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English Quotations :

  • For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
  • The life that is in tune with God is keyed to the note of love. (by J.R. Miller)
  • If you do not yet understand all these teachings perfectly, do not presume to boast of possessing the knowledge they contain. He who does shall incur wrath, my friend. For only he who has first mastered them completely has the right to consider them his own. (Serat Wedatama)
  • Live is hard. Its harder when you're stupid. (Joe Bednorz)
  • If you think there is a solution, you're part of the problem. (G.C.)
  • Engineering is the implementation of science, Politics is the implementation of faith. (Zetetic Commentaries)
  • Love many, trust few.
  • Our tongue is a small part of our body but can destroy a whole country as a small match can burn down a forest.
  • Never trust the democracy of the majority.
  • The anger of a dog ends in a tail, but the anger of the mind is in the head (meaning a dog will forget anger but a human should hang on to vengeance).
  • Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. (Unknown)

Indonesia Quotations:

  • Untuk segala sesuatu ada masanya, untuk apapun di bawah langit ada waktunya. (Pengkhotbah 3:1)
  • Alon-alon waton on time (Biar lambat asal tepat waktu). (by Dagadu)
  • Hidup itu berat. Dan akan terasa lebih berat jikalau anda bertindak bodoh. (Joe Bednorz)
  • Jika anda pikir bahwa ada penyelesaian untuk suatu masalah, berarti Anda adalah bagian dari masalah tersebut. (G.C.)
  • Teknik adalah implementasi dari suatu ilmu, politik adalah implementasi dari suatu keyakinan. (Zetetic Commentaries)

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