Want me to tell you? - 12/06/00 00:17:14 Home Town: Rigaud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favourite Colour: NAVY BLUE Favourite Movie: Interview with the... Favourite Food: SNAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Personal Interests: EAT and SLEEP | Comments: Right Honourable AL...bert bert bert bert bert... What's the chance of that? Well too bad it's the last time I'm going to see you in this wonderful town of Rigaud. Maybe I will see you soon in YVR!? All the best in EDMONTON (!?) Ben |
Todderick - 11/22/00 17:37:25 Home Town: Charlottetown Favourite Colour: Metallic Blue Favourite Food: Not tofu and chocolate ice cream Personal Interests: Lots of sex | Comments: This site rules!!! |
Saadat - 09/28/00 12:40:21 Home Town: Concord Favourite Colour: Silver Favourite Movie: Money Talks | Comments: good job. Al. |
Carmen Wong - 09/24/00 04:23:35 My Email:carmenwong@bigfoot.com Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Colour: Orange and Grey Favourite Movie: My Fair Lady Favourite Subject: nutrition Favourite Food: Bluberry Milkshake Personal Interests: Swing and Ball-room Dancing, Drama | Comments: Dear Albert, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and photo with us. Your web page is informative and interesting. It would be great if there're dates attached to the photos as well. Hope you're enjoying your new life in Edmonton ! Best regards, carm |
Helen Glavinic - 08/06/00 18:34:58; 04/25/99 04:29:40 My Email:hglavinic@home.com Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Colour: any shade of blue Favourite Movie: a foreign film that I am unable to remember the name of at the present time Favourite Subject: statistics, not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favourite Food: Pizza, any type of seafood, especially prawns and salmon Personal Interests: hiking, biking, swimming, travelling, reading, spending money that I do not have, tennis, politics especially inernational and thanks to Albert SFU politics | Comments: This is quite impressive Albert, the number of seats you have filled while at our school frightens me. Thanks for all the inside political scoop and debates regarding the SFSS, SCORE, and everything else. You have definately made my time at the library le s boring! Congratulations on your graduation and good luck in finding a job as a politician extrordinaire. I hope you will remember some of my left wing, sociological,and politically correct statements. Also I hope you never forget where Croatia is on a m p again! Please add some pictures of the lovely Edmonton, Alberta! |
Shelley Dai - 07/30/00 05:45:59 Home Town: GZ Favourite Colour: red Favourite Movie: Top Gun Favourite Food: Chinese Personal Interests: pet | Comments: Nice site! |
St. Michael, The Head Angel - 07/23/00 06:08:11 My Email:St_Michael@Canada.com Home Town: Heaven Favourite Colour: Gold Favourite Movie: Sleepless in Vancouver Favourite Subject: Theology Favourite Food: Pasta Personal Interests: Everything | Comments: Good job! Keep changing your Web-site everyday. |
shelley - 07/14/00 18:51:58 My URL:http://www.planetfish.net/ubcdanceclub My Email:shelleyg@interchange.ubc.ca Home Town: Coquitlam BC Favourite Colour: purple Favourite Movie: Strictly Ballroom; I Have a Date with Spring (chinese); Dancing with the Dragon (chinese) Personal Interests: ballroom dancing | Comments: Nice website Albert! Informative, easy to navigate, good photos.... Good job! =) |
bao mach - 09/27/99 01:16:53 My Email:bmach@sfu.ca Home Town: Selkirk, MB Favourite Colour: Green Favourite Movie: The Matrix Favourite Subject: Sports and Girls Favourite Food: Seafood Personal Interests: Sex, drugs and sports | Comments: You are a trouble maker and it's a consensus. It looks like you have everything going for you but, you forgot one thing....Chicks, that is any solution to the questionable existence of self-worthness of life...manhood manifestation requires this...this no -self-alienated object or more or less subject...this is what all of us macho men need,...what i am trying to say is Albert, involve yourself less with committees and find yourself a woman...god knows my sole existence depends on my girlfriend...for every hing...including you know it--sex!!! Good luck Albert...May the force be with you... baom!* |
Lori Karanka - 09/12/99 23:35:31 My Email:lkaranka@sfu.ca Home Town: Burnaby Favourite Colour: Blue Favourite Subject: Political Science | Comments: |
Mickey Mouse - 09/12/99 03:04:29 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/untitledmilk My Email:MM1928ouse@aol.com Home Town: Seattle, WA US Favourite Colour: green-to pine green Favourite Movie: Robin Hood Men in Tights Favourite Subject: like in school......um school sux, but ART is cool Favourite Food: anything that's eatable Personal Interests: I like FUEL and Garbage, guitars are cool, Trent | Comments: I don't know why I visited your site, don't ask why :-) UM, David Leong had a link to this place and I came here. no profanity...... wow, nice page. |
Warren - 09/11/99 21:24:41 My Email:wrcundy@sfu.ca Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Colour: Green Favourite Movie: The Usual Suspects Favourite Subject: Statistics.. yeah, that's it. Favourite Food: Pasta Personal Interests: snowboarding, hiking, camping, rollerblading... | Comments: Hey Albert. Congratulations on getting out of SFU, both with your degree and your better job! Its been good working with you, you always have entertaining stories and "inside" information on what's going on around school. Good luck in Alberta! |
Cathy Planta - 08/22/99 03:25:35 My Email:cplanta@sfu.ca Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Colour: Blue and Purple Favourite Movie: Don't have one . . . Favourite Subject: Back in the Day . . . Physical Education Favourite Food: Fruits, Chinese Food Personal Interests: Ice Hockey, Basketball, In-line Skating, Jogging, Hiking, Kick boxing, Swing and Latin Dancing | Comments: Hey Albert, I am very impressed with your webpage, you rock!!! Hee, hee, this is so much fun, I can't wait to have my own homepage. Thanks for making work a lot less boring, talking about politics, and god knows what else. Don't go stealing my trucks a ain though! Congrats on graduation, and if I ever see your name, running for a political position, I'll definitely vote for you!!! See ya soon, Cathy |
Osanna Lai - 07/02/99 21:13:03 My URL:http://www.sfu.ca/~kylai My Email:ky_lai@hotmail.com Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Colour: Blue Favourite Movie: N/A Favourite Subject: MIS Favourite Food: Too many..... Personal Interests: Too many..... | Comments: Hi Albert! Nice homepage! How many years did you spend on getting 2 degrees? |
Senator To - 06/22/99 21:19:43 My URL:http://www.sfu.ca/~sto My Email:sto@sfu.ca Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Movie: Clinton's impeachment trial Favourite Subject: Any Subject I get A Favourite Food: Spaghetti Personal Interests: Right Wing Conspiracy, Aviation | Comments: Your Photo album is a great collection of your life and memory. It is the great courage to put the personal photos on web. I like your "ADULTHOOD" picture. |
Leo M. Lui - 05/23/99 02:41:14 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/leolui/ My Email:leol@lionsgate.com Home Town: Vancouver, B.C. CANADA Favourite Colour: Ukrainian Blue Favourite Movie: Studio 54 Favourite Subject: Life (ya, it's a bit cheesy) Favourite Food: $0.99 Pizza Personal Interests: Hey, that's perosnal! =) | Comments: |
Catherine Cheng - 05/23/99 01:58:37 My Email:cccheng@sfu.ca Home Town: Shang Hai Favourite Colour: yellow Favourite Movie: don't know yet Favourite Subject: physiology Favourite Food: Chinese food Personal Interests: read, watch movie | Comments: So Albert, you are graduating too, eh?! I am so happy that you won the election and is the senator in your graduating class. I have known you for almost 3 years now and I think you are incredibly hardworking and dedicated to your work. I am very pround of you because most Chinese Canadian students are not very involed in the university, but you have the guts, devotion and talents to be so active and involved in our univeristy life. You have given us chinese a good name by being the senator and voice ou students' voice. I am looking forward to see your name and face everywhere in the future when you running for elections. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do. And don't forget us when you become rich and famous. :)! Catherine |
mai law - 03/31/99 05:15:01 My Email:yuenmai@sfu.ca Home Town: burnaby Favourite Colour: purple Favourite Food: everything | Comments: |
Eben de Klerk - 02/12/99 22:48:05 My URL:http://home.intekom.com/eben My Email:omni@intekom.co.za Home Town: Bloemfontein Favourite Colour: Blue Favourite Movie: Blade Runner Favourite Subject: Science Favourite Food: Potjiekos Personal Interests: Chess, Egypt | Comments: Nice site! I enjoyed my visit! ![]() |
Michael Benezra - 02/02/99 09:10:17 My Email:mbenezra@sfu.ca Home Town: Jerusalem Favourite Colour: Lemon Yellow Favourite Movie: I hate movies Favourite Subject: white house sex scandal Favourite Food: caf french fries Personal Interests: classical music | Comments: Hi Albert, very nice website you got here, impressibe too. I really liked the refreshments in the Senate meeting today, I'm going to drop by every month from now on. See you later. |
Gavin So - 01/20/99 13:55:08 My Email:h9517326@hkusua.hku.hk Home Town: Hong Kong Favourite Colour: silver Favourite Movie: Beast Wars 2 Favourite Subject: surely NOT chemistry Favourite Food: delicious food | Comments: Albert, I still don't understand how to open your so called "25 photos", I can only see 3 photos yet! Anyway, you are surely a good webdesigner, what a nice page! But could you please added some beauty photos in your page instead of just your photos only lei?! |
Eric Bin - 01/20/99 00:04:00 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ericbin My Email:ebin@istar.ca Home Town: Vancouver | Comments: Hi Albert! Neat picture of your teenage years. |
David Leong - 12/24/98 06:49:11 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/dleong88 My Email:daviddw@writeme.com Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Colour: blue Favourite Movie: Jerry Maguire Favourite Subject: Computers Favourite Food: Japanese Personal Interests: Asian current events, computers, Disney | Comments: A very well-organized page with interesting content. |
Vicky - 12/20/98 21:11:20 My Email:vickywk@interchange.ubc.ca Home Town: Vancouver, BC Favourite Colour: Sky blue Favourite Movie: Little Women & Sense and Sensibility Favourite Subject: English Literature Favourite Food: Tofu and Chocolate ice cream Personal Interests: Piano, collecting teddy bears | Comments: Cool page, dude!! Nice pics! |
Eric Kwan - 12/14/98 03:48:37 My Email:96981548r@polyu.edu.hk Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Colour: Navy Blue Favourite Movie: Love Letter Favourite Subject: Maths Favourite Food: Fish & Chips Personal Interests: Thinking | Comments: Albert, I am glad that we are in fate to be friends and I am proud to have a friend like you. |
Mr. Scorpion - 08/23/98 14:53:41 My URL:http://come.to/scorpion.com My Email:factscomment@hotmail.com Home Town: Cairo Favourite Colour: Navy Blue Favourite Movie: The Craft Favourite Subject: Politics Favourite Food: Burgers Personal Interests: PCs | Comments: Nice Page...you're real good in webdesign...Best of Luck Come Visit mine |
Harry Lee - 07/30/98 03:17:20 My Email:Momo@hongkong.com Home Town: Vancouver Favourite Colour: Blue Favourite Movie: Titanic Favourite Subject: Cars... sport cars Favourite Food: All Personal Interests: Girls | Comments: You've got yourself a pretty good homepage !.. Albert... hey!!. what am I suppose to say here ?? |
Humphrey Bogus - 04/01/98 17:06:56 My URL: http://www.chiquita.winslet.com My Email: serial_killer@sesamestreet.edu Home Town: Alert, Canada Favourite Colour: Fluorescent Pink Favourite Movie: Heavenly Creatures Favourite Subject: Psychology Favourite Food: Chiquita Bananas Personal Interests: Collecting love letters from guys in the chat rooms who think I am a gorgeous teenage girl living in their neighbourhood.... | Comments: This is only a sample entry aimed at giving you the entertainment and amusement you deserve! Please be yourself when you sign this guestbook. ;-) |