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Institute Penyelidikan Perubatan Akupunktur (Berdaftar) Research Institute of Medical Acupuncture ( RIMAc) Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Year 2002 Our New Campus Address will be at Lot 122, Open University Garden Kg. Gelang, Mas, Meranti Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia
The Courses are open to all interested in Chinese Medicine
We offer Long Term & Short Term Courses In Acupuncture, that suit your need.
4 - 7 days Theory & Practical [ 66 Hours ] at our 15 beds Acupuncture Medical Centre.
9.00 am - 4.00 pm daily - Started every monday Friday & Saturday off
Course Fees RM 2,500 ( Malay or English language)
Course fees include the registration, student card, examination and certificate fee.
ONE MONTHS COURSE In Acupuncture Theory & practical training at our college hospital.
Course Fee RM 3,500 ( Malay or English Language )
Note: For Foreign Student!
Visa Visa will be granted to all student after we receive the course fee in full amount.
Date & Duration
Courses commence every week starting on Sunday and completed by Saturday.
Certification & Examination
The examination will be held in three part:
1. Clinical Practice 2. Written 3. Viva ( Oral )
A minimum of 50 % marks has to be obtained by every student to qualify for certification. Only student satisfactorily completed the course will be awarded Certificate / Diploma/ Master In Acupuncture by our Institute.
Medal For Best student
A medal / certificate will be awarded to the best student of the year who obtain the highest marks in each group.
Uniform Student must wear a white overcoat while attending the course. Overcoat can be purchase at the college - cost RM 55.00 each.
Accommodation There are two types of accommodation available at our New Campus 1. Chalet Aircond RM 65.00 per night 2. Chalet Without Arcond RM 35.00 per night. 3. Hostel RM 20.00 per night ( per head )
Accommodation Monthly basis 1. Hostel RM 300.00 per month ( per head )
By year 2002 All student must stay at our chalets or dorm within our university compound at Pasir Mas which cost from RM 20.00 per night per person (dorm) While RM 65.00 per night for chalet ( two person )
Exchange Rate - January 2003 US $ 1 = RM 3.75
(Kota Bharu to Faculty Campus at Kg. Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas is about 12 km. Only)
Canteen Cheap and good foods available at our "University Café" in the compound of our college & Hospital. Student may cook on their own - free and open canteen
Coffee are free at our University compound
Post-Graduate Course in Acupuncture
Student who qualify from our Institute may apply for post graduate course , either in India, Pakistan, UK or China. We have twin program with those universities.
How to apply For Admission Your may Email direct to our Research Institute via mnri_acupuncture@yahoo.com
List of Lecturers Prof Dr Nik Omar D.Ac., M.Ac.,MDH.,Ph.D. MRIAc Prof Dr Mohd Nasir, D.Ac.,M.Ac.F.,M.DH, MRIAc Prof Drs Wan Mohammad, D.Ac., MDH,MRIAc Mr Nik Fairuz Hakim, D.Ac.,M.Ac.F.,MRIAc H/Dr H.H. Chan, D.Ac., MDH.,
Link to our Main RIMAc Web page Researh Institute of Medical Acupuncture.
"Don't wait till tomorrow, what you can do today"
Our New Book On Acupuncture Clinical Acupuncture & Moxibustion by Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar & Nik Fairuz 340 Pages Book in English Price: RM 45.00 including postage ( Oversea US 30.00 including postage)
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