También en Español 
Hello, as you can imagine my name is Ismael, I hope you´ll like my page, I don´t know a lot of HTML and the only thing I know about Java is its logo. 
I study 4th at (Computer Science Faculty) Facultad de Informática int (Polytechnic University of Valencia) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, (if I weren´t doing this I could pass more exams) I  pretend to make a useful page, so if you have an HTML or Java Tutorial for making better this page, just tell me.
You can ask me everything you want about this pages and make suggestions. 

 My latest projects have been a game card  Cinquillo in Visual Basic , a CD to Cassette optimizer and an encryption program still in beta development 


This are the sections in which I have structured my page.
[My Software] [Utilities] [WEB] [Amstrad CPC] [Main]

Last Update: 4/26/98

Copyright 1996-98 by Ismael Salvador Igual issalig@inf.upv.es

This page is under construction :-)