Dr. Carl E. Minnier
Professor at ECC since 1968.

Other Faculty :

Education :
- B. S. Chemistry, Bucknell University [Lewisburg, PA] 1963
- Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, DE [Elizabeth Dyer] 1968, Honors - elected to Sigma XI

Scholarly or Creative Work :
Using the computer in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry at a Community College
Poster session and oral presentation in the session Innovations in General Chemistry
Spreadsheets for the conference in Issues in Gateway Chemistry Courses sponsored in part by the NSF, November, 1996, at UMBC
The Methylene Group, Karl Marx, and Das Kapital, J Chem Ed., 1976
Cystinuria: The Relationship of pH to the Origin and Treatment of a Disease, 1973
The Mini-Computer in the Freshman Laboratory, J. Chem Ed., 1971
Coffee Cans as Desicators, J. Chem Ed., 1970
Acylation of Purine-8-Thione, J. Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1969 - with Elizabeth Dyer
Acylations of Purine-6-Thione and Related Compounds, J. Organic Chem, 1968 - with Elizabeth Dyer
Acylations of some 2-Amino-6-Halo and 2-Amino-6-Alkylthiopurines, J. Medicinal Chemistry, 1968 - with Elizabeth Dyer
Dakin-West Reactions on 2-(Purin-6-Ylthio) Propionic Acid, J. Organic Chem, 1968 - with Elizabeth Dyer

Professional Activities :
- Elected Councilor of the American Chemical Society (ACS) for four years. One of about 400 chemists out of 110,000.
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Maryland Section of the ACS (selected for an outstanding medium size section for this year)
- Founder and Chair of the "Outstanding Student Award" given to students from about 17 colleges in the section's territory. Founded in 1976 and still going strong
- Former Education Chair of the Maryland Section ACS
- Former Public Relations Chair of the Maryland Section ACS
- Former member of the Local Section Committee of the National ACS - coauthored the report on the A.D. Little Study
- Former alternate Legislative Councilor of the ACS for the Maryland Second Congressional District
- Field Reader for the Department of HEW - Title III Grants for several years

Texts -
Notes & Exercises for Organic Chemistry
Notes and Excercises for Inorganic Chemistry
Laboratory Manual for Inorganic Chemistry
Laboratory Manual for Organic Chemistry

Syllabi for Courses Taught :
Check out each syllabi for possible links under each exam number

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