The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland;Degree: M.A. (Organic Chemistry)Honors: Elected to Sigma Xi, Phi lambda Upsilon
1966 - 1968
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland;Degree: Ph.D. (Physical Organic Chemistry)Honors: Elected to Phi Beta Kappa
1968 - 1969
McCollum Pratt Institute of Molecular Biology:post-doctoral research training (Photobiology)
1971 - 1972
School of Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University; post-doctoral research training (Biochemistry)
1982 - 1983
Department of Higher and Adult Education, Teachers College, Columbia University; course work and research on higher education with emphasis on the community college, continuing education, and linkages with business/industry.
Department of Chemistry, (Currently, Physical Sciences and Engineering), Essex Community College, Baltimore County, Maryland 21237; Instructor (1974-1978), Assistant Professor (1978-1982), Associate Profressor (1982-1991), promoted to Professor, September 1, 1991; Food Technology Program Coordinator, 1988-1992; Co-director, National Science Foundation Young Scholars Program, 1990-1991 and 1992-1993; Chemistry Department Head, 1977-1980; Academic Council
1976 - 1981
The Johns Hopkins University Evening College and Summer Session; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
1972 - 1974
The Park School of Baltimore, Incorporated, Instructor (Chemistry, Physical Science, Mathematics, Computer Science)
1969 - 1971
W. R. Grace and Company, Washington Research Center, Clarksville, Maryland; Research Chemist
Acting Director of Special Sessions and Credit Contracts; responsible for operation and programming at Mid-County Center in Towson and the neighborhood centers at Parkville, Loch Raven and Perry Hall High Schools; supervision and evaluation of classified staff and center coordinators; negotiation, staffing and supervision of credit contract progamming.
January - July, 1985
Acting Director of Non-credit Continuing Education; development, implementation, and evaluation of all non-credit continuing education courses; supervision of classified and professional staff pertaining to non-credit courses, coordination of hiring of instructors, maintenance of accurate records of all non-credit courses, supervision and preparation of course description forms and courses and participant data for approval of and FTE- funding by the SBCC.
Acting Division Chairman, Division of Science and Mathematics, Essex Community College; budget preparation and monitoring, course/curriculum evaluation and development, evaluation of faculty for promotion, tenure, and merit pay increases, evaluation of classified employees, attendance at Division Chairman's Meetings, etc.
"Linking Connnunity Colleges with Business/Industry through Contract Training," March 25, 1983, Center for Community Colleges, Teachers College, Columbia University.