Hot Stuff (Indonesia version)
I think you need Cool Stuff too, here :
Ingredients :
- ginger root (ginger powder)
- sugar
- hot water
Put some pounded ginger root (two spoonfull ginger powder) in a glass.
Pour water in it. Pour a spoonfull of sugar in it and stir.
You have cold ?? *POOF*.. everything will be gone..
Ingredients :
- Pure Milk
- Egg (1)
- Honey
- Ginger root(ginger powder)
- Sugar palm (or sugar cane)
Take an egg and separate it between white and yellow (the yolk of egg).
We just need the yolk of egg. Put the yolk and a spoonfull honey
into the small/medium glass. Shake them carefully by tea spoon.
Put the crunch ginger root (ginger powder) in it. Warm up the pure
milk little bit. Pour the warm milk into the glass which contains mixed stuff
and add a little bit sugar (if necessary). You also can add a little bit
chocolate. Hmmmmm...... You ready 'warm up' and.. go to heaven...
Ingredients :
- A bunch of corn
- Margarin (butter)
- Chilli pepper
- Cheese
Prepare the grill or charcoal for roasting corn.
Take a bunch of corn, pile the skin. Spread butter on it.
Put corn on the grill (or burned charcoal) and fan it. Roast the corn till
getting little bit brown. Spread butter on it for the second time.
Roast the corn again. Take it over and over meanwhile you fan it.
Roast the corn until little bit dark.. Take it out from the grill (or burned
charcoal) and spread over shreded cheese on it.
Well, it's ready for starving people.....
(For those who like hot stuff, put butter on it and spread red hot chili pepper (chili powder)
on it. Roast it for a while. ) READY to hang out... whole night....
Ingredients :
- Bread
- Margarin (butter)
- Banana
- Chocolate
- Honey
Take 2 slices of bread. Put butter (margarin) on it. Spread off honey on it.
Take a (sweet yellow) banana and cut it up vertical on the middle into 2 slices.
Rub thight chocolate on 2 slices cut bananas. Put this bananas on the bread
and put another one on the top.
The last step is toast (roast) it on the hot wok (put little bit margarin on it) or
electric toaster.
Hhhmmmmmmmm.... YES ! It's ready....
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