOS courses
are listed below:
3 credit course... September 9
2 credit course... October 14
1 credit course... November 18
CIOS S100-T01/T02, 1 cr, CRN: T01: 76859 / T02: 76860
Computers for Absolute Beginners
Sec T01: M,W 1:30-3:00 pm; Course Dates: 9/9 to 10/9/02
Sec T02: M 5:00-8:00pm, Course Dates: 9/9 to10/7/02
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Introduces the computer novice to the basic components of a microcomputer and common software applications. No previous computer knowledge is required.
CIOS S101A-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 76864
CIOS S101B-T01, 2 cr, CRN: 76865
SIT, Flexible Entry, Feero
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Presents touch keyboarding techniques and document formatting. Taken in modules
(CIOS 101A, 101B). Part A covers keyboarding skill with emphasis on development
of speed and accuracy using the touch method. Part B introduces horizontal
and vertical centering, business letters, short reports and tables, memorandums,
additional letter styles, multi-page reports and administrative forms. Formatting
functions common to word processing programs will be introduced.
CIOS S110A-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 76870
Microcomputer Operating Systems I (Windows 2000)
M, W 1:30-3pm; Course Dates: 10/14 to 11/13/02
CIOS S110A-T02, 1 cr, CRN: 76871
Microcomputer Operating Systems I (Windows 2000)
CIOS S110A-T03, 1 cr, CRN: 76867
Microcomputer Operating Systems I (Windows XP)
Flexible Entry, Feero
Prerequisite: CIOS Placement Exam or instructor permission
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Introduces the major features of how to use the computer's operating system. Topics
include window manipulation, file and hard disk management, customizing the desktop,
and troubleshooting.
CIOS S110B-UJ1, 2 cr, CRN: 75301
Microcomputer Operating Systems II (Windows 98)
JUN, Web Delivery, Staff, Course Dates: 10/7-12/14
Prerequisite: CIOS 110A
$40 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
Part B raises the user level to a "Power User". Topics include installation
and customization of the operating system, disk maintenance, customizing the desktop
work environment, adding and removing hardware and programs, and advanced file
management. Course may be repeated using a different operating system. Contact
with instructor is via e-mail and Internet. Registration and financial arrangements
must be completed by October 1, 2002, to provide time to order and receive course
materials before the first day of instruction. Additional information at the course
web site www.uas.alaska.edu/online/
or by calling 1-800-478-9069 or 465-6402. Requires personal computer with Windows
98 or ME, e-mail, internet, and a CD-ROM drive.
CIOS F116-UB1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Business Math Using Calculators
UAF, M,W, 3:30-4:45pm, Skiff
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in DVM 065 (Math Lab)
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from Bethel, students will be billed
Provides basic operating knowledge of the electronic calculator for such applications
as discounting, amount and percent of change, prorating interest commissions
and payroll. Development of proficiency in using machines for initial job
DEVM F065-UB2, 1 cr, CRN: TBA
Math Lab for CIOS 116
UAF, F 3:30-4:45pm; Course Dates: 9/14-12/14/02, Skiff
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in CIOS 116 required.
Books: Same as for CIOS F116-UB1
Designed to assist students in reviewing and reinforcing course concepts covered
by CIOS 116. Consists of instruction which may include lab instruction, individual
student work or group work.
CIOS S130-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 76873
Word Processing Concepts and Applications I (Word 2000/2002)
SIT, Flexible Entry, Feero
Prerequisite: 25 nwam and (CIOS 110A or CIOS placement test.) and instructor
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Introduces fundamental word processing concepts and operations. Students will
learn to use basic and specialized software applications to create a variety
of documents. May be repeated for up to three credits as long as software
CIOS S135-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 76875
Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications I (Excel 2000/2002)
SIT, Flexible Entry, Feero
Prerequisite: CIOS 110A, or CIOS placement test or instructor permission.
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Utilizes electronic spreadsheet software as a problem solving and decision-making
tool for business situations. Covers creating and modifying spreadsheets and
CIOS S140-UJ1, 1 cr, CRN: 75309
Database Concepts and Applications I (Access 2000)
JUN, Web Delivery, Johnson, Course Dates: 9/3 to 10/5/02
$40 Distance Fee
Prerequisite: CIOS 110A or CIOS placement test.
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Introduces fundamental database concepts and provides hands-on practice with popular
database management software product. Covers creating a databases, entering and
editing data, modifying database structures, searching and sorting, elementary
data retrievals, and using automated features to creating screen displays and
printed reports. Contact with instructor via e-mail and Internet. Registration
and payment arrangements must be completed by August 28, 2001, to provide time
to order and receive course materials before the first day of instruction. Additional
information at the course web site www.uas.alaska.edu/online/
or by calling 1-800-478-9069 or 465-6402. Requires computer with Windows 95/98ME/00/NT,
Microsoft Access 2000, e-mail, internet, and a CD-ROM.
CIOS S151-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 76880
Presentation Graphics: Powerpoint 2000/2002
SIT, Flexible Entry, Feero
Prerequisite: CIOS 110A, or CIOS placement test, or instructor permission
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Utilizes a computer presentation graphics program to organize and create professional
presentations. Emphasis is placed on effective design strategies.
CIOS S152-T01, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Digital Image Editing
SIT, Dates and Times TBA, Instructor: TBA
Prerequisite: CIOS 110A, or CIOS placement test, or instructor permission
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Introduces the fundamentals, concepts, and applications of digital imaging techniques
including basic color theory, setting up and using digital cameras and scanners,
manipulating images, and adding images to documents.
CIOS S160-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76881 CANCELED
Business English,
Dates and Times TBA, Boydston
Order books from MBS Direct
Applies the principles of English grammar, style, and usage to business correspondence.
Topics include capitalization, numbers, abbreviations, word division, forms of
address, and techniques and procedures for editing and proofreading, particularly
as applied to electronic documents. Also included are elementary computer word
processing and use of electronic mail.
CIOS S166-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76883
Medical Office Procedures
SIT, Th Time TBA, Bell
Prerequisites: CIOS 101B or equivalent
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Acquaints the prospective medical office employee with various procedures. Topics
include medical law and ethics, human relations, receiving patients, scheduling
appointments, financial records, and billing.
CIOS S230-T01, 2 cr, CRN: 76894
Word Processing Concepts and Applications II (Word 2000/2002)
SIT, Flexible Entry, Feero
Prerequisite: CIOS 130 or permission of instructor.
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Broadens the experienced word processing user's knowledge. Part A covers intermediate
word processing features such as styles, outlines, tables, merging documents,
linking, embedding, and Table of Contents. Part B emphasizes advanced word
processing features such as creating templates, onscreen forms, managing long
documents, form fields, and macros. May be repeated for up to three credits
as long as application software differs.
CIOS S235-T01, 2 cr, CRN: 76896
Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications II (Excel 2000/2002)
Flexible Entry, Feero, SIT
Prerequisite: CIOS 135 or permission of instructor.
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Utilizes electronic spreadsheet software as a problem-solving and decision-making
tool. Part A introduces databases, integration of spreadsheets with other
programs, and simple macros. Part B introduces more advanced spreadsheet functions,
tools, and macros. May be repeated for up to three credits as long as application
software differs.
CIOS S240-UJ1, 2 cr, CRN: 75323
Database Concepts and Applications II: Access 2000
JUN, Web Delivery, Johnson, Course Dates: 10/7 to 12/14
Prerequisite: CIOS 140.
$40 distance fee; Books: Order from MBS Direct (same book as CIOS 140)
Continuation of CIOS S140. Part A covers intermediate data retrieval
techniques, performing calculations and data aggregations, creating custom screen
displays and reports, and integrating database components with data documents
from other applications. Part B covers advanced data retrieval and maintenance
techniques, concepts of customized database application, and creating graphical
user interface components for database applications. Contact with instructor via
e-mail and Internet. Registration and payment arrangements must be completed by
October 1, 2002, to provide time to order and receive course materials before
the first day of instruction. Additional information at the course web site www.uas.alaska.edu/online/
or by calling 1-800-478-9069 or 465-6402. Note: Same text as CIOS S140.
Requires computer with windows 95/98/00/Nt, Microsoft Access 2000, e-mail,
internet and CD-ROM.
CIOS S241-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 76900
Cisco Systems; Semester I
SIT , Tu 6:00-9:00pm, Feero
CIOS 110A or CIOS Placement Test.
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Semester I of a four semester sequence. An in-depth study of fundamental
computer networking and data communications concepts essential in planning and
implementing a network within an organization. Topics include: The Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) seven layer reference model and hardware used, Internet
protocol (IP) and Media Access Control (MAC) addressing, protocols and standards
required in both hardware and software areas of networking, subnetworking and
determining / calculating subnet masks, data encapsulation, the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network layer protocol, fabricating Ethernet
cables, and designing a network.
CIOS S244-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 76901
Cisco Systems; Semester 2
SIT, Tu 6-9pm, DiGennaro
Prerequisite: CIOS 241; Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Semester 2 of a four-semester sequence. Provides an in-depth study of Router
Theory, TCP/IP, IP Addressing; and Routing Protocols as well as a hands-on introduction
to Router Components, Router Setup and Startup, Router Configuration, and the
Router Operating System. Students will master the following skills: Router Configuration,
associated hardware and software tools and techniques, maintaining an engineering
journal, and cable management techniques. Students will demonstrate these skills
through hands-on designing, configuring, installing, and programming of a five-router
CIOS S266-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76905
Medical Transcription
SIT, Instructor: TBA
Audioconference: Time and Dates TBA
Prerequisite: CIOS 130 and HIM 135
Order from MBS Direct
Emphasizes efficient operation of transcription equipment with quality output
of medical history and physical reports. Reinforces terminology.
Back to Index
CT S120-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76931
Basic Construction
SIT, Tu, Th, 6:00-9:00pm, Hughes
$100 lab/materials fee; Books: Order from MBS Direct
Overview of construction hand and power tool usage, building procedures
and codes, job and site planning layout, foundation, floor wall, and roof
framing methods, and current construction practices. Students are required
to have; nail bags, personal hand tools, safety glasses, earplugs and a
hard hat.
CT S222-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76934
Building Construction I
SIT, Tu, Th, 6:00-9:00pm, Hughes
Prerequisite: CT 120
$100 lab/materials fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
Skill development in contemporary methods of building construction. Students
are required to have; nail bags, personal hand tools, safety glasses, earplugs
and a hard hat.
CT S223-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76936
Building Construction II
SIT, Tu, Th, 6:00-9:00pm, Hughes
Prerequisite: CT 222
$100 lab/materials fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
Advanced skill development in interior and exterior finish carpentry and cabinet
making. Students are required to have; nail bags, personal hand tools, safety
glasses, earplugs and a hard hat.
CT S293-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76937
Advanced Construction
SIT, Tu, Th, 6:00-9:00pm, Hughes
Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
$100 lab/materials fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
Advanced skill development.
Back to Index
Four graduate level classes are available by distance in the Cross Cultural
Studies. For more information contact the Center for Cross-Cultural Studies
at (907) 474-1902 or the Center for Distance Education at 1-800-277-8060
CCS F601-UD1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Documenting Indigenous Knowledge
UAF, Audioconference: Dates and Times TBA, Ned
Description TBA
CCS F608-UI1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
UAF, Audioconference: Tu, Th 5:10-6:25pm, Kawagley
Description TBA
CCS F611-UD1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Culture, Cognition and ?
UAF, Audioconference: Th 5:10-6:40pm, Barnhardt
Description TBA
CCS F698-UD1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
UAF, Audioconference: TBA, Staff
Description TBA
DEVM F102-UT1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Introduction to Distance Education
UAF, M, W 5:10-6:25pm, Illingworth
$10 distance fee; Books: Sent from UAF; student will be billed.
A diverse menu of study skills for the student entering the distant learning college
environment. Skills include: active listening, effective reading, taking usable
notes, test preparation and test taking strategies, communication, and the use
of technology as a study resource all in the distance learning context. Additionally,
personal development elements such as time management, working with university
representatives, and accessing local resources will provide skills to maximize
the learning experience and address the intrusive issues that impact the learning
Back to Index
ECE S114-UJ1, 1 cr, CRN: 76529
ECE S114-UJ2 1 cr, CRN: 76530
Learning Environment
JUN, UJ1: Tu 5-6pm; UJ2: Tu 6-7pm, Greenough
Course Dates: 9/10-10/8/2002
$40 distance fee; Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Emphasizes the importance of an environment which is conducive to learning at
the developmental level and learning style of the children. It includes selection
of materials and equipment, room management, and scheduling. Must be taken concurrently
with supervised experience in a child development center. Must be taken concurrently
with supervised experience in a child development center. Requirements:
Two hours per week practicum in a supervised child development center, or supervised
access to young children ages 3-6.
ECE S171-UJ1, 1 cr, CRN: 76531
ECE S171-UJ2, 1 cr, CRN: 76532
Program Management
JUN, UJ1: Tu 5-6pm; UJ2: Tu 6-7pm, Greenough
Course Dates: 10/15-11/12/2002
$40 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Emphasizes activities which teach the student to be a program manager who uses
all available resources to ensure an effective operation. Emphasis is placed on
competent organization, planning and record keeping. Must be taken concurrently
with supervised experience in a child development center. Requirements:
Two hours per week practicum in a supervised child development center, or supervised
access to young children ages 3-6.
ECE S172-UJ1, 1 cr, CRN: 76535
ECE S172-UJ2, 1 cr, CRN: 76536
Professional Issues
JUN, UJ1: Tu 5-6pm; UJ2: Tu 6-7pm, Greenough
Course Dates: 11/19-12/17/2002
$40 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Emphasizes activities which assist the student to seek out and take advantage
of opportunity to improve is or her competence both for professional growth and
benefit of staff, family and children. Must be taken concurrently with supervised
experience in a child development center. Requirements: Two hours per week
practicum in a supervised child development center, or supervised access to young
children ages 3-6.
Back to Index
ECON F100X-UB1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Political Economy
UAF, M, W 5:10-6:25pm, Davis
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF, students will be billed.
Survey of the evolution and operation of the American domestic political economy
with consideration of market failures and government responses. Review of major
issues in political economy such as inflation, poverty and budget deficits.
Exploration of linkages between American and global systems. Does not meet the
requirement for ECON 201 and/or ECON 202. Class limited to 25 students. Meets
UAS General Education Requirements (GER)
ECON S202-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75401
Principles of Econ II: Microeconomics
JUN, Th 7:30-9:30pm, Aherns
$40 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
Theory of prices and markets; income distribution; contemporary problems of labor
and market structure, examination of international economic relations. Requires
access to a fax, VCR, email and the internet.
Back to Index
ED S293-JD1, 2 cr, CRN: 76502
Inclusion Training I: Envelope
JUN, Correspondence, Brenna
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Covers Inclusion, disability laws, partnerships with families and professionals.
Enhances understanding of disabilities and inclusion.
ED S293-JD2, 2 cr, CRN: 75404
Inclusion Training II: Envelope
JUN, Correspondence, Jackson
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Covers inclusion, disability laws, partnerships with families and professionals.
Enhances understanding of disabilities in inclusion. Continues from Part I. Course
applies to CDA and as an elective for AAS degree.
ED S293-JD3, 2 cr, CRN: 75405
Inclusion Training III: Envelope
JUN, Correspondence, Brenna
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Covers inclusion, disability laws, partnerships with families and professionals.
Enhances understanding of disabilities in inclusion. Continues from Part I. Course
applies to CDA and as an elective for AAS degree.
ED S322-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75409
Reading Instruction in the Elementary Class
JUN, Tu 12:30-1:30pm , Spangler
Prerequisite: Admission to Elementary Education Credential Program,
ED 222 or ED 205 for ECE emphasis.
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
An introduction to the methods and materials used in a reading program. Includes
an understanding of the reading process and an analysis of current reading practices
in light of what is known about the process. A broad perspective of philosophies,
teaching practices and programs are discussed. Student must have access to a VCR
and competency in and access to the internet. Requires: 25 hours of lab.
ED S333-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75411
The Learner and the Learning Process
JUN, Computer Conferencing, Staff
Prerequisite: PSY 101 or ED 210.
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
This course is designed to study learning theories by examining accounts from
educational psychology and the original writings of leading learning theorists.
Special emphasis is placed on the curricular, instructional and assessment practices
that are promoted by these different learning theories. Competency in and access
to the Internet required.
ED S615-J01, 3 cr, CRN: 75489
Literacy in the Intermediate Grades
JUN, Tu 4:30-5:15pm, Spangler
Prerequisite: ED 333, ED 230 and Admission to the Ed Credential
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Literacy philosophy, theory and practice in the intermediate classroom. Teaching
to individual differences: planning, teaching and assessing for student literacy:
organizing and managing for optimal student learning; communication with parents;
and professional behavior. Competency in and access to the Internet, and access
to a VCR required. Practicum experience in an intermediate (grades 3-8) classroom
is required. Non-resident tuition rates apply to this course.
ED S617-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75490
Science Methods in Elementary Classroom
JUN, W 6:00-7:00pm, Butler
Prerequisite: ED 230, ED 333 and Admission to Elementary Ed Credential
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Stacked with: ED 393-JD1.
The guiding ideas, materials and methods of current science instruction of elementary
school children. Emphasis on hands-on, minds-on learning and helping children
build conceptual webs. Competency in and access to the Internet required. Practicum
required. Requires access to a VCR. Non-resident tuition rates apply to
this course.
ED S618-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75491
Social Studies Methods in Elementary Curriculum
JUN, Tu 5:15-6:00pm, Spangler
Prerequisite: ED 230, ED 333 and Admission to Elementary Ed Credential Program.
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Stacked with: ED 393-JD2.
This course directly addresses the Alaska Teacher Standards for the teaching of
social studies in the elementary classroom by providing teaching theories, methods
and materials for social studies in the elementary grades. Understanding issues
behind philosophies of teaching; specific inquiry in a social science topic; planning,
teaching and evaluating a wide variety of activities and lessons; development
of long-term plans, goals and units for social studies within the Alaska Content
Standards. A weekly practicum is required. Competency in and access to
the Internet required. Requires access to a VCR. Non-resident tuition rates
apply to this course.
ED S620-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 76540
Curriculum Development
JUN, Marvel / Turne, Web Delivery
$75 distance fee, No books
Basic definition of curriculum. Present need for curriculum improvement; criteria
for selection of broad goals; types of curriculum framework and consideration
of the organization of specific learning experiences as part of the curriculum
ED S630-JD5, 3 cr, CRN: 76540
Educational Applications of Tool Software
JUN, Web Delivery, Ohler
$75 distance fee, No Book.
Student must have graduate or upper division standing, or be a certified educator.
This course focuses on the use of technology as a teaching and administrative
tool in education. Topics and management of tool software, telecommunications,
multi-media, and computer-assisted instruction. Also addressed are classroom and
building-level management of technology resources, software assessment and emerging
Back to Index
ENGL S003-T62, 0 cr, CRN: 77935
Writing Improvement Program
SIT, Flexible Entry, Staff
Books: None
Flexible entry program for adults and entering college students who want to improve
basic writing skills.
CSV-S040-T60, 0 cr, CRN: 78081
GED Preparation
SIT, Tu, Th 5-6pm; M 1-3pm at Job Center, Paul
Books: None
To assist adults in completing the GED test. UAS offers the following free services:
pre-testing, orientation, calculator instruction, individual tutoring, GED evening
class, material and supplies.
ENGL S092-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76955
English Review
Tu, Th 1:30-3:00 pm, Schafer
Prerequisite: English placement test
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Review of basic grammar, mechanics, and usage; development of clearly written
paragraphs and short essays.
ENGL S110-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 76956
Introduction to College Writing
Tu, Th 1:30-3:20 pm, McKenzie
Prerequisite: English placement test
Books: Order from MBS Direct
This course focuses on the basics of writing, including control of basic grammar
and punctuation. Through frequent writing and revision, students develop a
portfolio of essays that is submitted to a review panel for assessment at
midterm and at the end of the semester. The course does not satisfy
the GER communication requirement. ENGL 110 is designed to prepare students
for ENGL 111, students must pass a portfolio assessment of their writing at
the end of the semester.
ENGL S111-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 76959
Methods of Written Communication
SIT, M, W 4:30-6:00 pm, Demmert
Prerequisite: English placement test or 'C' or higher in ENGL 110.
Books: Order from MBS Direct, 1-800-325-3252
Instruction on techniques of essay organization and development, research,
and analytical reading and writing. A critical analysis and research paper
are required.
ENGL S311-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75567
Advanced Composition
JUN, Web Delivery; Andree
Prerequisite: Upper Division standing with 'C' or higher in ENGL 211 or instructor
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
Advanced principles of expository prose for academic purposes with some work
on fiction and poetry. Elements of rhetoric and style, grammar, paraphrasing
and research documentation. Student will participate in a writing workshop
approach: writing, responding, revising, editing and publishing frequently.
Requirements: Students will need to have access to a speaker-phone with mute
function, Internet connection for access to UAS Online and Caucus, and e-mail
ENGL F341-UI1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Contemporary Alaska Native Literature
UAF, Tu ,Th 6:50-8:05pm, Illingworth
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF, students will be billed.
Contemporary Alaska Native literature including novels, short stories, poetry,
and plays. Bibliography, genres and viewpoints, structural and thematic features
of stories. May concentrate on specific regional areas of the state.
ENGL S393 / S493-TU1, 1-3 cr, (393) CRN: 76966 / (493) CRN: 76968
Creative Writing: Poetry Workshop/ Advanced Poetry
SIT, Sa 10:00-noon, McKenzie
Prerequisite: ENGL 211 or ENGL 261 or instructor permission. If you are unsure
if you meet the prerequisites, please sent an e-mail to Liz McKenzie (liz.mckenzie@uas.alaska.edu)
or call 747-7723.
Books: Order from MBS Direct
This course will offer students with experience writing poetry, fiction, and/or
creative nonfiction the opportunity to workshop their writing in a supportive
environment. The majority of class time will be devoted to discussion of student
work. The course is offered as a variable credit course (1-3 credits). All students
will begin the semester together on September 7. Those students enrolled for one
credit will finish on October 5. Those students enrolled for two credits will
finish on November 9. Those students enrolled for three credits will finish on
December 14th. Enrollment is limited to 15 students.
Back to Index
ENVT S101-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76970
Introduction to Environmental Technology
SIT, M 6:00-8:00pm, Nathanson
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
An Introduction to the fields of environmental science and technology. Covers
the basics of ecology, nutrient and energy cycles, hydraulics, hydrology, water
quality, water pollution, drinking water purification, water distribution, sanitary
sewer systems, storm water control, wastewater treatment and disposal, solid and
hazardous waste, and air and noise pollution. Develops basic vocabulary and shows
inter-relationship among the various topics. Requires access to VCR. Required
for Environmental Technology Certificate and AAS degree.
ENVT S102-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76972
Applied Math for Water & Wastewater Operations
SIT, Tu, Th 5:30-6:50 pm, Nathanson
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
The course as a whole is an introduction to technical formulas used in the water
/ wastewater field. Part A introduces calculators, decimals, scientific
notation, percentages, exponents and geometry formulas for areas and volumes.
Part B consists of ratios and proportions and units of measurements (English
and metric). Part C has a emphasis on formulas and units used in water
/ wastewater (flow rates, detention times, pressure, efficiency, etc.). Requires
access to VCR.
ENVT S110-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76974
Drinking Water Systems
SIT, W 6:00-8:00 pm, Jackson
Books: Ordered from MBS Direct
This covers water topics critical to the operation and maintenance of drinking
water systems. Covers surface and ground water sources, raw water storage, pretreatment,
coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation. Also, filtration, disinfection, fluoridation,
corrosion control, distribution, regulations, and monitoring, and field observations
and data gathering are performed in functioning facilities and compliments the
material presented in class. Requires access to a VCR. Required for environmental
Technology Certificate and AAS degree.
ENVT S132-T01, 2 cr, CRN: 76977
Basic Sanitary Chemistry/Microbiology Lab
SIT, Class Dates: December 16-21, 2002, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Prerequisites: ENVT 130
$30 lab fee; no books
This lab is designed to coordinate with ENVT 130. Labs develop basic chemistry
and microbiology laboratory skills by performance of operational and quality control
tests used in water and wastewater treatment facilities. Tests performed in the
lab include pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorine residuals, fluoride residual,
turbidity, alkalinity, hardness, use of the compound microscope, and the total
coliform test.
ENVT S210-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76980
Water Treatment
SIT, M 6:00-8:00 pm, Jackson
Prerequisites: ENVT 102 or TT 100 and ENVT 110.
Books: Ordered from MBS Direct
This course covers the operational process of water treatment plants in detail
and operational safety and equipment maintenance. Processes discussed include
pretreatment, chemical coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, rapid sand filtration,
slow sand and pressure filtration, alternative disinfection methods, corrosion
control and taste and odor control. A lab in which experiments, field observations
and data gathering are performed in functioning facilities and compliments the
material covered in the course.
ENVT S220-TU1, 3 Credits CRN: TBA
Utility Structure and Organization
This course is the study of the legal structures
& the operational organization of small utilities. topics
include state and local governments, typical utility organization, laws and legal
documents, ordinances, data collection and reporting, record keeping and operation
and preventive maintenance strategies. Prerequisites: ENVT S120 or instructor
Instructor: Peter Nathanson (Sitka)
Audioconference: Th 7:00-9:00pm
Cost: $246 (tuition), $40 (distance), $15 (tech), $TBA (book)= TOTAL $TBA
ENVT S230-TU1, 2 cr, CRN: 76982
Intermediate Sanitary Chemistry/Microbiology
SIT, W 6-8pm, Carnegie
Prerequisites: ENVT 110, 111, 132
$12 materials fee; Order books from MBS Direct. (Same book as ENVT S130 of last
This course continues the study of chemistry and microbiology with special attention
to water and wastewater applications. Topics include oxidation/reduction reactions,
water softening, chemical corrosion, chlorine chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry
and nuclear chemistry. Others include microbial population dynamics, public health,
the microbiology of activated sludge, fixed film processes, anaerobic processes,
sanitary surveys and bioassays.
ENVT S232-T01, 2 cr, CRN: 76979
Intermediate Sanitary Chemistry/Microbiology Lab
SIT, Class Dates: December 16-21, 2002, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Carnegie
Prerequisites: ENVT 110, 111, and 230
$30 lab fee; no books
Lab is designed to coordinate with ENVT 230. Labs develop basic chemistry and
microbiology laboratory skills by performance of operational and quality control
tests used in water and wastewater treatment facilities. Tests performed in the
lab include BOB, COD, Jar Test, iron, manganese, nutrient analysis activated sludge
microorganisms, total heterotrophic plate count, and fecal coliform.
Back to Index
GEOG S101-UK1, 3 cr, CRN: 77736
Introduction to Geography
KET, M 4:30-5:50pm, Dunning
$40 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
World regions; analysis of environment with emphasis on the major culture realms.
Requires access to a VCR and fax machine. Meets UAS General Education Requirements
(GER) for non-lab science.
Back to Index
HIM S110-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76988
Introduction to Health Information Practice
SIT, Tu 6:30-8:00pm, Liberty/Gross
Prerequisites: HIM 135 or concurrent, admission to HIM program
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Review of history of U.S. Healthcare System and health information management.
Focuses include: introduction to hospital organization and operations, overview
of health information services and role in facility operations, flow chart processing,
storage and retrieval procedures, indexing and registries, patient record automation,
and record control procedures. Students will be evaluated on the basis of clinical
performance examinations, and/or project. Clinical internship of 32 hours in
an acute care setting. Requires access to a VCR.
HIM S135-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76990
Medical Terminology
SIT, M,W 4:45-6:15pm, Liberty;
Prerequisite: Regular admission status
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Focus is on terminology of body systems, root forms, prefixes and suffixes, protocols,
symptomatology, and medical abbreviations. Evaluation will be by means of assignments,
tests and a comprehensive final examination.
HIM S180-TU1, 2 cr, CRN: 76993
Computer Applications
SIT, Online Course, Feero/Liberty
Corequisite: HIM 110
Introduction to features of computer networks, such as email, computer conferencing,
databases, and bulletin boards. Overview of automated health information management
functions and emerging technologies. Evaluation through completion of computerized
exercises, computer project, class participation, and examination.
HIM S190-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 76995
CPT-4 Current Procedural Coding
SIT, M 5:00-6:45 pm, Zirul/Reed
Prerequisites: HIM 135, BIOL 111, or concurrent enrollment and instructor approval
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Review of alternative classification systems with major emphasis on HCPCS/CPT-4
ambulatory care coding. Overview of fraud and abuse regulations. This course
is restricted to students enrolled in the HIM degree or coding certificate program
who have met prerequisites. Non-HIM students will be admitted on a space
available basis only.
HIM S240-TU1, 2 cr, CRN: 76999
Legal Aspects of Health Information
SIT, Tu 5-6:15pm, Liberty
Prerequisites: HIM 110, HIM 120
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Review of legal implication of health records and related legal issues including
the patient record as a legal document. Examination of emerging laws and legal
trends impacting the management of healthcare information. Overview of confidentiality
issues. Evaluations will be on the basis of class discussion, papers, oral presentation
and final examination or project. This course is open only to students admitted
to the HIM program who have met the prerequisites.
HIM S260-TU1, 2 cr, CRN: 77731
Data Quality and Reimbursement
SIT, W 5:30-6:15pm, Houtary-Gilmartin
Prerequisites: HIM 210
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Continuation of HIM 210. Introduction to data quality issues including coding
validation, data accuracy, coding guidelines and training, and reimbursement issues
including Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs) Impact of coding accuracy and rates.
National exams and specialist credential: CCS and CCSP. This class is open
only to students enrolled in the HIM degree or coding certificate programs who
have met the prerequisites.
HIM S270-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 77001
SIT, Tu 6:30-8:00 pm, Knuth
Prerequisites: Regular admission status; HIM 135, BIOL 111/112
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
This class introduces students to the basic concepts underlying various pathological
processes. Students will draw on their knowledge of normal anatomy & physiology
to understand how pathogenesis of disease occur. We will discuss diagnostic process,
appropriate testing, and various treatment options. Lectures, discussion, assigned
reading, uses of references available to individual students, and case studies
will be utilized. This course is for students enrolled in the HIM degree or
coding certificate program. Non-HIM students will be admitted on a space available
basis only.
HIM S291-TU1, 2 cr, CRN: TBA
Internship in Healthcare Management
SIT, Day/Time arranged, Liberty
Corequisites: HIM 280
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Eighty-clock hours of professional internship in assigned health care setting.
40 hours per week with preceptor. Some lifting may be required. Concentrated clinical
work to familiarize graduating nurses with clinical registered nurse responsibilities.
Application of operational management theory for a health information service.
Orientation to all aspects of practice as a health information manager. Completion
of one or more management projects designed jointly by the student and clinical
supervisor. Student writes project report and site evaluation of review.
Back to Index
HIST S131-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77005
History of the US I
SIT, Tu ,Th noon-1:20 pm, Knapp
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment or placement into ENGL 110 or higher.
The discovery of America to 1865; colonial period, Revolution, formation of the
Constitution, western expansion, and the Civil War. Requires access to computer
with internet and e-mail, VCR and fax. Meets UAS General Education Requirement
HIST S356-UK1, 3 cr, CRN: 77739
Survey of Canada
KET, W 4:30-5:50pm, Dunning
Prerequisites: HIST 131, HIST 132 or HIST 105 & 106
$75 distance fee, Books: Sent fom Ketchikan; students will be billed.
This course is a survey of political, social and economic development beginning
with New France through the Confederation to the present. Requires access to a
VCR and fax machine.
Back to Index
HS S193L-TDL, 4 cr, CRN: 77014
Community Wellness Advocacy Training 1
SIT, Days and Times TBA, Roz Jenkins
The Community Wellness Advocate (CWA) Training Program is a new program that
trains students to effectively create and carry out health promotion activities.
It is ideal for village health and human service workers and others who want
to enhance the quality of life in their communities. The CWA Training Program
consists of four 3-credit courses taught over one year. The first and last classes
will be taught on the UAS Sitka Campus (each will last one week); classes two
and three will be distance delivered via audioconference and Internet. The four
classes will provide a summary of the CWA idea, introduce the basic principles
of public health, survey Alaskan health systems, and teach how to access and
use health resources both within and outside Alaska. Additionally, the program
will cover, in-depth, the foundations of 'one-on-one' group, and community health
education. It will also teach the skills necessary to become a successful health
promoter. Lastly, the program will cover the health issues and topics important
to Alaskans. For more information, contact Roz Jenkins @ 966-8734, or the Distance
Education Office @ 747-7714.
HS S193-T0?, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Introduction to Nutrition Education
SIT, Days and Times TBA, Sadlier-Hart/Hoyt
Prerequisite: Basic Nutrition and the Lifecycle or equivalent nutrition course.
Books: None
This course builds on Basic Nutrition and the Lifecycle. Students will explore
and practice various methods of instruction and counseling to creatively communicate
current nutrition concepts to individuals, small groups and community audiences.
Students will also develop a community nutrition resource library. The course
also includes development of basic foods and nutrition handouts and lesson plans
to meet low literacy and ethnically diverse audiences. Course includes a 4-day
residency in Sitka at the UAS campus plus 12 hour and a half distance delivered
classes. Travel scholarships are available to assist students in getting to
Sitka for the residency. For more information contact UAS instructional services
for and application at 1-800-478-6653.
Back to Index
HST F125-UK1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Introduction to the Addictive Process
UAF, Tu, Th 5:10-6:25pm, Roberts
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from Bethel, COD
Focus on gaining knowledge of psycho-social aspects of addiction. Historic and
behavioral approaches, disease concept and current trends relating to addiction
presented. Twelve steps and self-help approaches explored. Once registered, students
must contact instructor via e-mail at ffmjd@uaf.edu to be given password to access
course material. Access to computer with Internet connection required. Course
limited to 15 students.
HST S215-UT1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Individual Interviewing
UAF, Tu, Th 6:50-8:05pm, Koehler
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed.
Introduction to interpersonal communication skills. Focus on gathering client
information through the interviewing process. Emphasis on development of one
to one interviewing, behavioral observation and documentation.
HST S232/S233-UT1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Human Services Practicum I & II
UAF, Tu 4-5pm, Koehler
Course Dates: TBA
Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor; Phone: (907) 474-6658.
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF, students will be billed
Integration of human service theory with skill-based training through a professional,
supervised experience in a human service agency. Practicum requires a minimum
of 8 hours placement per week. . Seminar also meets one hour a week; students
shared learning peer support, and documentation, including progress notes, social
history, mental status, and case planning.
Back to Index
HUM S193-T01, 2 cr, CRN: TBA
Achieving Success in College
SIT, Tu, Th 3:30-5pm, Schroeder
Course Dates: 9/3-11/15/02
What does my instructor really expect from me? How can I make the most of my
own learning style? How can I navigate the maze of college rules and regulations,
and still leave with a degree and a good feeling about my future? How can I
juggle family, work and school, and still have time for me? How can I better
understand the motivations of those people around me? How can I improve my test-taking
skills? If you have found yourself asking these questions, then this is the
class for you. You will explore the answers to these questions (and more), and
you will develop strategies for setting and achieving your personal educational
Back to Index
LING F101-UB1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Nature of Language
UAF, M, W 6:50-8:05pm, Guthridge
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed
Description TBA
MT S193-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77064
MT S193-T02, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Small Outboard Repair and Maintenance
SIT, Tu 6-9pm, DenHerder
Section T01: 9/3-10/15/2002; Section T02: 10/29-12/10/2002
Books: Order from MBS Direct
General maintenance, emergency troubleshooting and minor repairs of the outboard
motor, including: starters, fuel systems, electrical and ignition, controls,
water pumps and lower units. Learn with hands-on activities. Topics covered
include: 2 and 4 stroke applications, propellers, submersion and salvage, oils
and fuels and proper boat application and mounting procedures.
Note: In order to promote student success, all students taking a math
course must first complete a Math Placement Exam or must have completed
the necessary prerequisites within the past five years.
MATH S054-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77040
Preparatory Math
SIT, M,W 1:30-3:00pm, Holt
Prerequisite: Placement test
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Review of arithmetic and the necessary background for a course in algebra
fundamentals. Topics include operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals,
ratios, and signed numbers. Practical applications in daily living explained
in addition to measurement and geometry.
MATH S055-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 77041
Fundamentals of Algebra
SIT, M, W, F 12:00-1:30pm, Holt
Prerequisite: MATH 054 with a ‘P’ grade or placement test.
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Introduction to elementary concepts, notations, processes and applications of algebra. Topics include, real numbers, writing and evaluating algebraic expressions, polynomials, factoring, rational forms, graphing, radicals, linear and quadratic equations, inequalities and problem solving.
MATH S105-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 77050
Intermediate Algebra
SIT, M, W 2:00-4:00pm, Hart
Prerequisite: MATH 055 with a ‘C’ or better, or placement test.
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Introduction to the properties, graphs, and applications of linear, quadratic, rational, and radical functions.
MATH S107-T01, 4 cr, CRN:77054
College Algebra
SIT, Tu, Th, 2:00-4:00pm, Hart
Prerequisite: MATH 105 with "C" or better
Books: Order from MBS Direct
A detailed study of linear, quadratic, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic
functions; operations on and applications of these functions, and selected topics
from algebra.
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MUS S123-JD2, 3 cr, CRN: 75654
Music Appreciation
JUN, Tu 7:30-8:30pm, Course begins September 11
$40 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
Introduction to the styles and elements of Western music from 1600 to the present.
Textbooks contain helpful and user-friendly listening guides and is supplemented
by a series of ten videotapes of legendary performers, including Miles Davis,
Yo Yo Ma, Wyton Marsalis, Itzhak Perlman and many other musical superstars. Meets
UAS General Education Requirements (GER). Non-resident tuition rates apply to
this course.
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PADM S601-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 75673
Introduction to Public Administration
JUN, W 7:00-9:45 pm, Anderson
Satellite course
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
This course introduces the intellectual history and development of the American
administrative state and the study of public administration, reforms in public
administration, and the current issues facing the field. One purpose of the course
is to integrate theoretical concepts in the field with current issues and practical
problems. Requires access to e-mail and the internet. The course is designed
to be the first course a new MPA student takes. Non-resident tuition rates
apply to this course.
PADM S615-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 76291
Intergovernmental Relations
JUN, Tu 7:00-9:45pm, Ritchie
Satellite course
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Complexities of managing programs at the federal, state and local level. Interface
between levels of government and the private sector; examination of budgetary,
decision-making, political and policy processes within the intergovernmental arena.
Design and evaluation of successful intergovernmental programs. Requires access
to e-mail and the internet.
PADM S689-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 76293
Scope/Methods Research Business and Public Administration
JUN, Th 7:00-9:45 pm, Anderson
Satellite course
Prerequisite: STAT 273 or equivalent
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
In-depth examination of various methods and techniques used by those who conduct
research in business and public administration or interpret and evaluate the research
of others. Emphasis is on the development of practical analytical tools. Requires
access to e-mail and the internet.
PADM S696-JD1, 3 cr, CRN: 76296
MT: Managing IT in the Public Sector
JUN, Time 7-9:45pm; Dates TBA, Jacobs
Satellite course
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Description TBA
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PE S103-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 77073
Beginning Tai Chi
SIT, Tu 5:00-6:00pm, Bleier
Held at Pioneer Home Chapel
Students will learn 20 movements and a pose. Tai Chi Chih is a simple, enjoyable,
easy-to-learn movement form. It is potent in its ability to immediately enhance
the flow of Chi in the body. Students will become relaxed as well as energized.
Requires no special clothing and can be practiced by anyone, regardless of
age or physical ability.
PE S103-T02, 1 cr, CRN: 77074
Intermediate Tai Chi
SIT, Th 5:00-6:00 pm, Bleier
Prerequisite: Beginning Tai Chi or permission
Held at Pioneer Home Chapel
Students will enhance their practice of basic Tai Chi.
PE S103-T03, 1 cr, CRN: 77075
PE S103-T04, 1 cr, CRN: 77076
Water Aerobics
SIT, M, W, F, 9:30-10:30am, Turner
Held at Blatcheley Middle School Pool
Class consists of an aerobic workout done to music in the pool. It is designed
to develop and / or maintain cardiovascular respiratory fitness and endurance
as well as increase flexibility, muscular strength, endurance and coordination.
Non-swimmers are welcome.
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PHIL 204-UTL, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Introduction to Logic
SIT, W, 7:15-8:45pm; Sallenbach
$246 tuition, $40 distance fee; $ 15 tech fee; Books: Sent from MBS Direct.
Principles of deductive and inductive logic and informal fallacies. Meets General
Education Requirements (GER).
PHIL F322X-UI1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
UAF, Tu, Th 8:30-9:45pm, Illingworth
$10 distance fee; Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed.
"Ethics," from the Greek word ethos meaning character, custom, usage,
is the study of value distinctions. Examination of the nature of value judgements-their
historical origins and philosophical assumptions-and exploration of the application
of value distinctions to contemporary social, religious, and scientific/technical
issues. Requires access to cassette player and VCR.
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PSY S101-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77087
Introduction to Psychology
SIT, Tu, Th 10:00-11:30am, Call-Tarbet
Books: Order from MBS Direct
An introduction to the fundamentals of general psychology and human behavior.
Topics include: an overview of the field of psychology, the brain and nervous
system, perception, consciousness, learning, memory, language, thought,
intelligence, motivation, emotion, stress, and personality.
PSY S193-T01, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Issues in Self-Defense for Women
SIT, Thurs. 5-8pm, Marconi
Order from MBS Direct
This class provides an in-depth understanding of physical, emotional, and psychological
self-defense for women. The class is geared towards women of all physical abilities
and will be tailored to students' needs and concerns. Participants will have the
opportunity to work together in a collective and non-competitive way to gain tools
to defend themselves, and to better understand violence against women within a
broader social analysis of oppression.
PSY S302-UTL, 3 Credits, CRN TBA
Social Psychology
Audioconference: W, 5:30-7:00pm
Instructor: William Sallenbach (Sitka)
Order Books from MBS Direct, 1-800-325-3252 or
Examines the behavior of individuals in social situations
and why individuals behave, think, and feel as they do in the presence of others.
Includes research methods, social perceptions and inferences, stereotyping and
prejudice, aggression, attitudes, conformity, obedience, group processes, social
environmental influences on behavior. Prerequisites: PSY 101 and upper division
standing or permission.
PSY S375-TUL, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
ST: Current Issues in Psychology
SIT, T, 4:00-5:30pm, Sallenbach
Prerequisite: PSY 101 or permission of instructor
Order books from MBS Direct.
Covers contemporary topics related to the field of psychology. Subjects focus
on such areas as: environmental psychology, psychology and religion, stereotyping
and prejudice, industrial / organization psychology, domestic violence, psychology
and the media, forensic psychology.
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RD F200-UK1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Community Development
UAF, Tu, Th 5:10-6:25pm, John
Class Dates: TBA
.$10 distance fee; Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed.
Description TBA
RD F300-UD1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Rural Development in a Global Perspective
UAF, W 5:10-6:25pm, Rank,
Class Dates: TBA
Prerequisites: Junior standing or instructor’s permission.
$10 distance fee; Books: Sent from UAF; students will be billed.
Explores the relationship between rural communities and the global economy, with
an emphasis on sustainable development. Highlights the multiple meanings of “development”
and issues of population growth, environmental change, gender, and indigenous
peoples as they relate to rural development. Includes an introduction to the basic
concepts and theories of development.
RD F350-UB1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Community Research Techniques
UAF, M, W 6:50-8:05pm, Davis
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF, students will be billed.
Description TBA
RD F400-UD1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Rural Development Internship
UAF, Arranged; Staff
Prerequisites: Enrollment only by prior arrangement.
Structured experience in an appropriate educational, agency of corporate setting. Approved project required.
RD F475-UD1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Rural Development Senior Project
UAF, Arranged; Staff
Prerequisites: Senior Standing or permission of instructor.
Under faculty supervision, the student completes a major theoretical, research
and/or applied project which relates the student’s applied emphasis area to
rural development considerations.
RD F492-UD1, 1-3 cr, CRN: TBA
Rural Development Seminar
UAF, Arranged; Staff
Prerequisites: Upper division standing, RD 300 or equivalent and permission
Various topics of current interest and importance to the Rural Development major.
Topics announced prior to each offering and course may be repeated for credit.
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SWK F103-UC1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Social Work for Human Services
UAF, M,W 5:10-6:25 pm, Harding
$10 distance fee, Sent from UAF; students will be billed
Introduction to profession of social work and human services delivery system.
Examines historical development of social work focusing on the knowledge, values,
and skills that characterize the social worker. Orientation to context for social
work, including diversity of human needs, human services, social policy and legislation.
Services, programs, and career opportunities within rural and urban Alaska, as
well as nationally are discussed.
SWK F306-UD1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Social Welfare Policies
UAF, Tu, Th 5:10-6:25 pm, Caringi
$10 distance fee, Sent from UAF; students will be billed
Description TBA
SWK F460-UC1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Social Work Practice
UAF, M,W 6:50-8:05pm, Harding
Prerequisites: SWK 306, 320, 342, SOC 473, which can be taken concurrently with
SWK 461, social work major, senior standing, concurrent with SWK 460.
$10 distance fee, Books: Sent from UAF, students will be billed
Developoment of beginning skills in interviewing and helping processes with individuals,
families and groups. Application of intervention strategies and techniques made
to case materials, primarily in family and child welfare services. Contracting,
case management and social brokerage.
SWK F461-UC1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Practicum in Social Work
UAF, F 3:30-4:30pm, Harding
Prerequisites: SWK 306, 320, 342, SOC 473, which can be taken concurrently with
SWK 461, social work major, senior standing, concurrent with SWK 460.
$10 distance fee, Sent from UAF, students will be billed
Individual training and practice in a social service agency. Students complete
200 hours of direct practice in an approved agency under the supervision of a
field instructor.
SWK F473-UC1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Social Science Research Methods
UAF, Tu, Th 3:30-4:45pm, Hannigan
$10 distance fee, Sent from UAF, students will be billed
Description TBA
Back to Index
SOC F100X-UN1, 3 cr, CRN: TBA
Individual, Society and Culture
UAF, Tu, Th 5:10-6:25pm, Hannigan
$10 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
The science of the individual as a social being, emphasizing the interact ional,
structural, and normative aspects of social behavior. An attempt is made to construct
a cross-cultural framework in understanding and predicting human behavior.
SOC S102-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 77106
Science Technology and Society
SIT, M 5-6pm, Knapp
Books: Order from MBS Direct
This course investigates how science, technology, and society have developed through
history and how each has influenced the other. The content of the course is designed
to broaden the student's understanding of the relationships between science, technology
and communities guiding the student to recognize similar examples in Alaska. Access
to computer with internet and e-mail, a VCR and fax required.
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SPAN S100A-T01, 1 cr, CRN: 77111
Conversational Spanish
SIT, T 12:00-1:30pm, Johnson
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Provides beginning students with a basic foundation in conversational Spanish.
Students learn to speak in the present tense and learn to read and write simple
paragraphs. Conversation related to everyday situations.
SPAN S101-T01, 4 cr, CRN: 77112
Elementary Spanish I
SIT, M, W 12-1:30pm, Johnson
Books: Order from MBS Direct
The course will lay a broad grammatical foundation and provide the organizational
skills required for internalizing and processing the Spanish language. Course
is a direct introduction with an emphasis on oral drills. Meets UAS General
Education Requirements (GER).
Back to Index
SPC S111-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77119
Fundamentals of Oral Communication
SIT, M 2:00-5:00pm, Schafer
Prerequisite: Completion of, or simultaneous enrollment in ENGL 110 or 111,
or completion of ENGL 110 or 111 with "C" or higher or instructor
Books: Order from MBS Direct
Introduction to the field of oral communication focusing on interpersonal,
small group, and public speaking processes. Covers skills for improving feedback,
active listening, language usage, nonverbal behavior, audience analysis, and
techniques for speech preparation, delivery and alleviating speaking anxiety.
SPC S418-JD2, 3 cr, CRN: 75742
Advanced Speech Communication
JUN, Web Delivery, Weigel
Prerequisite: A lower division speech communication course, ENGL 111 with "C"
or higher or instructor permission
$75 distance fee, Books: Order from MBS Direct
Advanced analysis and application of selected topics from the field of speech
communication. Students having taken SPC S218 may enroll in these course provided
that the "topics" of study are different. Topics may include but are
not limited to: Gender Communication, Oral Interpretation, Theories of Communication,
Family Communication, Leadership, Nonverbal Communication, or Persuasion. The
specific topic is announced in the semester schedule. The course may be repeated
for credit when content varies.
Back to Index
STAT S273-TU1, 3 cr, CRN: 77124
Elementary Statistics
SIT, Days and Time TBA, Liddle
Prerequisites: MATH 107 or equivalent.
Books: Order from MBS Direct.
Introduction to data analysis, least-squares regression, data production,
sampling distribution, probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing.
Back to Index
Combined Welding Sections:
The following courses all meet at the same time and in the same location
(either during the first half of the semester or during the second half
of the semester). The instructors work individually with each student
to provide the appropriate content areas. Each class is two credits and
requires a $100 lab/supplies fee.
WELD S104-T01, T02, T03, 2 cr
Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Cutting and Brazing
T01: CRN: 77138; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T02: CRN: 77139; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T03: CRN: 77201; Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
Covers OAW fuel gasses, equipment materials, processes and safety. Develops
skills in welding of mild steel up to three sixteenths in all positions, welding
small diameter pipes, razing cast iron, soldering, and manual flame cutting
of various thickness and shapes.
WELD S105-T01, T02, T03, 2 cr
Arc Welding
T01: CRN: 77140; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T02: CRN: 77141; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T03: CRN: 77202; Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
Introduces shielded metal arc welding (smaw) power sources, electrodes, equipment
distortion control, inspection, and safety. Develops skills in basic techniques,
beading and padding, welding joints in flat or horizontal position, and application
of four types of electrodes.
WELD S107-T01, T02, T03, 2 cr
Arc Welding II
T01: CRN: 77142; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T02: CRN: 77143; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T03: CRN: 77203; Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
Covers SMAW testing, arc cutting and gouging, AWS and ASME qualification, and
metal identification. Develops skill in jointing in the vertical and overhead
position, and in using 60 to70 series electrodes. Includes certification practice.
WELD S108-T01, T02, T03, 2 cr
Arc Welding III
T01: CRN: 77144; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T02: CRN: 77145; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T03: CRN: 77204; Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
Covers SMAW of nonferrous metals, cast iron, hard surfacing, and metallurgy.
Develops welding skills in stainless steel, nickel rod, aluminum arc-rod, mild
steel. Includes AWS and ASME certification practice.
WELD S120-T01, 3 cr, CRN: 77146
Basic Welding
SIT, Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
A beginning level course covering the fundamentals of oxyacetylene welding,
brazing and cutting, and electric arc welding. Emphasis in flat and horizontal
welding positions on mild steel using a variety of welding rods and techniques.
WELD S130-T01, T02, T03, 2 cr
Mig Welding I
T01: CRN: 77154; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T02: CRN: 77155; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T03: CRN: 77156; Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
A beginning level course covering the fundamentals of oxyacetylene welding,
brazing and cutting, and electric arc welding. Emphasis in flat and horizontal
welding positions on mild steel using a variety of welding rods and techniques.
WELD S131-T03, 2 cr, CRN: 77159
Tig Welding
SIT, Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
Introduces gas metal arc welding (GMAW) equipment, metal transfer, shielding
gasses, CP power source, and fluxed, cored and submerged arc. Includes skill
development in hard wire welding of mild steel in all positions.
WELD S135-T01, T02, T03, 2 cr
Blueprints and Symbols
T01: CRN: 77166; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T02: CRN: 77167; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T03: CRN: 77207; Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
Covers how to read and interpret the engineering drawings commonly encountered
by welders, including welding symbols, orthographic projection, mathematical
calculations, and development of the ability to visualize weldments and assemblies
from blueprints.
WELD S193-T01, T02, T03, 2 cr
Mig Welding II
T01: CRN: 77168; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T02: CRN: 77169; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T03: CRN: 77208; Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
Gas metal arc welding offers information and practical application of metal
transfer, shielding gasses, and CP power source. Skill development includes
welding of aluminum in all positions.
WELD S200-T01, T02, T03, 2 cr
Metal Fabrications Lab
T01: CRN: 77173; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T02: CRN: 77174; M, W 6:30-10:00pm, Lawson
T03: CRN: 77209; Tu, Th 10-11:30am, Puckett
A course in designing, constructing and finishing one or more projects of student's
choice using at least one welding process and metal forming equipment.
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All UAS students, including students with special needs are encouraged
to use the Learning Center. You may complete scheduled and independent classes
in math, reading, spelling and vocabulary. Individual assistance to improve
your study, time management and accounting skills is available, as well
as knowledgeable math and English tutors. Scheduled tutoring hours are posted
outside the Learning Center.