Home Activity Program for the Progressive
This Project is focusing on
the strengthening of the family values as the first line of defense against
God centered values and attitudes,
Understanding for co-workers and fellowmen,
Genuineness of concern for country and people,
Mutuality of efforts for assistance and development, and
Adherence to law and to highest standard of public service.
Pioneering flagship project initiated
by the former Regional Director of PRO6, P/CSUPT MIGUEL G CORONEL, developed
and expanded by the present Director to provide morale and welfare services
for the police personnel and their families.
Disaster Preparedness Program
Upgrading the public safety capability
by Training on Disaster Preparedness, Search and Rescue that will be cascaded
down to the municipal, barangay and family level.
Intensified Anti-Criminality Campaign Especially Kidnapping
Continuous manhunt operations are
being conducted without let-up to produce quality accomplishments focusing
on sensational crime solutions especially kidnapping for ransom (KFR).
Enhanced Complan Pagbabago
Positive innovations that are not
only punitive in nature but also developmental. Aside from the usual Moral
Value Formation programs, a Higher Education Program is made available
in cooperation with the local school universities and colleges.
COPsified ISO
The PNP is spearheading the developmental
and multi-sectoral approach for the commonality of directions and
complementarily of efforts among all concern government agencies. A deepening
lecture on Pro-Democracy People's War (PDPW) to counter the propaganda
of the NDF's legal and underground front organization are being undertaken
to make the people aware of the communist threat.
Special Intel Projects
Updating of the 15 top priority
intelligence projects and the computerization of case tracking are vigorously
pursued. The law enforcement without fear or favor is being upheld regardless
of the suspect's stature.
Expanded Police-Media Relation
Public information activities are
geared towards ensuring that the PNP plans, programs and accomplishments
are effectively communicated to the people.
Legal Assistance
For cases which are in-line of duty,
legal assistance is provide by enlisting the support of the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines and other organizations willing to provide free
legal assistance to the PNP members. Other legal approaches will be explored
for the sake of our policemen. This is a joint project with the Iloilo
Business Club.
Election Preparations
PRO6 will make this an opportunity
to showcase the PNP's reliability and dependability in ensuring an honest,
orderly and peaceful election. Operations against loose firearms, private
armed groups, criminal elements, other threat groups and intense political
rivalries are on-going to cool down the areas considered as hot spot.
Urban Counter-Terrorism
Organized and trained the 2nd batch
of Special Weapon and Tactics (SWAT) units with emphasis on "judgment
call" and the "art
of negotiation".
Scene of Crime Operation (SOCO)
Seminars and hands-on training were
conducted on modern approaches to Methods of Investigation and the Crime
Laboratory Service which were upgraded thru available fund support of the
PNP, RPOC, GOs and NGOs.
Project YES
Youth for Environment and Safety.
A Crime Prevention Program in support
of GUGMA was designed to encourage youth participation and cooperation
in environmental preservation and public safety.
Making the Women and Children's Desk (WCD) Work
Fast tracked the activation of WCD
in all Police Station in cooperation with civic clubs like the Soroptimist
International, Iloilo Women and Family Affairs Committee of the Sanguniang
Panglalawigan, and other foundations/councils that will conduct the
much needed training and seminars in preparation for their roles.
Information Technology Development
PRO6 is now on the World Wide Web(www)
with its E-mail address at pro6@iloilo.net. Its home page is now
on-line and will be updated regularly.
Enhance Police Beat System (PBS)
PBS as a component of COPS, has
been proven to be the best ways of realizing the community relation objectives.
This is complimented with project "Caring
Ensuring Security and Safety of Festivals
Western Visayas showcases the merriest
festivals considered as world class tourist attraction such as Dinagyang,
Ati-atihan, Halaran
and Masskara.
In support of the DOT in attracting tourist in the region, PRO6 is upgrading
the security and safety to ensure peaceful and orderly celebration of these