Additional Provisions implemented by arbitrator's award
1. Include handicapped employees in Article 2, Non-discrimination and Civil Rights.
2. An exception to the relief day worked provisions, allowing a regular carrier to voluntarily work their relief day for an X day, scheduled the same way as annual leave, to allow a relief carrier a day off.
3. Table of evaluated hours for Auxiliary route from 12 to 57 hours.
4. Regular may be made to work designated holiday only when relief unavailable.
5. Vacant regular routes evaluated 26 standard hours and under revert to auxiliary status.
6. Compliance with decisions by a court, EEOC or federal agency reemploying a former rural carrier.
7. Change from a RCR to RCA will not require a new probationary period.
8. When a TRC assigned as primary backup on an auxiliary route, management may use the TRC or a PTF prior to offering to substitutes, RCAs and RCRs.
9. ELM shall be changed to reflect that rural carrier step increases may not be withheld based on the carrier's work performance.
10. The parties have agreed that the Postal Service will establish a policy letter indicating that supervisors shall not require, nor permit, rural carrier craft employees to work off the clock.
11. USPS shall issue a policy letter reminding district staffs to provide postmasters with reasons for any red-lined column R time and the responsibility to inform the employee.
12. It is agreed that the Postal Service will provide 3,000 right-hand drive postal-owned or postal-leased vehicles on rural routes each year for a five year period, starting in calendar year 2004 and ending in calendar year 2008. These vehicles are in addition to any postal vehicles provided to replace the 10,804 postal vehicles currently assigned to rural routes.
Standards Changes