Bibliography of Punjab Related Resources on the Web

I am presentely working on a project to make a bibliography of internet resources related to Sikhism and Punjabi.My employer isThe University of British Columbia,geographically located at Vancouver in the province of British Columbia,Canada.I thought that while I am at it,why not put it online simultaneously.So,here it is folks.

Nahal Global Trading Company

A collection of books related to Sikhism and Punjabi.This is a commercial site.

Central Gurudwara Resource Centre

They produce a monthly ne wsletter that pertains to Sikhhism and Sikhs around the world.This site also sells CD-ROMS and multimedia resources related to Sikhism and Punjabi.

Gurdeep's Sikhism Page

A collection of links to other Sikhism related pages.As of 2nd January 1997,total links=28.

Yayasan sant Attar Singh ji brahm vidya niketan Malaysia

A large scale project to build a spiritual centre in malaysia for spreading Sikhism.

KhalsaNetic Homepage

Main info content is punjab history,population staticstics for 1880,heroes of punjab,punjab chat page, sikhism,map of punjab but the biggest attraction of this site is an encyclopedia of sikhism.

Great Sikh Warriors

Introduces us to great sikh warriors including but not limited to Banda Bahadur,Nawab Kapoor Singh ji Singhpuria and Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia.

Book Publisher's List

A list of punjabi book publisher's with their addresses.As of 2nd January 1997 nine publishers are listed.

Punjabi American Heritage Society

Contents include Introduction to Sikhism and News related to Sikhism.


Maintained by followers of Yogi Bhajan.Content includes sikh bazzra(where you can buy stuff),discussion forum,art gallery which includes a good collection of photographs of Golden Temple,Sikh way of lifeand Kundalini yoga.

Yogi Bhajan

A site dedicated to Sant Sri Yogibhajan and Kundalini Yoga.

Please inform me of any broken link at
Amandeep Sandhu