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A Dozen Top Reasons to Dump the Simon Fraser Student Society


In theory, students should expect a student society that works for their needs and interests. Student leaders are supposed to set an example by voluntarily devoting their energy and commitment into endeavours aimed at better representing all students. Even in real life, students should expect as a minimum that their student society should be sensible and effective in carrying out its mandate, whatever that mandate is.

Unfortunately, after years of mis-management and self-serving activities, the Simon Fraser Student Society has become a bureaucratic, arrogant and unreformable organization. Years of effort have been put in to try to make changes in the organization, but every time an attempt is made, it is challenged with stiff opposition by those who have abused the noble ideal of student representation in the name of their own narrow agendas.  The only solution left to rectify this problem is to dissolve the old organization and to establish a new student society at Simon Fraser University.

Did you know that there are numerous top reasons to dump Simon Fraser Student Society? These are but a dozen of the most obvious ones.  Knowledge is power.  Here is what the SFSS doesn't want you to know:


DID YOU KNOW that there are more interesting facts surrounding the SFSS (in addition to the dozen points above), which you can get from reading the SFSS documents, Forum minutes and attending SFSS Forum meetings?

These documents are available during normal office hours from the SFSS Resource Office in the MBC.  Regular members of the SFSS rarely make requests for information about the SFSS, so the SFSS exists without any real measure of public accountability.

Forum meetings are generally every second Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in the Forum Chamber, just below the Highland Pub and next door to the Peak.  Inquire at the SFSS General Office for specific times.


Are these enough reasons for you to dump the Simon Fraser Student Society?

The SFSS is beyond reformation.  Over the years, many students have tried to improve the organization.  Without exception, their efforts were helpless.  Wherever they turned and whatever they tried, someone or something is always there to put things back to the way they were originally.  The best way to end the red tape and mismanagement is to end the SFSS.  It could be wound down in a short period of time, giving time for it to meet all its financial and contractual obligations.  Then, once closed, a new student society based on open democratic principles and responsible stewardship of student resources will be incorporated under the Society Act of BC to take its place.

January 1998