Casing rates for letters - from 16 to 18 pieces per minute.
This is 0.0555 minutes per piece. Old standard was 0.0625 minutes per piece. It will equate to 7 minutes less for every 1000 letters the carrier handles.
Flats - from 8 pieces to 10 pieces a minute.
This is 0.100 minutes per piece. Old standard was 0.125 minutes per piece. It will equate to 25 minutes less for every 1000 flats the carrier handles.
Strap-out standard - from 60 pieces to 70 pieces per minute.
This is 0.01428 minutes per piece. Old standard was 0.0166 minutes per piece. It will equate to 2.32 minutes less per 1000 pieces strapped out.
Also, the definition of a letter has been revised from 5" to 6 1/8". There is no way to calculate this impact. The mix of the size mail you recieve from the mailer will determine it.
Substantial Service Changes - The number of minutes required to tirgger a modification of a route evaluation has been reduced from 120 minutes to 60 minutes. Any future interim adjustments will trigger a change in the carrier's evaluation when the addition of boxes and miles to the route equates to 60 minutes rather than the old 120 minutes. Carriers should be very careful when submitting the change. Based on the chart of evaluated hours, a change in 60 minutes in route time may not increase the pay depending on where the route's evaluation falls on the chart.
Ex. A route is evaluated at 51:02. On the new chart this will be a 43 K route. If 60 minutes in changes is accumulated the new evaluation will be 52:02. This is still a 43 K route. In this example the carrier needed 70 minutes to cause a change in pay.
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